Uitgave 4/2017
Inhoudsopgave (17 Artikelen)
The Role of Family Routines in the Intergenerational Transmission of Depressive Symptoms between Parents and their Adolescent Children
Erika M. Manczak, Deanna Williams, Edith Chen
Cultural Differences in the Reciprocal Relations between Emotion Suppression Coping, Depressive Symptoms and Interpersonal Functioning among Adolescents
William Tsai, D. Julie Nguyen, Bahr Weiss, Victoria Ngo, Anna S. Lau
Maternal Sensitivity: a Resilience Factor against Internalizing Symptoms in Early Adolescents Born Very Preterm?
Noémie Faure, Stéphanie Habersaat, Mathilde Morisod Harari, Carole Müller-Nix, Ayala Borghini, François Ansermet, Jean-François Tolsa, Sébastien Urben
Family Transitions in Cohabiting Families: a Longitudinal Investigation of the Role of Parent Depressive Symptoms in Youth Problem Behaviors
Justin Parent, Virginia D. Peisch, Rex Forehand, Andrew Golub, Megan Reid
Prospective Relations between Overeating, Loss of Control Eating, Binge Eating, and Depressive Symptoms in a School-Based Sample of Adolescents
Keneisha Sinclair-McBride, David A. Cole
The Long-Term Effectiveness of the Family Check-up on Peer Preference: Parent-Child Interaction and Child Effortful Control as Sequential Mediators
Hyein Chang, Daniel S. Shaw, Elizabeth C. Shelleby, Thomas J. Dishion, Melvin N. Wilson
Behavioral and Nondirective Guided Self-Help for Parents of Children with Externalizing Behavior: Mediating Mechanisms in a Head-To-Head Comparison
Josepha Katzmann, Christopher Hautmann, Lisa Greimel, Stephanie Imort, Julia Pinior, Kristin Scholz, Manfred Döpfner
Behavioral Couples Treatment for Substance Use Disorder: Secondary Effects on the Reduction of Youth Internalizing Symptoms
Michelle L. Kelley, Adrian J. Bravo, Abby L. Braitman
ODD Symptom Network during Preschool
Tess E. Smith, Christine A. Lee, Michelle M. Martel, Marni E. Axelrad
The Longitudinal Effects of Oppositional Defiant Disorder Symptoms on Academic and Occupational Functioning in the Transition to Young Adulthood
Bonnie J. Leadbeater, Megan E. Ames
Clinical, Sociobiological, and Cognitive Predictors of ADHD Persistence in Children Followed Prospectively Over Time
Tara McAuley, Jennifer Crosbie, Alice Charach, Russell Schachar
Attention Problems as a Mediator of the Relation between Executive Function and Social Problems in a Child and Adolescent Outpatient Sample
Dane C. Hilton, Matthew A. Jarrett, Kristina L. McDonald, Thomas H. Ollendick
DSM-5 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Structure in Disaster-Exposed Adolescents: Stability across Gender and Relation to Behavioral Problems
Xing Cao, Li Wang, Chengqi Cao, Jianxin Zhang, Jon D. Elhai
Prevalence and Correlates of Direct Self-Injurious Behavior among Chinese Adolescents: Findings from a Multicenter and Multistage Survey
Xiuhong Xin, Yuping Wang, Jianqun Fang, Qingsen Ming, Shuqiao Yao
Incremental Validity of Teacher and Parent Symptom and Impairment Ratings when Screening for Mental Health Difficulties
Madison Aitken, Rhonda Martinussen, Rosemary Tannock
Erratum to: Impaired Social Decision-Making Mediates the Association Between ADHD and Social Problems
- Erratum
Kathryn L. Humphreys, Chardeé A. Galán, Nim Tottenham, Steve S. Lee