Uitgave 2/2020
Inhoudsopgave (11 Artikelen)
Protecting Youth Against the Adverse Effects of Peer Victimization: Why Do Parents Matter?
Karen D. Rudolph, Jennifer D. Monti, Haina Modi, Wing Yan Sze, Wendy Troop-Gordon
Assessing Children’s Responses to Interparental Conflict: Validation and Short Scale Development of SIS and CPIC-Properties Scales
Tonje Holt, Maren Sand Helland, Kristin Gustavson, Edward Mark Cummings, Anh Ha, Espen Røysamb
The Role of Primary School Composition in the Trajectories of Internalising and Externalising Problems across Childhood and Adolescence
- Open Access
Efstathios Papachristou, Eirini Flouri, Emily Midouhas, Glyn Lewis, Heather Joshi
Children with Behavioural Problems Misinterpret the Emotions and Intentions of Others
- Open Access
Amy E. Wells, Laura M. Hunnikin, Daniel P. Ash, Stephanie H. M. van Goozen
Patterns of Homotypic and Heterotypic Continuity Between ADHD Symptoms, Externalising and Internalising Problems from Age 7 to 15
- Open Access
Ingrid Obsuth, Aja Louise Murray, Simona Di Folco, Denis Ribeaud, Manuel Eisner
Academic Motivation Deficits in Adolescents with ADHD and Associations with Academic Functioning
Zoe R. Smith, Joshua M. Langberg, Caroline N. Cusick, Cathrin D. Green, Stephen P. Becker
Examining Psychopathic Traits in Children Using the Child Psychopathy Scale – Revised
Rosanna Breaux, Dara E. Babinski, Michael T. Willoughby, Sarah M. Haas, Erika K. Coles, William E. Pelham Jr, James G. Waxmonsky, Daniel A. Waschbusch
Child Antisocial Behavior Is more Environmental in Origin in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods: Evidence Across Residents’ Perceptions and Geographic Scales in Two Samples
S. Alexandra Burt, Amber L. Pearson, Sarah Carroll, Kelly L. Klump, Jenae M. Neiderhiser
Bidirectional Effects Between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Student-Teacher Relationship Quality Among Middle School Students
Andrea Baroncelli, Enrica Ciucci
Relations of Shyness and Unsociability with Adjustment in Migrant and Non-migrant Children in Urban China
- Original Research
Xuechen Ding, Xinyin Chen, Rui Fu, Dan Li, Junsheng Liu
Patterns of Continuity and Change in the Psychosocial Outcomes of Young Autistic People: a Mixed-Methods Study
Elizabeth Pellicano, Serena Cribb, Lorcan Kenny