Uitgave 2/2019
Inhoudsopgave (14 Artikelen)
Associations Among Early Life Stress, Rumination, Symptoms of Psychopathology, and Sex in Youth in the Early Stages of Puberty: a Moderated Mediation Analysis
Joelle LeMoult, Kathryn L. Humphreys, Lucy S. King, Natalie L. Colich, Alexandria N. Price, Sarah J. Ordaz, Ian H. Gotlib
Positive and Negative Emotionality at Age 3 Predicts Change in Frontal EEG Asymmetry across Early Childhood
Brandon L. Goldstein, Stewart A. Shankman, Autumn Kujawa, Dana C. Torpey-Newman, Margaret W. Dyson, Thomas M. Olino, Daniel N. Klein
Inattentiveness and Language Abilities in Preschoolers: A Latent Profile Analysis
Sherine R. Tambyraja, A. Rhoad-Drogalis, K. S. Khan, L. M. Justice, B. E. Sawyer
Observed Free-Play Patterns of Children with ADHD and Their Real-Life Friends
Sébastien Normand, Marie Michèle Soucisse, Marie Pier Vézina Melançon, Barry H. Schneider, Matthew D. Lee, Marie-France Maisonneuve
Executive Functioning Heterogeneity in Pediatric ADHD
Michael J. Kofler, Lauren N. Irwin, Elia F. Soto, Nicole B. Groves, Sherelle L. Harmon, Dustin E. Sarver
Polyvictimization, Emotion Dysregulation, Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Behavioral Health Problems among Justice-Involved Youth: a Latent Class Analysis
Ruby Charak, Julian D. Ford, Crosby A. Modrowski, Patricia K. Kerig
Parents’ Attitudes about and Socialization of Honesty and Dishonesty in Typically-Developing Children and Children with Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Lindsay C. Malloy, Allison P. Mugno, Daniel A. Waschbusch, William E. Pelham Jr, Victoria Talwar
Help me Feel Better! Ecological Momentary Assessment of Anxious Youths’ Emotion Regulation with Parents and Peers
Lindsey B. Stone, Rebekah J. Mennies, Jennifer M. Waller, Cecile D. Ladouceur, Erika E. Forbes, Neal D. Ryan, Ronald E. Dahl, Jennifer S. Silk
Reciprocal Risk: the Longitudinal Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Non-suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents
Kealagh Robinson, Jessica A. Garisch, Tahlia Kingi, Madeleine Brocklesby, Angelique O’Connell, Robyn L. Langlands, Lynne Russell, Marc S. Wilson
Brooding, Inattention, and Impulsivity as Predictors of Adolescent Suicidal Ideation
Katherine L. Sarkisian, Carol A. Van Hulle, H. Hill Goldsmith
Offspring Personality Mediates the Association between Maternal Depression and Childhood Psychopathology
Timothy A. Allen, Assaf Oshri, Fred A. Rogosch, Sheree L. Toth, Dante Cicchetti
Teacher Involvement Prevents Increases in Children’s Depressive Symptoms: Bidirectional Associations in Elementary School
Jantine L. Spilt, Geertje Leflot, Hilde Colpin
Early Origins of Autism Comorbidity: Neuropsychiatric Traits Correlated in Childhood Are Independent in Infancy
- Open Access
Zoë W. Hawks, Natasha Marrus, Anne L. Glowinski, John N. Constantino