The flexibility of the human cognitive system is often studied within the context of the task switching paradigm (Monsell,
2003). In this paradigm, participants have to perform at least two tasks and performance is usually impaired if the task switches compared to when it repeats, termed switch costs (Kiesel et al.,
2010; Koch et al.,
2018; Koch & Kiesel,
2022). In a widely used variant of this experimental procedure, the
cued task switching paradigm, a task cue indicating the to-be-performed task is presented before the stimulus, therefore allowing in advance task preparation (Jost et al.,
2013). Whether and how such preparatory processes contribute to task switching effects is a matter of debate (Jost et al.,
2013; Logan & Bundesen,
2003; Schneider & Logan,
2005; Vandierendonck et al.,
2010). The present study therefore elucidates such preparatory processes in task switching in more detail by investigating the involvement of cue-related processing on task set inhibition effects.
Measuring task set inhibition in task switching
In the context of task switching research, a task set can be defined as the cognitive configuration required for performing a particular task and includes, for example, relevant stimulus dimensions and response categories (Monsell,
2003; Rogers & Monsell,
1995). A common theory of task switching processes, termed
task set reconfiguration, postulates that when switching tasks, the cognitive configuration needs to be endogenously changed in order to implement the new task set required in the current trial (Kiesel et al.,
2010; Monsell,
2003; Vandierendonck et al.,
2010). Following this view, the activation of the newly required task set must overcome the activation of the previous task set (when tasks switch) in order to be able to appropriately perform the new task. To this end, an inhibition of the task set (of the previous trial) is commonly assumed (Koch et al.,
2010). Often, such inhibition mechanisms are studied using so-called n−2
repetition costs (Koch et al.,
2010; Mayr & Keele,
1 n−2 repetition costs are investigated in task switching paradigms using three tasks and are defined as a worse performance in the last task (trial n) in task sequences of the ABA type (i.e. when the task repeats from trial n−2 to trial n) compared to CBA sequences (i.e. when the task switches from trial n−2 to trial n). This performance impairment in ABA sequences compared to CBA sequences is thought to reflect the inhibition of task set A during the transition from task A to B. As task set A was more recently inhibited in sequences ABA compared to CBA (in CBA sequences, the most recent execution of task A can be in trial n−3), it is more demanding to overcome this persisting inhibition in trial n, resulting in the above described performance decrements (Koch et al.,
However, there is a debate regarding the processes contributing to n−2 repetition costs (reviewed in Koch et al.,
2010; Vandierendonck et al.,
2010). Among these processes, an inhibition of task sets, and episodic interference effects were discussed. A recent study directly tested the contribution of these processes on n−2 repetition costs (Schuch & Keppler,
2022), and found evidence for both top-down driven influences acting on the level of task sets (task set inhibition; see also Mayr,
2002) and more bottom-up, task- or stimulus-related influences (episodic interference; see also Grange,
2018; Grange et al.,
2017). Continuing this debate, the present study tried to identify whether the sole activation of a task set is sufficient to produce n−2 repetition costs. Task set activation was realized in the present study by presenting
task cue-only trials, i.e. task sets are only cued, but not executed as no task stimulus is presented, thereby ruling out any possible influences of task- or stimulus-related processes. Using this procedure, the present work aims to elucidate whether merely cued, but not executed task sets are similarly inhibited in preparation for a new task, as it is assumed for executed task sets. This question is relevant because previous evidence on the role of cue-related and response-related processes in task inhibition revealed inconsistent findings. We review these findings below.
