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Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Uitgave 8/2017

Special Section: Executive Functions and Externalizing Symptoms

Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)

Is Poor Working Memory a Transdiagnostic Risk Factor for Psychopathology?

Cynthia Huang-Pollock, Zvi Shapiro, Hilary Galloway-Long, Alex Weigard

Does Preschool Self-Regulation Predict Later Behavior Problems in General or Specific Problem Behaviors?

Christopher J. Lonigan, Jamie A. Spiegel, J. Marc Goodrich, Brittany M. Morris, Colleen M. Osborne, Matthew D. Lerner, Beth M. Phillips

  • Open Access

Mother-Child Interactions and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Preschoolers over Time: Inhibitory Control as a Mediator

Rianne van Dijk, Maja Deković, Tessa L. Bunte, Kim Schoemaker, Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, Kimberly A. Espy, Walter Matthys

Pow! Boom! Kablam! Effects of Viewing Superhero Programs on Aggressive, Prosocial, and Defending Behaviors in Preschool Children

Sarah M. Coyne, Laura Stockdale, Jennifer Ruh Linder, David A. Nelson, Kevin M. Collier, Lee W. Essig

Neurophysiological Processing of Emotion in Children of Mothers with a History of Depression: the Moderating Role of Preschool Persistent Irritability

Ellen M. Kessel, Autumn Kujawa, Lea R. Dougherty, Greg Hajcak, Gabrielle A. Carlson, Daniel N. Klein

Shyness Trajectories across the First Four Decades Predict Mental Health Outcomes

Alva Tang, Ryan J. Van Lieshout, Ayelet Lahat, Eric Duku, Michael H. Boyle, Saroj Saigal, Louis A. Schmidt

Attentional Bias in Children with Asthma with and without Anxiety Disorders

Joanne Dudeney, Louise Sharpe, Gemma Sicouri, Sarah Lorimer, Blake F. Dear, Adam Jaffe, Hiran Selvadurai, Caroline Hunt