Appendix III Supplementary material: Excluded studies with exclusion reasons
Abdelghani, E. A., Apollonsky, N., Bernstein, B., & Tarazi, R. (2017). Steady-state cognitive function and pain severity in youth with sickle cell disease. Blood. Conference: 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, ASH, 130(Supplement 1). Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Abozeid, M., Hamouda, M., Bahry, H., Elmadny, A., Alakbawy, A., & Ismail, A. (2011). Psychiatric morbidity among a sample of orphanage children in Cairo.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1), S166-S167. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Accordino, R. E., Kidd, C., Politte, L. C., Henry, C. A., & McDougle, C. J. (2016). Psychopharmacological interventions in autism spectrum disorder.
Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 17(7), 937-952. Exclusion reason: Review
Acharya, A. K. (2016). A study on adolescent mental disorders prevalent in our country. a study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 58 (5 Supplement 1), S120. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Achenbach, T. M., & Dumenci, L. (2001). Advances in empirically based assessment: Revised cross-informant syndromes and new DSM-oriented scales for the CBCL, YSR, and TRF: Comment on Lengua, Sadowski, Friedrich, and Fisher (2001).
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69(4), 699-702. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Achenbach, T. M., Dumenci, L., & Rescorla, L. A. (2003). DSM-Oriented and Empirically Based Approaches to Constructing Scales From the Same Item Pools.
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 32(3), 328-340. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Achtergarde, S., Becke, J., Beyer, T., Postert, C., Romer, G., & Muller, J. M. (2014). Preschool-age male psychiatric patients with specific developmental disorders and those without: Do they differ in behavior problems and treatment outcome?
Infants & Young Children, 27(4), 359-377. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Adamo, N., Michelini, G., Cheung, C. H. M., Buitelaar, J. K., Asherson, P., Rijsdijk, F., & Kuntsi, J. (2019). Does Co-Occurring Anxiety Modulate ADHD-Related Cognitive and Neurophysiological Impairments?
Journal of Attention Disorders, 1087054719879499. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Adams, D., & Allen, D. (2001). Assessing the need for reactive behaviour management strategies in children with intellectual disability and severe challenging behaviour. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45(4), 335-343. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Adams, D., Handley, L., Simkiss, D., Walls, E., Jones, A., Knapp, M., . . . Oliver, C. (2018). Service Use and Access in Young Children with an Intellectual Disability or Global Developmental Delay: Associations with Challenging Behaviour. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 43(2), 232-241. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Adams, D., Paynter, J., Clark, M., Roberts, J., & Keen, D. (2019). The Developmental Behaviour Checklist (DBC) profile in young children on the autism spectrum: The impact of child and family factors.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(8), 3426-3439. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Adams, H., de Blieck, E. A., Mink, J. W., Marshall, F. J., Kwon, J., Dure, L., . . . Pearce, D. A. (2006). Standardized assessment of behavior and adaptive living skills in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48(4), 259-264. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Adams, P. N. (1998). Utilizing behavioral diagnostics to reduce disruptive behavior in public school settings with children and adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 58(7-B), 3913. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Adeosun, I. I., Ogun, O. C., Ijarogbe, T., Bello, A. O., Adegbohun, A., & Omigbodun, O. O. (2012). Self-injurious behaviour in Nigerian children with intellectual disability.
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 1), S170. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Adrien, J.-L., Roux, S., Couturier, G., Malvy, J., Guerin, P., Debuly, S., . . . Barthelemy, C. (2001). Towards a new functional assessment of autistic dysfunction in children with developmental disorders: The Behaviour Function Inventory.
Autism, 5(3), 249-264. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Advokat, C. D., Mayville, E. A., & Matson, J. L. (2000). Side effect profiles of atypical antipsychotics, typical antipsychotics, or no psychotropic medications in persons with mental retardation.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 75-84. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Agarwal, V., Sitholey, P., Kumar, S., & Prasad, M. (2001). Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of clonidine in hyperactive children with mental retardation.
Mental Retardation, 39(4), 259-267.;2. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Ahuja, A., Martin, J., Langley, K., & Thapar, A. (2013). Intellectual disability in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Journal of Pediatrics, 163(3), 890-895.e891. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Aishworiya, R., Chan, P. F., Kiing, J. S. H., Chong, S. C., & Tay, S. K. H. (2016). Sleep Patterns and Dysfunctions in Children with Learning Problems. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore, 45(11), 507-512. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Aito, C., Mizoguchi, Y., Yamamoto, M., SeguchI, Y., Yatsuga, C., Nishimura, T., . . . Monji, A. (2019). Oxytocin levels and sex differences in autism spectrum disorder with severe intellectual disabilities.
Psychiatry Research, 273, 67-74. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Aktepe, E., & Sonmez, Y. (2012). Psychiatric and organic comorbidities in children diagnosed with mental retardation in a university hospital. Yeni Symposium: psikiyatri, noroloji ve davranis bilimleri dergisi, 50(2), 67-75. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Alaimo, J. T., Barton, L. V., Mullegama, S. V., Wills, R. D., Foster, R. H., & Elsea, S. H. (2015). Individuals with Smith-Magenis syndrome display profound neurodevelopmental behavioral deficiencies and exhibit food-related behaviors equivalent to Prader-Willi syndrome.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 47, 27-38. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Alexander, R. T., Crouch, K., Halstead, S., & Piachaud, J. (2006). Long-term outcome from a medium secure service for people with intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50(4), 305-315. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Alfieri, P., Demaria, F., Licchelli, S., Santonastaso, O., Caciolo, C., Digilio, M. C., . . . Vicari, S. (2019). Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms and Psychopathological Profile in Children and Adolescents with KBG Syndrome.