Influence of preparatory processes on task set inhibition
Several lines of research have addressed the contribution of preparatory processes to n−2 repetition costs, using different approaches to estimate such an influence. As it is unlikely that n−2 repetition costs can be reduced to an inhibition of the cue representation itself (Gade & Koch,
2008), influences of preparatory processes on n−2 repetition costs probably act upon the ease or difficulty of reconfiguring task sets, not simply an encoding of cues. Regarding the detection of such an involvement of task preparation to n−2 repetition costs, studies first varied the cue-target interval (CTI), i.e. the time interval available for cue processing. In task switching with two tasks, switch costs are usually reduced with longer CTIs, indicating that participants use the additional time for cue processing to prepare for a task switch (Jost et al.,
2013; Kiesel et al.,
2010). For the influence of CTI on n−2 repetition costs, there is less consistency regarding the direction of this influence in the literature. For example, Gade and Koch (
2014) provided an overview of published studies reporting the influence of a CTI manipulation on n−2 repetition cots, which showed a diverse pattern with increases and decreases of n−2 repetition costs with longer CTI. This inhomogeneity might be explained by additional factors modulating the influence of CTI on n−2 repetition costs like cue type (Gade & Koch,
2014) and the CTI in trials n−2 and n−1 (Scheil & Kleinsorge,
Second, a go/no-go methodology was implemented (Philipp et al.,
2007; Scheil & Kleinsorge,
2022; Schuch & Koch,
2003). The rationale was that stimulus processing (or at least response selection and execution) is terminated by the presentation of a no-go signal (the go-/no-go signal was presented either with or after stimulus onset), therefore elucidating to what degree task preparation processes are involved in n−2 repetition costs. In short, these studies showed that response selection and execution processes are relevant for the occurrence of n−2 repetition costs (Philipp et al.,
2007; Schuch & Koch,
2003), suggesting that sole task preparation may not be sufficient for inducing task set inhibition (but see Scheil & Kleinsorge,
2022, for conflicting evidence, when no-go trials are bound to only one task).
Third, the influence of task preparation processes on n−2 repetition costs was also investigated by varying the cue itself. By manipulating task cue transparency / cue-task compatibility, i.e. how straightforward the relation of the task cue and associated decision categories is (Jost et al.,
2013), it was investigated whether n−2 repetition costs depend on the supposed ease of task set activation in the cue interval. Similar to findings for switch costs (Gade & Steinhauser,
2020; Jost et al.,
2013), n−2 repetition costs were reduced with more transparent / compatible cues (Gade & Koch,
2014; Houghton et al.,
2009), suggesting a more efficient reconfiguration of task sets if the cue activates the task set more directly and thus activation of the new task is facilitated.
Taken together, these studies showed a rather inconsistent picture regarding the contribution of preparatory processes to task set inhibition indexed by n−2 repetition costs. However, they demonstrated a susceptibility of n−2 repetition costs to manipulations of preparatory stages in the task switching procedure (for a more general overview for the susceptibility of task switching effects to variations of the experimental procedure, see Koch et al.,
2018). Moreover, these findings do not unequivocally support the preparatory-related account of n−2 repetition costs, as in all these studies, task cues were always followed by a stimulus. Hence, it is conceivable that stimulus- or task set execution-related processes have affected the above-described effects. To isolate the influence of cue-related processes from stimulus-related or task set execution-related processes, a promising approach is to present so called
task cue-only trials, that is, task cues that are not followed by a task stimulus and thus also not by an executed task.
In task cue-only trials, only the task cue is shown unpredictably without the presence of a following stimulus, and after a certain interval the next trial follows. Hence, only the task cue can be processed in task cue-only trials. The presence of switch costs in studies using two tasks could be already demonstrated after task cue-only trials (Lenartowicz et al.,
2011; Swainson et al.,
2023), indicating that sole task cue-induced task preparation is sufficient to induce a performance deficit in the following trial if the task set switches (see also Kleinsorge et al.,
2005; Kleinsorge & Gajewski,
While the presentation of task cue-only trials hence appears to be a promising method to address the preparatory account of n−2 repetition costs, we are only aware of one study utilizing task cue-only trials in the context of n−2 repetition costs. Prosser et al. (
2022) investigated whether the presentation of a task cue-only in trial n−1 is sufficient to trigger an inhibition of the task set performed in trial n−2 (i.e. only trial triplets including a task presented in trial n−2 were analyzed). The results showed a lack of reliable n−2 repetition costs in task responses, similar to studies presenting a no-go signal in trial n−1 (Gade & Koch,
2007; Schuch & Koch,
2003), suggesting that a task cue-only might not be sufficient to trigger an inhibition of a previously performed task set (Prosser et al.,
2022). However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous study directly tested whether cue-induced task set activation itself is the target of inhibitory processes in preparation of an upcoming task, i.e. whether task set reconfiguration (and an accordingly assumed inhibition of the previous task set) occurs after task cue-only presentation. To this end, unlike presenting cue-only trials in trial n−1, as Prosser et al. (
2022) did, the present study presented task cue-only trials in trial n−2.
