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Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology OnlineFirst articles

Rumination Mediates the Relation of Hostile Attribution to Psychological Maladjustment Among Adolescents from Three Countries

  • Open Access

Addressing global concerns about youth mental health requires understanding longitudinal pathways to psychological maladjustment among diverse youth. Hostile attribution bias (HAB) and hostile rumination (HR) are cognitive vulnerabilities …

Interparental Relationship Discord and Adolescent Psychopathology in a United States Probability Sample

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Exposure to interparental conflict and poor parental relationship adjustment (i.e., interparental relationship discord) has been associated with children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms throughout childhood and later life. However, the …

Multimodal Assessment of Adolescent Coping with Family Conflict Incorporating Video-Mediated Recall Methodology

  • Open Access

The strategies adolescents use to cope with stress are key determinants of psychological adjustment. Research has most often utilized questionnaire methods to assess coping, which can be limited by recall bias and broad time frames. This study …

The Daily Process of Interpersonal Conflict and Mood among Chinese Adolescents: A Multilevel Moderated Mediation Analysis of Cognitive Appraisal, Social Support and Psychological Capital

A growing body of literature has confirmed the within-person process from interpersonal conflict to adolescent mood on a day-to-day timescale. However, research on how, when and for whom adolescent interpersonal conflict relates to their daily …

Association Between Early Childhood P300 Deficits and Risk for Preadolescence Depressive Disorder Mediated by Responsiveness to PCIT-ED Treatment

Preschool-onset major depressive disorder (PO-MDD) is an impairing pediatric mental health disorder that impacts children as young as three years old. There is limited work dedicated to uncovering neural measures of this early childhood disorder …

Does Executive Functioning Moderate the Association Between Psychopathic Traits and Antisocial Behavior in Youth?

  • Open Access

This study examined the interplay of psychopathic traits, executive functioning, and antisocial behavior among adjudicated youth, with a focus on the potential moderating role of executive function. The current study uses data from the Pathways to …

Temporal Tendencies: Exploring the Impact of Chronotype Timing on Youth Depression Risk

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Developmental changes in youth sleep preferences (chronotype) and pubertal development are consequential for youth risk for depression. Previous research has identified individual differences in chronotype in risk for psychopathology. However …

Anxiety Symptoms Predict Subsequent Depressive Symptoms in Neurodivergent Youth: A 10-Year Longitudinal Study

  • Open Access

Neurodivergent youth often experience anxiety and depressive symptoms that may hamper adaptive functioning and well-being. There is little knowledge of how anxiety and depression are related in neurodivergent youth. Therefore, we aimed to examine …

Complex Health Needs in Hurricane-Affected Youth and Their Families: Barriers, Vulnerabilities, and Mental Health Outcomes

  • Open Access

Youth with complex health needs (CHNs; e.g., requiring daily assistance or equipment for care) and their parents face heightened vulnerabilities during natural disasters, potentially leading to poorer mental health outcomes compared to those …

Depression in High-Risk Offspring: The Mediating Role of Sleep Problems

Parental depression is associated with offspring depression and sleep problems are prospectively associated with the development of depression. However, little work has examined sleep problems in the offspring of depressed parents and whether …

Utility of Parent and Teacher Behavior Ratings for Self-Regulatory Outcomes of Preschool Children: A Multi-Study Examination

Despite frequent reliance on teacher and parent ratings of children’s behavior for multi-informant assessment, agreement between teachers’ and parents’ ratings is low. This study examined the predictive utility of teacher and parent ratings for …

Risk-Taking Behaviors of Young Children: The Role of Children’s and Parents’ Socioemotional and Cognitive Control Systems

To prevent young children’s injuries, studies have considered both child (e.g., temperament, age, sex) and parent factors (e.g., parental supervision and style, attachment) associated with risk-taking behaviors. Building on risk-taking theory …

Effect of Probiotics on the Symptomatology of Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Pilot Study

  • Open Access

The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of using probiotics with strains related to dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid production on clinical features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder …

Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome and Autism Traits are Empirically Distinct from each Other and from Other Psychopathology Dimensions

Recently, an association between cognitive disengagement syndrome (CDS), formerly sluggish cognitive tempo, and autism has been documented, but it is not known if the association is due to overlapping autism and CDS traits or if CDS is empirically …

Maternal Social Phobia, but not Generalized Anxiety, Symptoms Interact with Early Childhood Error-Related Negativity to Prospectively Predict Child Anxiety Symptoms

The error-related negativity (ERN) has been called a putative neural marker of anxiety risk in children, with smaller ERN amplitudes denoting greater risk in early childhood. Children of anxious mothers are at elevated risk for anxiety problems …

No Biased Attention to Threat, Incompleteness, and Disgust in Youth with OCD and Anxiety Disorders

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety disorders are early-onset mental disorders characterized by selective attention and strong emotional reactions. Attentional bias has been proposed to play a role in the development, onset, and …

Child Interpretations of Teacher Behaviors Directed toward Students with and without ADHD Symptoms

Many students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have negative social experiences with classmates and teachers. The Making Socially Accepting Inclusive Classrooms (MOSAIC) intervention asked teachers to give positive attention …

Ethical Considerations in Substance Use Treatment for Youth: Assessing Clinical Practices and Policy Frameworks for Potential Harm

The current conceptual review highlights considerations surrounding the potential for non-beneficence and undue coercion within the practices of psychologists and other clinicians providing substance use treatment for youth. The potential for …

Anhedonia Links Sleep Problems and Suicidal Thoughts: An Intensive Longitudinal Study in High-Risk Adolescents

  • Open Access

Growing research indicates that sleep problems are a robust independent risk factor for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among youth. However, relatively little is known about how this risk is conferred. This study used an intensive longitudinal …

Real-World Social Reward Processes are Linked to Momentary Positive Affect in Adolescent Girls

  • Open Access

Positive peer interactions are critical for adolescent development and well-being. Showing little interest in interacting socially with peers and/or extracting little reward from positive peer interactions can be markers of social anhedonia, which …