Brain Sciences, 9(11). Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Algozzine, B., & Ysseldyke, J. E. (1983). Learning disabilities as a subset of school failure: The oversophistication of a concept. Exceptional Children, 50(3), 242-246. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Allen, D., Lowe, K., Brophy, S., & Moore, K. (2009). Predictors of restrictive reactive strategy use in people with challenging behaviour.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22(2), 159-168. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Allen, D., Lowe, K., Moore, K., & Brophy, S. (2007). Predictors, costs and characteristics of out of area placement for people with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51(6), 409-416. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Depression and Anxiety, 29(10), 906-913. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Allgaier, A.-K., Fruhe, B., Pietsch, K., Saravo, B., Baethmann, M., & Schulte-Korne, G. (2012). Is the Children's Depression Inventory Short version a valid screening tool in pediatric care? A comparison to its full-length version.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 73(5), 369-374. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Alrojolah, L., Beayno, A., Shamseddeen, W., Ghandour, L., Akoury Dirani, L., & Maalouf, F. (2019). 4.67 Chronic Physical Illness and Psychiatric Comorbidities in Lebanese Adolescents.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 58 (10 Supplement), S242. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Altepeter, T. S., & Breen, M. J. (1989). The Home Situations Questionnaire (HSQ) and the School Situations Questionnaire (SSQ): Normative data and an evaluation of psychometric properties.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 7(4), 312-322. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Althaus, M., Minderaa, R. B., & Dienske, H. (1994). The assessment of individual differences between young children with a pervasive developmental disorder by means of behaviour scales which are derived from direct observation. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 35(2), 333-349. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Alvarez, Z. C. (2016). Gender equivalence as perceived by students, parents, and teachers on the behavior assessment system for children, second edition. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 76(11-B(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Al-Yagon, M. (2012). Subtypes of attachment security in school-age children with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(3), 170-183. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Al-Yagon, M. (2013). Adolescents with LD: Socioemotional and behavioral functioning and attachment relationships with fathers, mothers, and teachers.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1), S220. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Al-Yagon, M. (2016). Perceived Close Relationships with Parents, Teachers, and Peers: Predictors of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Features in Adolescents With LD or Comorbid LD and ADHD. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(6), 597-615. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Amador, J. A., Forns, M., & Martorell, B. (2001). Sensitivity and specificity of parents' and teachers' ratings of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Anuario de Psicologia, 32(4), 65-78. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Aman, M., Buitelaar, J., De Smedt, G., Wapenaar, R., & Binder, C. (2005). Pharmacotherapy of Disruptive Behavior and Item Changes on a Standardized Rating Scale: Pooled Analysis of Risperidone Effects in Children with Subaverage IQ.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 15(2), 220-232. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Aman, M., Leone, S., Lecavalier, L., Park, L., Buican, B., & Coury, D. (2008). The Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form: Typical IQ version.
International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 23(4), 232-242. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Aman, M. G. (1991). Review and evaluation of instruments for assessing emotional and behavioural disorders. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 17(2), 127-145. Exclusion reason: Review
Aman, M. G., Buican, B., & Arnold, L. (2003). Methylphenidate treatment in children with borderline IQ and mental retardation: Analysis of three aggregated studies.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 13(1), 29-40. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Aman, M. G., Burrow, W. H., & Wolford, P. L. (1995). The Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community: factor validity and effect of subject variables for adults in group homes. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 100(3), 283-292. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Aman, M. G., De Smedt, G., Derivan, A., Lyons, B., & Findling, R. L. (2002). Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of risperidone for the treatment of disruptive behaviors in children with subaverage intelligence.
The American Journal of Psychiatry, 159(8), 1337-1346. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Aman, M. G., & Gharabawi, G. M. (2004). Treatment of Behavior Disorders in Mental Retardation: Report on Transitioning to Atypical Antipsychotics, With an Emphasis on Risperidone.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65(9), 1197-1210. Exclusion reason: Review
Aman, M. G., Kern, R. A., McGhee, D. E., & Arnold, L. (1993). Fenfluramine and methylphenidate in children with mental retardation and ADHD: Clinical and side effects.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 32(4), 851-859. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Aman, M. G., Kern, R. A., McGhee, D. E., & Arnold, L. (1993). Fenfluramine and methylphenidate in children with mental retardation and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Laboratory effects.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 23(3), 491-506. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Aman, M. G., Marks, R. E., Turbott, S. H., Wilsher, C. P., & Merry, S. N. (1991). Clinical effects of methylphenidate and thioridazine in intellectually subaverage children.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 30(2), 246-256. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Aman, M. G., Norris, M., Kaat, A. J., Andrews, H., Choo, T. H., Chen, C., . . . Erickson, C. (2020). Factor structure of the aberrant behavior checklist in individuals with fragile x syndrome: Clarifications and future guidance.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 30(8), 512-521. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 6(4), 311-325. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Aman, M. G., Singh, N. N., Stewart, A. W., & Field, C. J. (1985). The aberrant behavior checklist: a behavior rating scale for the assessment of treatment effects. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 89(5), 485-491. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Aman, M. G., Watson, J. E., Singh, N. N., Turbott, S. H., & Wilsher, C. P. (1986). Psychometric and demographic characteristics of the psychopathology instrument for mentally retarded adults. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 22(4), 1072-1076. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Ambrosini, P. J. (2000). Historical development and present status of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (K-SADS).
