One robust finding across cognitive processes and tasks concerns the influence of cognitive conflict history on conflict-elicited effects (Botvinick, Carter, Braver, Barch, & Cohen,
2001; Egner,
2008; Gratton, Coles, & Donchin,
1992; for a review, see Duthoo, Abrahamse, Braem, Boehler, & Notebaert,
2014): conflict in the most recent trial
n-1 diminishes conflict effects in the current trial
n. Take the flanker task, where participants respond to a target and (try to) ignore adjacent distractors. Here, participants respond faster with congruent distractors indicating the target response than with incongruent distractors indicating a different response. This congruence effect (incongruent reaction time [RT] minus congruent RT) reflects conflict between response activation by targets and incongruent distractors (Gratton, Coles, Sirevaag, Eriksen, & Donchin,
1998). Important in the present context, there is a congruence sequence effect: congruence effects are stronger following congruent than incongruent trials (Gratton et al.,
The current study is concerned with the possible origins of one variant of the conflict sequence effect: the sequential modulation of the attentional cueing (or validity) effect, henceforth, referred to as validity sequence effect. When participants have to search for a target presented unforeseeably at one out of several positions, in the valid condition, presenting a cue prior to the target and at target position facilitates responding to this target. This facilitation is found relative to an invalid condition, in which cue and target are presented at alternative positions. With peripheral cues, such validity effects are found with short cue-target intervals even if the cue is not predictive of the most likely target position. This validity effect has been attributed to the orienting of attention to the cue, such that target search is facilitated in valid conditions where attention would be oriented toward the target too, compared to invalid conditions where attention to the cue would be directed away from the target (Posner,
1980). The same effect can also be found with central cues, such as arrows pointing towards one of the potential target positions, at least if central cues are predictive of the most likely target position (Müller & Rabbitt,
1989). Most importantly, a handful of studies suggested validity sequence effects, with stronger validity effects following
n-1 valid than following
n-1 invalid trials (Goller & Ansorge,
2015; Jongen & Smulders,
2007; Mordkoff, Halterman, & Chen,
2008; Qian, Shinomori, & Song,
2012; see also Müller, Geyer, Zehetleitner, & Krummenacher,
2009), but the exact origin of this sequential modulation is not yet understood.
Here, we wanted to close this gap in the literature, and started to test some of the possible explanations of the validity sequence effect. For our test, we considered several of the explanations that have been given for conflict sequence effects in other tasks than the cueing task, such as more inhibition of irrelevant information (here: the cues) following conflicting than following non-conflicting trials (Botvinick et al.,
2001), more expectation of helpful information by the accessory stimuli or features following non-conflicting than conflicting trials (Gratton et al.,
1992), better learning of relevant target features in incongruent trials (Verguts & Notebaert,
2008), less priming of target features in incongruent and more priming of target features in congruent trials
n (Mayr, Awh, & Laurey,
2003), or more processing costs associated with the representations of targets and responses in joint event-files in incongruent trials following a congruent trial
n-1, and in congruent trials following an incongruent trial
n-1, than in some of the congruent–congruent and incongruent–incongruent
n sequences (Hommel, Proctor, & Vu,
2004; Schumacher & Hazeltine,
Of importance for the current study, only two of these theories argue for a role of trial-to-trial feature repetitions in the sequence effects: the priming account and the event-file coding account. According to the priming account, processing of a feature in trial n is expedited if the same feature was used in trial n-1. Such processing advantages by priming would be the largest in trials with full trial-to-trial repetitions of all relevant and irrelevant stimulus features—that is, some of the congruent-to-congruent (here: valid-to-valid) and some of the incongruent-to-incongruent (here: invalid-to-invalid) trial-to-trial sequences. By definition, congruent-to-incongruent and incongruent-to-congruent sequences always contain at least one feature change from trial to trial. Critically, because conflict effects (here: cueing or validity effects) in trial n are calculated as incongruent minus congruent performance (here: invalid minus valid performance), trial-to-trial priming benefits would modulate the cueing or validity effect in trial n: priming would increase the n-validity effect where it brings the n-valid response times (RTs) down—that is, following n-1 valid trials; and priming would decrease the n-validity effect where it brings the n-invalid RTs down—that is, following n-1 invalid trials.
To test the influence of priming, in the first two experiments, we used different tasks with differently colored targets and tested if the validity sequence effect is restricted to task-repetition conditions, which should be the case if the priming explanation holds true. Because target colors would only be primed when the task repeated from trial n-1 to n, finding a validity sequence effect following trial-to-trial changes of the task would be at variance with the priming explanation.