Task set inhibition following task cue-only presentation
Regarding the question whether task sets become inhibited following a task cue-only, previous studies were conducted in our lab in the context of a modulation of masked semantic priming (Berger et al.,
2022; Kiefer et al.,
2019). These studies were motivated by the attentional sensitization model of unconscious cognition (Kiefer & Martens,
2010), which postulates that activated task sets sensitize subsequent unconscious processing. In line with predictions of this model, it was previously shown that masked semantic priming is enhanced after the execution of a semantic task, indicating that performing the semantic task sensitizes processing pathways also later involved in semantic prime processing (Kiefer,
2019; Kiefer & Martens,
2010; Martens et al.,
2011; Ulrich et al.,
2014). Following this line of research, in those studies we assessed masked semantic priming in a masked primed lexical decision task subsequent to task cue-only trials associated with a semantic and a perceptual task, to infer from the modulation of priming the preceding activation of task sets following task cue-only presentation. However, in contrast to executed tasks, following the presentation of a task cue-only, semantic priming was mostly larger for perceptual than semantic task sets (Berger et al.,
2022; Kiefer et al.,
2019). This effect was interpreted in terms of an inhibition of task sets subsequent to task cue-only trials: only prepared, but not executed task sets were assumed to be inhibited (presumably to facilitate performance of the conflicting task set of the masked primed lexical decision task), resulting in the reversed modulation of masked priming compared to that following task set execution.
Influence of cue-task compatibility on task set inhibition effects
Kiefer et al. (
2019) found inhibition of task sets following a task cue-only only if the task cue and associated decision categories matched, suggesting that it depended on properties of the task cue. This manipulation was later called cue-task compatibility (Berger et al.,
2022), with task cues matching the decision categories of the task termed compatible cues and non-matching task cues termed incompatible cues. The cue-task compatibility manipulation in Kiefer et al. (
2019) was motivated by a previous task switching study (Jost et al.,
2017), which showed that a dominant task (strong stimulus-response bindings based on spatially compatible S-R mapping rules) received more inhibition than other, less dominant, tasks. Following this line of reasoning, Kiefer et al. (
2019) reasoned that the presence of inhibition effects only following compatible task cues suggests that task sets triggered by compatible task cues are more dominantly represented according to the straightforward cue-task relation. Accordingly, they should be more in conflict with other tasks and receive more inhibition when a different task than the cued task has to be performed. However, a recent study found a comparable level of task set inhibition effects following task cue-only trials for compatible and incompatible task cues (Berger et al.,
2022), which may be due to a greater engagement in task preparation for incompatible cues as suggested by electrophysiological recordings (Berger & Kiefer,
2024). This suggests that task sets triggered by both compatible and incompatible task cues might need to be inhibited when switching to another task (at least in the context of a modulation of masked priming). In contrast, studies in task switching with always executed tasks showed a different influence of cue-task compatibility. In these studies, n−2 repetition costs were smaller for compatible than incompatible cues, suggesting stronger task set inhibition effects for incompatible cues (Gade & Koch,
2014; Houghton et al.,
However, these two lines of research differed on a conceptual level. n−2 repetition costs measure the after-effects of task set inhibition in terms of the influence of a previously inhibited task set on performance in trial n. In contrast, our previous studies assessed the influence of a presumably inhibited task set following a task cue-only on masked semantic priming in an immediately following primed lexical decision task. Hence, direct and persisting influences of task set inhibition may dissociate, especially because in task switching studies a new task cue is presented in trial n, and task set activation in task switching was shown to be facilitated with compatible task cues (Jost et al.,
2013). In light of the above-outlined influence of cue-task compatibility on task set inhibition effects, the present study was aimed to investigate how task set inhibition effects following a task cue-only observed in the context of a modulation of priming can be extended to task switching and whether this task set inhibition depends on cue-task compatibility.
Influence of task practice on task set inhibition effects
Besides the influence of cue-task compatibility, our previous work also revealed an influence of task practice upon task cue effects on masked priming (Berger et al.,
2024), indicating that task set activation (and likewise a subsequent inhibition) following a task cue may change with practice. Probably, there is a reduced need for distinct advance task preparation with practice, as task sets can be more easily retrieved with stimulus onset, i.e. when the need for task execution is evident (Berger et al.,
2024). An accordingly less pronounced task preparation process following a task cue-only with practice should result in lower demands to inhibit cued task sets. This would be in line with results in task switching, showing a reduction of n−2 repetition costs following task set execution with practice (Grange & Juvina,
2015; Scheil,
2016). This practice effect on n−2 repetition costs was (partially) driven by a reduced influence of task set inhibition processes (Grange et al.,
2019). Accordingly, the amount of task practice is a further relevant factor for the investigation of task set inhibition effects, especially following a task cue-only.