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 39(1), 49-58. Exclusion reason: Review
Amerikaner, M., & Summerlin, M. L. (1982). Group counseling with learning disabled children: Effects of social skills and relaxation training on self-concept and classroom behavior.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 15(6), 340-343. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Amon, P., Beck, B., Castell, R., Teicher, C., & et al. (1995). The course of psychiatric disorders and specific developmental disorders in children with learning disabilities. Vol 23(3), 1995, pp 171-181, 23(3), 171-181. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
An, X., Rojahn, J., Curby, T. W., & Ding, Y. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Chinese Behavior Problems Inventory-01 in children and adolescents with or at risk for intellectual disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36, 256-263. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Anderson, C. M., Freeman, K. A., & Scotti, J. R. (1999). Evaluation of the generalizability (reliability and validity) of analog functional assessment methodology.
Behavior Therapy, 30(1), 31-50. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Anderson, P., Doyle, L. W., & Victorian Infant Collaborative Study, G. (2003). Neurobehavioral outcomes of school-age children born extremely low birth weight or very preterm in the 1990s. JAMA, 289(24), 3264-3272. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Anderson, V. A., Anderson, P., Northam, E., Jacobs, R., & Mikiewicz, O. (2002). Relationships between cognitive and behavioral measures of executive function in children with brain disease. Child Neuropsychology, 8(4), 231-240. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Andrei, L. E., Cerlinca, A. I., Neacsu, R. D., Niculae, A. L., & Mihailescu, I. (2019). The course of ADHD diagnosis over a 6-year timeframe in a Romanian inpatient sample.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29 (Supplement 1), S434-S435. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Andrei, L. E., Neacsu, R. D., Irimie-Ana, A., Dobrescu, I., & Rad, F. (2019). P.862 Oppositional defiant disorder - conduct disorder - antisocial personality disorder continuum investigated over a 14-year timespan.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29 (Supplement 6), S574-S575. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Aneja, A., Fremont, W. P., Antshel, K. M., Faraone, S. V., AbdulSabur, N., Higgins, A. M., . . . Kates, W. R. (2007). Manic symptoms and behavioral dysregulation in youth with velocardiofacial syndrome (22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome).
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 17(1), 105-114. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Anonymous. (1998). Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with language and learning disorders. AACAP. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 37(10 Suppl), 46S-62S. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Anonymous. (2006). Mental health in the United States: parental report of diagnosed autism in children aged 4-17 years--United States, 2003-2004.
Mmwr, Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 55(17), 481-486. Exclusion reason; Exclusion reason:: No intellectual disability information.
Antonelli, C. J. (1983). Guidelines for Working with Clients/Students Who Engage in Disruptive-Aggressive Behavior and/or Have Adaptive Behavior Deficits. In Applegate, H., Matson, J. L., & Cherry, K. E. (1999). An evaluation of functional variables affecting severe problem behaviors in adults with mental retardation by using the Questions about Behavioral Function Scale (QABF).
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 20(3), 229-237. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Appleton, H., Roberts, J., & Simpson, K. (2019). How is Anxiety Identified and Diagnosed in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability? A Scoping Review.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12(3-4), 152-175. Exclusion reason: Review
Aragon, A. S., Coriale, G., Fiorentino, D., Kalberg, W. O., Buckley, D., Gossage, J., . . . May, P. A. (2008). Neuropsychological characteristics of Italian children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 32(11), 1909-1919. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Aram, D. M., Ekelman, B. L., & Nation, J. E. (1984). Preschoolers with language disorders: 10 years later.
Journal of Speech & Hearing Research, 27(2), 232-244. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Arim, R. G., Kohen, D. E., Garner, R. E., Lach, L. M., Brehaut, J. C., MacKenzie, M. J., & Rosenbaum, P. L. (2015). Psychosocial functioning in children with neurodevelopmental disorders and externalizing behavior problems.
Disability & Rehabilitation, 37(4), 345-354. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Arndorfer, R. E., Miltenberger, R. G., Woster, S. H., Rortvedt, A. K., & Gaffaney, T. (1994). Home-based descriptive and experimental analysis of problem behaviors in children.