Related but not identical to the priming account is the event-file coding explanation, according to which participants code all stimulus and response features in a trial into one joint-event file representing the trial. The key difference between the priming and the event-file coding explanations is their assumptions about the units of representation underlying task performance and, by implication, the nature of priming. Whereas the former takes the units to be separate stimulus and response features, each susceptible to independent priming, the latter takes combination of stimulus–response features (event files) as the units of representation. From trial
n-1 to
n, repetition of a feature that belongs to an event file incurs an advantage only if other features belonging to the event file also repeat, whereas a recombination cost incurs if only part of the features from trial
n-1 is re-used to code the event in trial
n (Hommel et al.,
2004). Importantly, recombination costs would be lowest in full trial-to-trial event repetitions and full trial-to trial event changes. In terms of cue validity, full trial-to-trial repetitions are restricted to congruent-to-congruent (here: valid-to-valid) and incongruent-to-incongruent (here: invalid-to-invalid) sequences. Thus, as in the case of priming, low recombination costs in a valid trial
n would increase the
n-validity effect following an
n-1 valid trial, but low costs in an invalid trial
n would decrease the
n-validity effect following an
n-1 invalid trial only in trial-to-trial full repetition conditions. That is, a validity sequence effect without trial-to-trial full repetitions would be at variance with an event-file coding explanation.
Research has demonstrated that, at least with response-conflicting stimuli, conflict sequence effects are not entirely explained by inter-trial priming or event-file coding; the congruence sequence effect has been even found without trial-to-trial repetitions of target features (e.g., of positions, see Wühr,
2005) or of responses (e.g., Kunde & Wühr,
2006). This, however, has not been tested for validity sequence effects. In addition, recently, the event-file coding theory has been extended to include task-set dependent flexibility: the task-file coding explanation makes ultimately very similar predictions as the event-file coding account, but it emphasizes that sequential modulations by event-file coding can depend on the participants’ representation of two successive trials as belonging to the same task (Schumacher & Hazeltine,
2016). In many cases, stimuli, responses, or stimulus–response (SR) mappings in an experiment only differ partly and to varying degrees from one another, allowing their representations by the participants in one joint task set or in alternative task sets. This means that humans show flexibility in how they represent different SR rules. Instructions not only play a role for how tasks are represented, as they emphasize differences or commonalities across different SR rules, but also if or if not salient or advance information allows participants to reduce their uncertainty about what exact SR rules apply next. Suppose, in a 4-alternative forced-choice (4-AFC) task, we begin each trial by presenting the participant with one of two easily distinguishable features (e.g., the colors red and blue), enabling her to simplify the upcoming SR conditions from a 4-AFC to a 2-AFC condition. Very likely, the task-identifying features would then be integrated into two different task sets, each associated with a relatively simpler SR mapping. A demonstration was provided by Hazeltine et al. (
2011), who used a task in which stimulus modality (i.e., auditory or visual) was repeated or switched from trial to trial. When stimulus modalities were uniquely associated with different SR rules (or tasks), they found a conflict sequence effect that was restricted to trial-to-trial repetitions of stimulus modalities. By contrast, when both modalities were not as predictive of the SR rule and, thus, when both modalities were represented within a joint task set, the conflict sequence effect persisted through the trial-to-trial modality changes (Hazeltine, Lightman, Schwarb, & Schumacher,
2011, Experiment 4). This is in line with the extension of event-file coding to tasks.
To test the influence of event coding, all analyses of the present study were made with the additional variable trial-to-trial response switching (response switches vs. response repetitions) to investigate if the validity sequence effect is restricted to response- and task-repetition conditions. This should be the case, if the event-file coding explanation holds true because full repetitions of the events would only be possible if the responses would also repeat from
n-1 to
n. In contrast, both the general suppression of irrelevant information following an
n-1 incongruent trial and the expectation of helpful information following an
n-1 congruent trial would allow for conflict sequence effects that are independent of trial-to-trial stimulus and/or response repetitions (e.g., Freitas, Bahar, Yang, & Banai,
To further test the task-coding principle, between experiments, we varied the strength of overall association between cues and different SR rules. That is, different cues would sometimes predict different currently pertaining SR rules (Experiment 3). This should invite representation of the different cues in different task sets. Alternatively, a similar cue could occur with different current SR rules. This should not invite representation of the cue in different task sets. Whereas, the same cue was used for different SR rules in Experiments 1 and 2, different cues were used for different SR rules in Experiment 3. If the task-coding principle holds true, we might find more evidence for event-file coding principles in experiments with different cues for different SR rules than in experiments with similar cues for different SR rules (cf. Hazeltine et al.,
2011). In contrast, again, a general inhibition of irrelevant information following
n-1 incongruent trials or a general expectation of helpful accessory information following
n-1 congruent trials could work independently of the particular task sets employed in two successive trials and, thus, might not be affected by the degree to which cues are predictive of SR rules.