The present study
To study an assumed inhibition of task sets following task cue-only trials, we assessed n−2 repetition costs and tested whether such costs can be observed following a task cue-only, and how such costs are moderated by cue-task compatibility and task practice. To this end, we presented task cue-only trials in a paradigm in which participants had to switch between three tasks in order to assess n−2 repetition costs as an index of task set inhibition processes (Koch et al.,
2010). In contrast to previous work (Prosser et al.,
2022), task cue-only trials were presented in trial n−2 in order to estimate whether task sets are inhibited following task cue-only presentation, i.e. whether mere task cue presentation is sufficient to trigger a task set activation, which needs to be inhibited when switching to another task. This prediction is based on the assumption that task set inhibition is engaged in preparation of an upcoming task only if the earlier task set had been previously activated and has now to be abandoned.
The amount of task set inhibition triggered by task cue-only trials was compared to that one triggered by task execution, resulting in the following experimental design: In trial n−2, either a task cue followed by a semantic or perceptual classification task or a task cue-only was presented. The task cue-only cued the semantic/perceptual task, for which, however, the actual target stimulus was not presented, so that, accordingly, the task could not be performed. In trial n−1, a lexical decision task (LDT) was presented. Note that this LDT used different stimuli compared to the semantic and perceptual task and was not explicitly cued. This design was chosen to closely resemble our previous work investigating the modulation of masked priming (Berger et al.,
2022; Kiefer et al.,
2019), which indicated task sets following a task cue-only to be inhibited in order to perform a LDT (where masked priming was assessed). In trial n, a task cue followed by a semantic or perceptual classification task was presented. Accordingly, the (cued or executed) task set could repeat or switch from trial n−2 to trial n, comprising ABA and CBA sequences, which were used for determining n−2 repetition costs. For an overview of the experimental design, see Table
Table 1
Overview of the experimental design of the present study
Task | ABA | R | | n/a | Metal | R | |
CBA | B | | n/a | Sorde | R | |
Task cue-only | ABA | R | n/a | n/a | Yalmow | R | |
CBA | B | n/a | n/a | Garden | R | |
Our design differed from the typical measurement of n−2 repetition costs in task switching in two aspects. First, the LDT in trial n−1 was not cued. Second, the LDT used different stimuli (i.e., letter strings) compared to the semantic/perceptual classification task (i.e., pictures). Accordingly, the pictures were “bivalent” stimuli (i.e., affording two different tasks), while the LDT targets were “univalent” and the semantic/perceptual task could not be applied on the LDT stimuli and vice versa. Following previous research, which showed a reduction or absence of n−2 repetition costs if trial n−1 differed in the stimulus format (Sdoia et al.,
2022), the number of possible tasks (Scheil & Kleinsorge,
2023b), the response set (Scheil & Kleinsorge,
2023a), or was a task cue-only one (Prosser et al.,
2022), the present design may constitute less than optimal conditions for the detection of n−2 repetition costs. However, the responses of all tasks were mapped onto the same two keys (see “
Method” section) and the response sets therefore overlapped between tasks. Hence, there was between-task competition in the response set and according to accounts assuming conflict in the response set to be crucial for the occurrence of n−2 repetition costs (Gade & Koch,
2007; Schuch & Koch,
2003), the present design may therefore fulfill the necessary requirements for observing n−2 repetition costs. Moreover, the absence of a cue in trial n−1 may even be beneficial in terms of ruling out alternative explanations, as it is consequently unlikely that a possible detection of n−2 repetition costs following task cue-only trials is the consequence of an inhibition of the cue representation (according to two cues being presented in direct succession). To elaborate on this, if we would have presented a cue in trial n−1 (which was the LDT), a task cue-only trial would have always been followed immediately by another cue, reflecting a cue switch. According to accounts assuming cue switches to be a major determinant of task switching effects (Logan & Bundesen,
2003; Schneider & Logan,
2005), we consider omitting the task cue in trial n−1 increases the likelihood, that possibly observed n−2 repetition costs reflect an inhibition of (aspects of) the cued task set (see also Gade & Koch,