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 14(1), 64-87. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Arnold, R., Yule, W., & Martin, N. (1985). The psychological characteristics of infantile hypercalcaemia: A preliminary investigation.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 27(1), 49-59. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Aro, T., Eklund, K., Eloranta, A.-K., Närhi, V., Korhonen, E., & Ahonen, T. (2019). Associations Between Childhood Learning Disabilities and Adult-Age Mental Health Problems, Lack of Education, and Unemployment.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52(1), 71-83. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Arora, S., Goodall, S., Viney, R., Einfeld, S., & Mhypedd, t. (2020). Health-related quality of life amongst primary caregivers of children with intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 64(2), 103-116. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Asadabadi, M., Mohammadi, M.-R., Ghanizadeh, A., Modabbernia, A., Ashrafi, M., Hassanzadeh, E., . . . Akhondzadeh, S. (2013). Celecoxib as adjunctive treatment to risperidone in children with autistic disorder: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Psychopharmacology, 225(1), 51-59. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Aunos, M., Feldman, M., & Goupil, G. (2008). Mothering with intellectual disabilities: Relationship between social support, health and well-being, parenting and child behaviour outcomes.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21(4), 320-330. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Avrahamy, H., Pollak, Y., Shriki-Tal, L., Genstil, L., Hirsch, H. J., Gross-Tsur, V., & Benarroch, F. (2015). A disease specific questionnaire for assessing behavior in individuals with prader-willi syndrome.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 58, 189-197. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Babcock, S. E., Miller, J. L., Saklofske, D. H., & Zhu, J. (2018). WISC-V Canadian norms: Relevance and use in the assessment of Canadian children.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 50(2), 97-104. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Backes, M., Genc, B., Schreck, J., Doerfler, W., Lehmkuhl, G., & von Gontard, A. (2000). Cognitive and behavioral profile of fragile X boys: correlations to molecular data. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 95(2), 150-156. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Baerga, P. P., Pastrana, M. V., & Bauermeister, J. J. (2017). Assessment of executive functioning in children and adolescents: Validation of the Spanish language Barkley deficits in executive functioning scale for children and adolescents (BDEFS-CA).
ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, 9 (1 Supplement), S15-S16. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Baeza-Velasco, C., Michelon, C., Rattaz, C., & Baghdadli, A. (2014). Are aberrant behavioral patterns associated with the adaptive behavior trajectories of teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorders?
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8(3), 304-311. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Bailey, D. B., Jr., Hatton, D. D., Mesibov, G., Ament, N., & Skinner, M. (2000). Early development, temperament, and functional impairment in autism and fragile X syndrome. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 30(1), 49-59. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bailey, D. B., Jr., Raspa, M., Bishop, E., Mitra, D., Martin, S., Wheeler, A., & Sacco, P. (2012). Health and economic consequences of fragile X syndrome for caregivers.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 33(9), 705-712. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Bailey, K. M., & Blair, K.-S. C. (2015). Feasibility and potential efficacy of the family-centered Prevent-Teach-Reinforce model with families of children with developmental disorders.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 47, 218-233. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Baio, J., Wiggins, L., Christensen, D. L., Maenner, M. J., Daniels, J., Warren, Z., . . . Dowling, N. F. (2018). Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years - Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2014.
Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report. Surveillance Summaries, 67(6), 1-23. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Baker, B. L., & Blacher, J. (2015). Disruptive Behavior Disorders in Adolescents With ASD: Comparisons to Youth With Intellectual Disability or Typical Cognitive Development.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 8(2), 98-116. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Baker, B. L., Blacher, J., & Olsson, M. B. (2005). Preschool children with and without developmental delay: behaviour problems, parents' optimism and well-being. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(8), 575-590. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Baker, B. L., McIntyre, L., Blacher, J., Crnic, K., Edelbrock, C., & Low, C. (2003). Pre-school children with and without developmental delay: Behaviour problems and parenting stress over time.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 47(4-5), 217-230. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Baker, D. B., & McCal, K. (1995). Parenting stress in parents of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and parents of children with learning disabilities.
Journal of Child and Family Studies, 4(1), 57-68. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Baker, E. K., Godler, D. E., Bui, M., Hickerton, C., Rogers, C., Field, M., . . . Bretherton, L. (2018). Exploring autism symptoms in an Australian cohort of patients with Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 10(1), 24. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Baker, J. K., Fenning, R. M., Crnic, K. A., Baker, B. L., & Blacher, J. (2007). Prediction of social skills in 6-year-old children with and without developmental delays: Contributions of early regulation and maternal scaffolding.
American Journal on Mental Retardation, 112(5), 375-391.;2. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Baker, J. K., Seltzer, M. M., & Greenberg, J. S. (2011). Longitudinal effects of adaptability on behavior problems and maternal depression in families of adolescents with autism.
Journal of Family Psychology, 25(4), 601-609. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Baker, J. K., Seltzer, M. M., & Greenberg, J. S. (2012). Behaviour problems, maternal internalising symptoms and family relations in families of adolescents and adults with fragile X syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(10), 984-995. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Baker, K., Scerif, G., Astle, D. E., Fletcher, P. C., & Raymond, F. L. (2015). Psychopathology and cognitive performance in individuals with membrane-associated guanylate kinase mutations: A functional network phenotyping study.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 7 (1) (no pagination)(8). Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Bakhireva, L. N. (2011). Difficulties diagnosing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and confirming maternal and fetal alcohol exposure: An epidemiologist's perspective.
Birth Defects Research Part A - Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 91 (5), 307. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Bakken, T. L., Helverschou, S. B., Eilertsen, D. E., Heggelund, T., Myrbakk, E., & Martinsen, H. (2010). Psychiatric disorders in adolescents and adults with autism and intellectual disability: A representative study in one county in Norway.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(6), 1669-1677. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Balboni, G., Battagliese, G., & Pedrabissi, L. (2000). The Psychopathology Inventory for Mentally Retarded Adults: Factor structure and comparisons between subjects with or without dual diagnosis.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 21(4), 311-321. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Balboni, G., Pedrabissi, L., Molteni, M., & Villa, S. (2001). Discriminant validity of the Vineland Scales: score profiles of individuals with mental retardation and a specific disorder. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 106(2), 162-172. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Balboni, G., Rebecchini, G., Elisei, S., & Tasse, M. J. (2020). Factors affecting the relationship between adaptive behavior and challenging behaviors in individuals with intellectual disability and co-occurring disorders.
