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16-02-2018 | Empirical Research

How is Civic Engagement Related to Personal Identity and Social Identity in Late Adolescents and Emerging Adults? A Person-Oriented Approach

Auteurs: Lyda Lannegrand-Willems, Basilie Chevrier, Cyrille Perchec, Alexia Carrizales

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Uitgave 4/2018

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Adolescence and emerging adulthood are periods in life when individuals both question and define their place in society and form their identity. Meanwhile, active youth civic engagement represents a challenge for each democracy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the different forms of civic engagement among late adolescents and emerging adults and how they are related to personal identity and social identity, while adopting an integrative perspective through the lens of a person-oriented approach. The participants were 1217 (62.3% female) 16–24 year-old French students (M age  = 19.17; SD age  = 1.83). First, derived from cluster analyses, the findings emphasized diversity in civic engagement, from strong civic participation (in different formal and informal ways) to various forms of passivity. Diversity was also highlighted for personal identity and social identity profiles. Second, a Configural Frequency Analysis revealed a typical pattern associating passivity in civic engagement, personal carefree diffusion and rejection of social identity. Overall, these findings highlight an absence of general youth disaffection and provide a meaningful specific pattern for the understanding of passivity in political and civic matters in late adolescence and emerging adulthood.
The Diagonally Weighted Least Squares (DWLS) estimator respects the ordinal nature of the data using a polychoric correlation matrix.
As stated by von Eye et al. (2006, p. 993): “The expected frequencies are estimated under the assumption of variable independence. If this assumption is violated, variable associations must exist. However, instead of modeling these associations, we look for types and antitypes at the level of individual cells. These individual cell deviations from the assumption of variable independence carry the statement that variables are associated, at least locally.”
It should be kept in mind that the Bonferroni procedure we used is highly conservative in our case as the number of configurations is large. Few possibilities exist to contradict the model as a discrepancy between observed and expected frequencies has to be very large to be significant. We also carried out a less conservative analysis (i.e., a global Chi-square test on the three-dimensional cross-table, followed by an examination of the standardized residuals with an absolute value greater than 2 to determine which cells significantly differ from the hypothesis of independence). In line with CFA results, we found that there were more observations in the 7,5,4 configuration than expected under the null model. This less conservative approach also identified 14 other configurations in which participants were overrepresented and 2 configurations in which participants were underrepresented.
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How is Civic Engagement Related to Personal Identity and Social Identity in Late Adolescents and Emerging Adults? A Person-Oriented Approach
Lyda Lannegrand-Willems
Basilie Chevrier
Cyrille Perchec
Alexia Carrizales
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Uitgave 4/2018
Print ISSN: 0047-2891
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-6601

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