Uitgave 1/2019
Inhoudsopgave (15 Artikelen)
A Randomized Trial Evaluating School-Based Mindfulness Intervention for Ethnic Minority Youth: Exploring Mediators and Moderators of Intervention Effects
Joey Fung, Joanna J. Kim, Joel Jin, Grace Chen, Laurel Bear, Anna S. Lau
Invariance of ADHD Symptoms Across Sex and Age: a Latent Analysis of ADHD and Impairment Ratings from Early Childhood into Adolescence
Daniel R. Leopold, Micaela E. Christopher, Richard K. Olson, Stephen A. Petrill, Erik G. Willcutt
Advancing the Multi-Informant Assessment of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo: Child Self-Report in Relation to Parent and Teacher Ratings of SCT and Impairment
Belén Sáez, Mateu Servera, G. Leonard Burns, Stephen P. Becker
Consistency of Limited Prosocial Emotions Across Occasions, Sources, and Settings: Trait- or State-Like Construct in a Young Community Sample?
Raquel Seijas, Mateu Servera, Gloria García-Banda, G. Leonard Burns, Jonathan Preszler, Christopher T. Barry, Kaylee Litson, Christian Geiser
Tobacco Smoking and Antisocial Deviance among Vietnamese, Vietnamese-American, and European-American Adolescents
Bahr Weiss, Tam Nguyen, Lam Trung, Victoria Ngo, Anna Lau
- Open Access
Symptoms of Internet Gaming Disorder in Youth: Predictors and Comorbidity
Lars Wichstrøm, Frode Stenseng, Jay Belsky, Tilmann von Soest, Beate Wold Hygen
Dual Pathways from Reactive Aggression to Depressive Symptoms in Children: Further Examination of the Failure Model
Spencer C. Evans, Paula J. Fite
Parental Depressive Symptoms Potentiate the Effect of Youth Negative Mood Symptoms on Gene Expression in Children with Asthma
Erika M. Manczak, Bryn Dougherty, Edith Chen
Attenuated LPP to Emotional Face Stimuli Associated with Parent- and Self-Reported Depression in Children and Adolescents
Madlen Grunewald, Mirko Döhnert, Daniel Brandeis, Annette Maria Klein, Kai von Klitzing, Tina Matuschek, Stephanie Stadelmann
Neural Correlates of Attentional Processing of Threat in Youth with and without Anxiety Disorders
Michele Bechor, Michelle L. Ramos, Michael J. Crowley, Wendy K. Silverman, Jeremy W. Pettit, Bethany C. Reeb-Sutherland
Combat Experience and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms among Military-Serving Parents: a Meta-Analytic Examination of Associated Offspring and Family Outcomes
Tessa K. Kritikos, Jonathan S. Comer, Meiqi He, Laura C. Curren, Martha C. Tompson
Parenting Stress Plays a Mediating Role in the Prediction of Early Child Development from Both Parents’ Perinatal Depressive Symptoms
Eivor Fredriksen, Tilmann von Soest, Lars Smith, Vibeke Moe
Prevalence of Depressive Disorders in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Meta-Analysis
Chloe C. Hudson, Layla Hall, Kate L. Harkness
Maternal and Family Processes in Different Subgroups of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jane Pei-Chen Chang, Meng-Chuan Lai, Miao-Chun Chou, Chi-Yung Shang, Yen-Nan Chiu, Wen-Che Tsai, Yu-Yu Wu, Susan Shur-Fen Gau