Uitgave 3/2006
Inhoudsopgave (12 Artikelen)
Linking Substance Use and Problem Behavior Across Three Generations
Jennifer A. Bailey, Karl G. Hill, Sabrina Oesterle, J. David Hawkins
Links Between Antisocial Behavior and Depressed Mood: The Role of Life Events and Attributional Style
Richard Rowe, Barbara Maughan, Thalia C. Eley
Neighborhood Disadvantage, Parent–Child Conflict, Neighborhood Peer Relationships, and Early Antisocial Behavior Problem Trajectories
- Original Article
Erin M. Ingoldsby, Daniel S. Shaw, Emily Winslow, Michael Schonberg, Miles Gilliom, Michael M. Criss
Relations of Parenting and Negative Life Events to Cognitive Diatheses for Depression in Children
Alanna E. Bruce, David A. Cole, Danielle H. Dallaire, Farrah M. Jacquez, Ashley Q. Pineda, Beth LaGrange
Child-Directed Interaction: Prediction of Change in Impaired Mother–Child Functioning
Michelle D. Harwood, Sheila M. Eyberg
Bias and Accuracy of Children's Perceptions of Peer Acceptance: Prospective Associations with Depressive Symptoms
Janet A. Kistner, Corinne F. David-Ferdon, Karla K. Repper, Thomas E. Joiner Jr.
Peer Victimization, Aggression, and Their Co-Occurrence in Middle School: Pathways to Adjustment Problems
Sandra Graham, Amy D. Bellmore, Jennifer Mize
A Population-Based Twin Study of Parentally Reported Tactile and Auditory Defensiveness in Young Children
H. H. Goldsmith, C. A. Van Hulle, C. L. Arneson, J. E. Schreiber, M. A. Gernsbacher
The Development of Aggression in 18 to 48 Month Old Children of Alcoholic Parents
Ellen P. Edwards, Rina D. Eiden, Craig Colder, Kenneth E. Leonard
Predictors of Attributional Style Change in Children
Brandon E. Gibb, Lauren B. Alloy, Patricia D. Walshaw, Jonathan S. Comer, Gail H. C. Shen, Annette G. Villari
Gender Role Orientation and Anxiety Symptoms Among African American Adolescents
Anuradha G. Palapattu, Julie Newman Kingery, Golda S. Ginsburg