Research in Developmental Disabilities Vol 104 2020, ArtID 103718, 104. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Balboni, G., Tasse, M. J., Schalock, R. L., Borthwick-Duffy, S. A., Spreat, S., Thissen, D., . . . Navas, P. (2014). The diagnostic adaptive behavior scale: evaluating its diagnostic sensitivity and specificity.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(11), 2884-2893. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Baleja-Stawicka, I., Pawelczyk, T., Barasinska-Tarka, E., & Rabe-Jablonska, J. (2009). Relation between the mental health condition and the quality of life of a mother and the mental health condition of a child with mental retardation. [Polish, English]. Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna, 9(3), 167-177. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Ballinger, B. R., Ballinger, C. B., Reid, A. H., & McQueen, E. (1991). The psychiatric symptoms, diagnoses and care needs of 100 mentally handicapped patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 251-254. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Balthazar, E. E., et al., Central Wisconsin, C., & Training School, M. W. I. (1973). Absence of Intervention Training Programs: Effects Upon the Severely and Profoundly Retarded, Part I: Selected Cases of Emotional and Behavioral Disturbances. In. Bao, L., Brownlie, E., & Beitchman, J. H. (2016). Mental health trajectories from adolescence to adulthood: Language disorder and other childhood and adolescent risk factors.
Development and Psychopathology, 28(2), 489-504. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Baranek, G. T., Foster, L. G., & Berkson, G. (1997). Tactile defensivenss and stereotyped behaviors.
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 51(2), 91-95. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Barbarin, O. A. (2007). Mental Health Screening of Preschool Children: Validity and Reliability of ABLE.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(3), 402-418. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Barkley, R. A., Anastopoulos, A. D., Guevremont, D. C., & Fletcher, K. E. (1991). Adolescents with ADHD: Patterns of behavioral adjustment, academic functioning, and treatment utilization.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 30(5), 752-761. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Barnard-Brak, L., Rojahn, J., Richman, D. M., Chesnut, S. R., & Wei, T. (2015). Stereotyped behaviors predicting self-injurious behavior in individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36, 419-427. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Barnard-Brak, L., Rojahn, J., & Wei, T. (2013). Psychometric analysis of the behavior problems inventory using an item-response theory framework: A sample of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 35(4), 564-577. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Barnes, K. V., Coughlin, F. R., O'Leary, H. M., Bruck, N., Bazin, G. A., Beinecke, E. B., . . . Kaufmann, W. E. (2015). Anxiety-like behavior in Rett syndrome: Characteristics and assessment by anxiety scales. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Vol 7(1), 2015, ArtID 30, 7(1). Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Barrera, F. J., & Graver, E. E. (2009). A comparison of behaviour functions in community and facility settings. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 15(1), 30-34. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Barreto, S. d. O., Freitas, L. C., & Del Prette, Z. A. P. (2011). Social skills in the comorbidity between learning disabilities and behavior problems: A multimodal assessment. Psico, 42(4), 503-510. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Barron, D. A., Molosankwe, I., Romeo, R., & Hassiotis, A. (2013). Urban adolescents with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour: Costs and characteristics during transition to adult services.
Health & Social Care in the Community, 21(3), 283-292. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Barry-Walsh, J., Daffern, M., Duncan, S., & Ogloff, J. (2009). The prediction of imminent aggression in patients with mental illness and/or intellectual disability using the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression instrument.
Australasian Psychiatry, 17(6), 493-496. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Barthelemy, C., Adrien, J.-L., Roux, S., Garreau, B., Perrot, A., & Lelord, G. (1992). Sensitivity and specificity of the Behavioral Summarized Evaluation (BSE) for the assessment of autistic behaviors.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 22(1), 23-31. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Barthelemy, C., Roux, S., Adrien, J., Hameury, L., Guerin, P., Garreau, B., . . . Lelord, G. (1997). Validation of the Revised Behavior Summarized Evaluation Scale.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 27(2), 139-153. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Basgul, S. S., Etiler, N., Coskun, A., Karakaya, I., & Agaoglu, B. (2009). Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of ECI-4 parent scale. Cocuk ve Genclik Ruh Sagligi Dergisi, 16(2), 83-92. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Basile, E., Villa, L., Selicorni, A., & Molteni, M. (2007). The behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange syndrome: A study of 56 individuals.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51(9), 671-681. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Batabre, R., Kale, V. P., Shah, S., & Kadam, M. (2013). The prevalence of perceived stress and coping strategies in parents of intellectually disabled children. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 55 (SUPPL.1), S45-S46. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Baumgardner, T. L., Reiss, A. L., Freund, L. S., & Abrams, M. T. (1995). Specification of the neurobehavioral phenotype in males with fragile X syndrome. Pediatrics, 95(5), 744-752. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Bausela Herreras, E. (2019). BRIEF-P: Validation Study in Children in Early Childhood with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. SAGE Open, 9(3). Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Beck, B., Amon, P., Castell, R., Mall, W., & Wilkes, J. (1993). [Reliability of the Child Behavior Checklist in a population of 6 to 8-year-old special education students]. Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, 21(2), 101-108. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Beitchman, J. H., Cantwell, D. P., Forness, S. R., Kavale, K. A., & Kauffman, J. M. (1998). Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with language and learning disorders.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 37(10, Suppl), 46S-62S. Exclusion reason: Review
Bender, W. N. (1985). Differences between learning disabled and non-learning disabled children in temperament and behavior.
