Uitgave 5/2002
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
ADHD Outside the Laboratory: Boys' Executive Function Performance on Tasks in Videogame Play and on a Visit to the Zoo
Vivienne Lawrence, Stephen Houghton, Rosemary Tannock, Graham Douglas, Kevin Durkin, Ken Whiting
Young Adult Follow-Up of Hyperactive Children: Self-Reported Psychiatric Disorders, Comorbidity, and the Role of Childhood Conduct Problems and Teen CD
Mariellen Fischer, Russell A. Barkley, Lori Smallish, Kenneth Fletcher
Serious Delinquent Behavior, Sensation Seeking, and Electrodermal Arousal
Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Adrian Raine, Rolf Loeber, Magda Stouthamer-Loeber, Stuart R. Steinhauer
Relations Among Children's Perceptions of Maternal Behavior, Attributional Styles, and Behavioral Symptomatology in Maltreated Children
Sheree L. Toth, Dante Cicchetti, Jungmeen Kim
Effortful Control: Factor Structure and Relation to Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors
Kathleen T. Murray, Grazyna Kochanska
An Examination of the Response Styles Theory of Depression in Third- and Seventh-Grade Children: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study
John R. Z. Abela, Karen Brozina, Emily P. Haigh
Exposure to Violence and Suicide Risk in Adolescents: A Community Study
Robert Vermeiren, Vladislav Ruchkin, Peter E. Leckman, Dirk Deboutte, Mary Schwab-Stone