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Healthy or not? The impact of conflicting health-related information on attentional resources

Auteurs: Patrick V. Barnwell, Erick J. Fedorenko, Richard J. Contrada

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Behavioral Medicine | Uitgave 2/2022

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Despite its ubiquity, little is known about the impact of exposure to conflicting health information on cognitive efficiency. We hypothesized that it would reduce attentional capacity, as evidenced by (1) increased response errors during the Attention Network Test (ANT), (2) decreased efficiency of each ANT system (alerting, orienting, execute control), and (3) increased self-reported workload, (4) nutritional confusion and (5) nutritional backlash. A sample of 184 online participants were assigned randomly to read an article containing either congruent or conflicting health information. Subsequently, they completed the ANT and self-report measures of workload, nutritional confusion, and backlash at nutritional recommendations and research. Participants in the conflicting health information condition made more errors, had overall slower reaction times, and reported greater workload, nutritional confusion, and backlash. No differences were found for individual ANT systems. These findings suggest that exposure to conflicting health information can degrade attentional mechanisms responsible for accurate and prompt responding to incoming information.
Alleen toegankelijk voor geautoriseerde gebruikers
For ease of interpretation, means and standard deviations reported here are in untransformed units.
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Healthy or not? The impact of conflicting health-related information on attentional resources
Patrick V. Barnwell
Erick J. Fedorenko
Richard J. Contrada
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Behavioral Medicine / Uitgave 2/2022
Print ISSN: 0160-7715
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3521

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