Learning Disability Quarterly, 8(1), 11-18. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Benson, B. A., & Reiss, S. (1984). A factor analysis of emotional disorders in mentally retarded people. Australia & New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 10(3), 135-139. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Beran, T. N. (2006). Test Review: Bracken, B. A., & Keith, L. K. (2004). "Clinical Assessment of Behavior." Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 24(4), 399-403. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Bernard, S. H. (2011). The mental health needs of children with intellectual disabilities. Mental health in intellectual disabilities: A reader , 4th ed, 197-205. Exclusion reason: Printed books
Bernard, S. H., Kannabiran, M., & Philips, N. (2010). Assessment. Mental health needs of children and young people with learning disabilities, 27-59. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Bernsen, A. H. (1980). An interview technique in assessing retarded children: A comparative study of the reliability of the Children's Handicaps, Behaviour and Skills (HBS) Schedule. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 24(3), 167-179. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bhang, S., Kim, J., & Hwang, S. (2015). Assessing problematic behaviors in Korean children with developmental disorders.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1), S180. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Bhattacharyya, R., Sanyal, D., Roy, K., & Saha, S. (2009). A study of cluster behavioral abnormalities in Down syndrome. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 63(2), 58-65. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Bhuiyan, Z. A., Klein, M., Hammond, P., Van Haeringen, A., Mannens, M. M. A. M., Van Berckelaer-Onnes, I., & Hennekam, R. C. M. (2006). Genotype-phenotype correlations of 39 patients with Cornelia de Lange syndrome: The Dutch experience.
Journal of Medical Genetics, 43(7), 568-575. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Biggs, E. E., & Carter, E. W. (2016). Quality of life for transition-age youth with autism or intellectual disability.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(1), 190-204. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bilgic, A., Uslu, R., & Kartal, O. O. (2011). Comparison of toddlers with pervasive developmental disorders and developmental delay based on diagnosis classification: 0-3 Revised. Noropsikiyatri Arsivi, 48(3), 188-194. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Blacher, J., Baker, B. L., Eisenhower, A. S., Blacher, J., Baker, B. L., & Eisenhower, A. S. (2009). Student-teacher relationship stability across early school years for children with intellectual disability or typical development. American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 114(5), 322-339. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Blacher, J., Howell, E., Lauderdale-Littin, S., DiGennaro Reed, F. D., & Laugeson, E. A. (2014). Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Student Teacher Relationship: A Comparison Study with Peers with Intellectual Disability and Typical Development. Grantee Submission, 8, 324-333. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Bolourian, Y. R. (2019). Co-occurring behavior problems in youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A developmental perspective. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 80(7-A(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Bolte, S., & Poustka, F. (2002). The relation between general cognitive level and adaptive behavior domains in individuals with autism with and without co-morbid mental retardation.
Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 33(2), 165-172. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bond, M. J., & Tustin, R. (1999). Identification of conduct and emotional syndromes using the Adelaide Behaviour Disorder Scale.
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 24(2), 133-138. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Bonfield, J. R., & Pennsylvania State Univ, U. P. (1968). Predictors of Achievement for Educable Mentally Retarded Children. Final Report. In.Borthwick-Duffy, S. A., Lane, K. L., & Widaman, K. F. (1997). Measuring problem behaviors in children with mental retardation: dimensions and predictors. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 18(6), 415-433. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference.
Bostrom, P. (2016). Protection and limitation: Experiences of the context that impact the mental health of young persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60 (7-8), 641. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Bostrom, P., Asberg, J., & Broberg, M. (2014). Development of a self-report mental health questionnaire (WellSEQ) for adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(4), 313-313. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Bostrom, P., Asberg Johnels, J., & Broberg, M. (2018). Self-reported psychological wellbeing in adolescents: The role of intellectual/developmental disability and gender.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 62(2), 83-93. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bostrom, P., & Broberg, M. (2018). Protection and restriction: A mixed-methods study of self-reported well-being among youth with intellectual disabilities.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(1), e164-e176. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Bostrom, P., Broberg, M., & Hwang, C. (2010). Different, difficult or distinct? Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of temperament in children with and without intellectual disabilities.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54(9), 806-819. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bourke-Taylor, H., Law, M., Howie, L., & Pallant, J. F. (2010). Development of the Child's Challenging Behaviour Scale (CCBS) for mothers of school-aged children with disabilities.
Child: Care, Health & Development, 36(4), 491-498. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bourke-Taylor, H., Pallant, J., & Law, M. (2014). Update on the child's challenging behaviour scale following evaluation using Rasch analysis.
Child: Care, Health and Development, 40(2), 242-249. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Bower, E. M. (1969). Early Identification of Emotionally Handicapped Children in School, Second Edition. A Monograph in American Lectures in Psychology. In. Bowring, D. L., Totsika, V., Hastings, R. P., & Toogood, S. (2019). Outcomes from a community-based positive behavioural support team for children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Bowring, D. L., Totsika, V., Hastings, R. P., & Toogood, S. (2020). Outcomes from a community-based Positive Behavioural Support team for children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 33(2), 193-203. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Bradshaw, J., Gore, N., & Darvell, C. (2018). Supporting the direct involvement of students with disabilities in functional assessment through use of Talking Mats®.