General discussion
Based on existing theories, we tested if validity sequence effects depend on feature and response repetitions. Prior research indicated that peripheral cues have a stronger validity effect following preceding valid than invalid trials (Goller & Ansorge,
2015), but the underlying principles are not well understood. As the priming account and the event-file coding explanation of inter-trial sequence effects predicted a dependence of the validity sequence effect on the presence of the same stimulus features and even the same responses in trials
n-1 and
n, respectively, we used two tasks with different targets. From trial to trial, these tasks were repeated or switched. As full feature or event repetitions and full changes were only possible in trial-to-trial task repetition conditions, we were able to test if the validity sequence effects were indeed restricted to trial-to-trial task repetitions. Whereas, Experiments 1 and 2 suggested that validity sequence effects can cross-task boundaries, in Experiment 3, the validity sequence effect was only clearly present if both tasks and responses repeated from one trial to the next. This is evidence for an event-file coding explanation, and though response-repetition independent validity sequence effects in the error rates of Experiment 3 showed that even in this experiment not all results could be explained by priming or event-file coding, together the results of all three experiments make clear that the exact task context could determine if validity sequence effects do or do not depend on trial-to-trial similarity. To note, only in Experiment 3, task-specific cues were used so that the cues signaled which alternative task came up. In contrast, in Experiment 1, across-task validity-sequence effects were found with cues that were shared across tasks, and in Experiment 2, with cues that were more associated with one task than with the other task but that were not discriminating between alternative tasks, cross-task validity sequence effects were partly independent of trial-to-trial task and response repetitions. Together, these observations are in line with task-file updating theory (Schumacher & Hazeltine,
2016), according to which task features that differ between tasks, so as to signal alternative tasks, are incorporated into different task sets and, as a consequence, can prevent sequential modulations during trial-to-trial changes of these task-discriminating features (Hazeltine et al.,
2011). These conclusions are interesting as they suggest that task contexts have the power to elicit feature-based and response-based trial-to-trial modulations that can replace other forms of sequential modulations that are unrelated to repetition priming, such as sequence effects based on the expectancy of helpful stimuli (Gratton et al.
1992) or on the suppression of harmful stimuli (Botvinick et al.,
2001). Of course, evidence for one principle—in Experiment 3, for inter-trial priming or for event-file coding—is not necessarily evidence against these alternative accounts. For example, it is possible to assume that some degree of stimulus, response, or conflict similarity between two successive trials is necessary for either more suppression of irrelevant stimuli (or features) following
n-1 incongruent than
n-1 congruent trials or for more expectancy of helpful accessory stimuli (or features) following
n-1 congruent than
n-1 incongruent trials.
In addition, what is uncertain after our Experiment 3 is whether it is necessary that one of the cue features signaled the tasks and, if so, which of the cue features was responsible for setting strong boundaries around the tasks, and thus containing the validity sequence effect within the tasks. The reason for this is that the tasks in Experiment 3 differed by more than cue characteristics. For example, the responses and the target axes also differed between tasks. Although past research makes it unlikely that validity sequence effects depend on trial-to-trial position repetitions (see Experiment 2 of Goller & Ansorge,
2015), it is possible that validity sequence effects that were independent of trial-to-trial feature and response repetitions required that alternative tasks were at least characterized by the usage of the same set of responses or the same set of positions in both of these tasks. The use of the same sets of positions and responses could have invited the joint representation of the two tasks into one representation. Such influences would also be independent of the cue-to-task associations.
In any case, the stronger independence of the validity sequence effect from trial-to-trial repetitions of task and response in Experiments 1 and 2 prevents us from endorsing feature priming and event-file coding as the only logically possible explanations. By implication, alternative accounts based on the participants’ expectancies of helpful cues following a preceding valid trial (Gratton et al.,
1992) or the participants’ suppression of harmful cues following a preceding invalid trial (Botvinick et al.,
2001) remain as possible candidates for explaining validity sequence effects. Yet, as was clear from lacking consistent interactions between validity sequence effects on the one hand and sequential modulations of SR congruence effects on the other hand, even these alternative principles of conflict reduction or expectancy-based modulation are to some extent dimension-specific (cf. Egner,