Uitgave 3/2019
Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)
Bidirectional Associations between Peer Relations and Attention Problems from 9 to 16 Years
Linqin Ji, Bin Pan, Wenxin Zhang, Liang Zhang, Liang Chen, Kirby Deater-Deckard
Preadolescents’ Internal Attributions for Negative Peer Experiences: Links to Child and Classroom Peer Victimization and Friendship
Michael T. Morrow, Julie A. Hubbard, Marissa K. Sharp
The Course of Neurocognitive Functioning and Prediction of Behavioral Outcome of ADHD Affected and Unaffected Siblings
- Open Access
M. van Lieshout, M. Luman, L. J. S. Schweren, J. W. R. Twisk, S. V. Faraone, D. J. Heslenfeld, C. A. Hartman, P. J. Hoekstra, B. Franke, J. K. Buitelaar, N. N. J. Rommelse, J. Oosterlaan
Stressful Life Events, ADHD Symptoms, and Brain Structure in Early Adolescence
Kathryn L. Humphreys, Emily L. Watts, Emily L. Dennis, Lucy S. King, Paul M. Thompson, Ian H. Gotlib
Do Working Memory Deficits Underlie Reading Problems in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Michael J. Kofler, Jamie A. Spiegel, Elia F. Soto, Lauren N. Irwin, Erica L. Wells, Kristin E. Austin
The Associations between Callous-unemotional Traits and Symptoms of Conduct Problems, Hyperactivity and Emotional Problems: A Study of Adolescent Twins Screened for Neurodevelopmental Problems
- Open Access
Marie Claire Saunders, Henrik Anckarsäter, Sebastian Lundström, Clara Hellner, Paul Lichtenstein, Nathalie M. G. Fontaine
Parental Depressive Symptoms as a Predictor of Outcome in the Treatment of Child Internalizing and Externalizing Problems
Dikla Eckshtain, Lauren Krumholz Marchette, Jessica Schleider, Spencer Evans, John R. Weisz
The Mediating Role of Trauma Symptoms in the Association between Past and Future Teen Dating Violence Victimization
Caitlin Rancher, Ernest N. Jouriles, David Rosenfield, Jeff R. Temple, Renee McDonald
Anxiety and Attentional Bias in Children with Specific Learning Disorders
Stephanie L. Haft, Priscilla H. Duong, Tiffany C. Ho, Robert L. Hendren, Fumiko Hoeft
Perceived Relationship Development in Anxious and Non-Anxious Adolescents: a Person-Centered Five-Wave Longitudinal Study
Hana Hadiwijaya, Theo A. Klimstra, Jeroen K. Vermunt, Susan J. T. Branje, Wim H. J. Meeus
The Contribution of Childhood Negative Emotionality and Cognitive Control to Anxiety-Linked Neural Dysregulation of Emotion in Adolescence
Megan M. Davis, Michelle E. Miernicki, Eva H. Telzer, Karen D. Rudolph
Parent-Adolescent Concordance in Borderline Pathology and why it Matters
Kiana Wall, Yusra Ahmed, Carla Sharp
Peer-Influence on Risk-Taking in Male Adolescents with Mild to Borderline Intellectual Disabilities and/or Behavior Disorders
- Open Access
Anika Bexkens, Hilde M. Huizenga, David A. Neville, Annematt L. Collot d’Escury-Koenigs, Joren C. Bredman, Eline Wagemaker, Maurits W. Van der Molen
Ex-Gaussian, Frequency and Reward Analyses Reveal Specificity of Reaction Time Fluctuations to ADHD and Not Autism Traits
- Open Access
Nicoletta Adamo, John Hodsoll, Philip Asherson, Jan K. Buitelaar, Jonna Kuntsi