Tizard Learning Disability Review, 23(2), 111-116. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Bramston, P., & Fogarty, G. (2000). The assessment of emotional distress experienced by people with an intellectual disability: a study of different methodologies. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 21(6), 487-500. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Breau, L. M., Camfield, C. S., Symons, F. J., Bodfish, J. W., Mackay, A., Finley, G. A., & McGrath, P. J. (2003). Relation between pain and self-injurious behavior in nonverbal children with severe cognitive impairments. Journal of Pediatrics, 142(5), 498-503. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Brereton, A. V., Tonge, B. J., Mackinnon, A. J., & Einfeld, S. L. (2002). Screening young people for autism with the developmental behavior checklist. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 41(11), 1369-1375. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Breslau, N. (1990). Does brain dysfunction increased children's vulnerability to environmental stress? Archives of General Psychiatry, 47(1), 15-20. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Briegel, W., Schneider, M., & Schwab, K. O. (2009). [22q11.2 deletion: handicap-related problems and coping strategies of primary caregivers].
Zeitschrift fur Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 37(6), 535-540. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Brinkley, J., Nations, L., Abramson, R. K., Hall, A., Wright, H. H., Gabriels, R., . . . Cuccaro, M. L. (2007). Factor Analysis of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(10), 1949-1959. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information.
Brown, L., Hammill, D. D., & Sherbenou, R. J. (1981). The reliability of four measures of children's behavior with deviant populations.
Behavioral Disorders, 6(3), 180-182. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Buchholz, E. (2013). Gender and comorbid psychopathologies in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 74(5-B(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Buelow, J. M., Austin, J. K., Perkins, S. M., Shen, J., Dunn, D. W., & Fastenau, P. S. (2003). Behavior and mental health problems in children with epilepsy and low IQ. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 45(10), 683-692. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Buelow, J. M., Perkins, S. M., Johnson, C. S., Byars, A. W., Fastenau, P. S., Dunn, D. W., & Austin, J. K. (2012). Adaptive functioning in children with epilepsy and learning problems.
Journal of Child Neurology, 27(10), 1241-1249. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Bull, L. E., Oliver, C., Tunnicliffe, P. L., & Woodcock, K. A. (2015). An informant report behavior diary for measuring temper outbursts in an intervention setting.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 27(4), 489-504. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Burakevych, N., McKinlay, C. J. D., Alsweiler, J. M., Wouldes, T. A., & Harding, J. E. (2016). Pre-school screening for developmental and emotional health: Comparison with neurodevelopmental assessment.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52(6), 600-607. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Burbidge, C., Oliver, C., Moss, J., Arron, K., Berg, K., Furniss, F., . . . Woodock, K. (2010). The association between repetitive behaviours, impulsivity and hyperactivity in people with intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54(12), 1078-1092. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Burdett, K. M. (1996). A comparison of the psychological wellness of Chapter I students to learning disabled and regular education students. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 56(12-A), 4724. Exclusion reason: Unable to obtain in full text
Burns, G., & Patterson, D. R. (1990). Conduct problem behaviors in a stratified random sample of children and adolescents: New standardization data on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory.
Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2(4), 391-397. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Burns, G., & Patterson, D. R. (1991). Factor structure of the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory: Unidimensional or multidimensional measure of disruptive behavior?
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 20(4), 439-444. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Burns, G., Patterson, D. R., Nussbaum, B. R., & Parker, C. M. (1991). Disruptive behaviors in an outpatient pediatric population: Additional standardization data on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory.
Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 3(2), 202-207. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Byrne, J. M., Backman, J. E., Gates, R. D., & Clark-Touesnard, M. (1986). Interpretation of the Personality Inventory for Children-Revised (PIC-R): influence of cognitive impairment. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 14(2), 287-296. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Calkins, M. E., Merikangas, K. R., Burstein, M., Satterthwaite, T., Wolf, D., Moore, T. M., . . . Gur, R. E. (2015). Clinical phenotypic characterization of the philadelphia neurodevelopmental cohort: Foundations for integrative investigations of psychiatric disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 1), 288S-289S. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Calkins, M. E., Merikangas, K. R., Moore, T. M., Burstein, M., Behr, M. A., Satterthwaite, T. D., . . . Gur, R. E. (2015). The Philadelphia neurodevelopmental cohort: Constructing a deep phenotyping collaborative.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(12), 1356-1369. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Camfield, C., Breau, L., Camfield, P., Camfield, C., Breau, L., & Camfield, P. (2003). Assessing the impact of pediatric epilepsy and concomitant behavioral, cognitive, and physical/neurologic disability: Impact of Childhood Neurologic Disability Scale. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 45(3), 152-159. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Campbell, L. E., Daly, E., Toal, F., Stevens, A., Azuma, R., Catani, M., . . . Murphy, K. C. (2006). Brain and behaviour in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a volumetric and voxel-based morphometry MRI study. Brain, 129(Pt 5), 1218-1228. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Campbell, M., & Malone, R. P. (1991). MENTAL-RETARDATION AND PSYCHIATRIC-DISORDERS. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 42(4), 374-379. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Caplan, B., Neece, C. L., & Baker, B. L. (2015). Developmental level and psychopathology: Comparing children with developmental delays to chronological and mental age matched controls.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 37, 143-151. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Capone, G., Goyal, P., Ares, W., & Lannigan, E. (2006). Neurobehavioral disorders in children, adolescents, and young adults with Down syndrome.
