Uitgave 4/2016
Inhoudsopgave (16 Artikelen)
Can Callous-Unemotional Traits be Reliably Measured in Preschoolers?
Eva R. Kimonis, Kostas A. Fanti, Xenia Anastassiou-Hadjicharalambous, Biran Mertan, Natalie Goulter, Evita Katsimicha
Grey Matter Volumes in Children with Conduct Problems and Varying Levels of Callous-Unemotional Traits
- Open Access
Catherine L. Sebastian, Stéphane A. De Brito, Eamon J. McCrory, Zoe H. Hyde, Patricia L. Lockwood, Charlotte A.M. Cecil, Essi Viding
The Phenomenology of Non-Aggressive Antisocial Behavior During Childhood
S. Alexandra Burt, M. Brent Donnellan, Brooke L. Slawinski, Kelly L. Klump
Dual Trajectories of Reactive and Proactive Aggression from Mid-childhood to Early Adolescence: Relations to Sensation Seeking, Risk Taking, and Moral Reasoning
Lixian Cui, Tyler Colasante, Tina Malti, Denis Ribeaud, Manuel P. Eisner
Comorbid Development of Disruptive Behaviors from age 1½ to 5 Years in a Population Birth-Cohort and Association with School Adjustment in First Grade
Rene Carbonneau, Michel Boivin, Mara Brendgen, Daniel Nagin, Richard E. Tremblay
Social Risk and Peer Victimization in Elementary School Children: The Protective Role of Teacher-Student Relationships
L. Christian Elledge, Allison R. Elledge, Rebecca A. Newgent, Timothy A. Cavell
Testing for Plausibly Causal Links Between Parental Bereavement and Child Socio-Emotional and Academic Outcomes: A Propensity-Score Matching Model
Leslie D. Williams, J. Lawrence Aber
Predictors of Mental Health Resilience in Children who Have Been Parentally Bereaved by AIDS in Urban South Africa
Stephan Collishaw, Frances Gardner, J. Lawrence Aber, Lucie Cluver
The Role of Parent Psychopathology in Emotion Socialization
Rosanna P. Breaux, Elizabeth A. Harvey, Claudia I. Lugo-Candelas
The Relation between Severity of Autism and Caregiver-Child Interaction: a Study in the Context of Relationship Development Intervention
Jessica A. Hobson, Laura Tarver, Nicole Beurkens, R. Peter Hobson
Temperament and its Association with Autism Symptoms in a High-risk Population
Nancy Garon, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Susan Bryson, Isabel M. Smith, Jessica Brian, Caroline Roncadin, Tracy Vaillancourt, Vickie Armstrong, Lori-Ann R. Sacrey, Wendy Roberts
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo and ADHD Inattention as Predictors of Externalizing, Internalizing, and Impairment Domains: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study
Maria del Mar Bernad, Mateu Servera, Stephen P. Becker, G. Leonard Burns
Does Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Predict Levels of Depressive Symptoms during Emerging Adulthood?
Michael C. Meinzer, Jeremy W. Pettit, James G. Waxmonsky, Elizabeth Gnagy, Brooke S. G. Molina, William E. Pelham
Examining Early Behavioral Persistence as a Dynamic Process: Correlates and Consequences Spanning Ages 3–10 Years
Hyein Chang, Sheryl L. Olson
Trajectories of Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Children with Developmental Disabilities
Penny Hauser-Cram, Ashley C. Woodman
Health Anxiety in Preadolescence - Associated Health Problems, Healthcare Expenditure, and Continuity in Childhood
Charlotte Ulrikka Rask, Anja Munkholm, Lars Clemmensen, Martin K. Rimvall, Eva Ørnbøl, Pia Jeppesen, Anne Mette Skovgaard