American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics, 142(3), 158-172. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Capone, G. T., Aidikoff, J. M., & Goyal, P. (2011). Adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome presenting to a medical clinic with depression: Phenomenology and characterization using the Reiss Scales and Aberrant Behavior Checklist.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 4(4), 244-264. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Caraveo-Anduaga, J. J. (2007). Validity of the Brief Screening and Diagnostic Questionnaire (CBTD) for children and adolescents in clinical settings. Salud Mental, 30(2), 42-49. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Carberry, A. T., & Handal, P. J. (1980). The use of the AML Scale with a Headstart population: Normative and validation studies.
American Journal of Community Psychology, 8(3), 353-363. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Carcani-Rathwell, I., Rabe-Hasketh, S., & Santosh, P. J. (2006). Repetitive and stereotyped behaviours in pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 47(6), 573-581. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Carmeli, E., Klein, N., & Sohn, M. (2007). The implications of having attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in male adolescents with intellectual disability.
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 19(2), 209-214. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Carnazzo, K., Dowdy, E., Furlong, M. J., & Quirk, M. P. (2019). An evaluation of the Social Emotional Health SurveySecondary for use with students with learning disabilities.
Psychology in the Schools, 56(3), 433-446. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Carnazzo, K. W. (2018). An evaluation of the Social Emotional Health Survey-Secondary for use with students with learning disabilities: Confirmatory factor analysis, measurement invariance, and comparative analyses. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 78(12-A(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Carter, A., & Briggs-Gowan, M. (2011). The Brief-Infant Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA): Clinical validation.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1), S46. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Caruana, J., Dossetor, D., Eisler, K., & Saleh, H. (2019). I thought you would never ask!: The english translation of wellseq, a self- report measure of well-being for adolescents with intellectual or developmental disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63 (7), 684. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Catani, C., & Sossalla, I. M. (2015). Child abuse predicts adult PTSD symptoms among individuals diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. Frontiers in Psychology Vol 6 2015, ArtID 1600, 6. Exclusion reason: Adult population.
Cervi, F., Vignoli, A., & La Briola, F. (2019). New strategies to assess neuropsychiatric involvement and improve the outcome in children and adolescents with NF1 and TSC.
Neuropediatrics. Conference: 47th Annual Meeting of the Societe Europeenne de Neurologie Pediatrique, SENP, 50(Supplement 1). Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Chadwick, O., Kusel, Y., & Cuddy, M. (2008). Factors associated with the risk of behaviour problems in adolescents with severe intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52(10), 864-876. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Chadwick, O., Kusel, Y., Cuddy, M., & Taylor, E. (2005). Psychiatric diagnoses and behaviour problems from childhood to early adolescence in young people with severe intellectual disabilities.
Psychological Medicine, 35(5), 751-760. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Charlot, L., Deutsch, C., Hunt, A., Fletcher, K., & McLlvane, W. (2007). Validation of the Mood and Anxiety Semi-structured (MASS) Interview for patients with intellectual disabilities.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 821-834. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Chaturvedi, P., Agarwal, A., & Gupta, S. (1984). Psychological study of inmates of a children's home with special reference to their intelligence and aggressive behaviour. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 26(2), 133-140. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Cheramie, G. M. (1994). The AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale--School Edition: II. Test-retest reliability and parent-teacher agreement in a behavior disordered sample.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 79(1, Pt 1), 275-283. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Chiarello, L. A., Almasri, N., & Palisano, R. J. (2009). Factors related to adaptive behavior in children with cerebral palsy.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 30(5), 426-434. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Chowdhury, M. (2013). Follow-up of maladaptive behaviors in youth with autism spectrum disorders: Changes and predictors over two to eight years. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 74(3-B(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Chowdhury, M., Aman, M., Scahill, L., Swiezy, N., Arnold, L., Lecavalier, L., . . . McDougle, C. (2010). The Home Situations Questionnaire-PDD version: Factor structure and psychometric properties.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54(3), 281-291. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Chowdhury, M., Aman, M. G., Lecavalier, L., Smith, T., Johnson, C., Swiezy, N., . . . Scahill, L. (2016). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the revised Home Situations Questionnaire for autism spectrum disorder: The Home Situations Questionnaire-Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism, 20(5), 528-537. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Christensen, L., Baker, B. L., & Blacher, J. (2013). Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children With Intellectual Disabilities.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 6(3), 225-244. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Christensen, L. L. (2013). Dual diagnosis: Intellectual disability and oppositional defiant disorder. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 74(1-B(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Clapp, R. B., Jr. (2015). Demographic variables and intelligence test scores in disability applicants. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 76(5-B(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Clark, D., & Wilson, G. N. (2003). Behavioral assessment of children with Down syndrome using the Reiss psychopathology scale. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 118A(3), 210-216. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Clark, D., & Wilson, G. N. (2003). Behavioral assessment of children with Down syndrome using the Reiss psychopathology scale. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 118 A(3), 210-216. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Clark, E. (1982). Construct validity and diagnostic potential of the personality inventory for children (PIC) with emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, and educable mentally retarded children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 43(5-A), 1473-1474. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Clark, E. (1987). Responses of mothers and fathers on the Personality Inventory for Children: Are they significantly different?
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 5(2), 138-148. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Clark, E., Kehle, T. J., Bullock, D., & Jenson, W. R. (1987). Convergent and discriminant validity of the personality inventory for children.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 5(2), 99-106. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Clark, E., Kehle, T. J., & Bullock, D. S. (1988). Personality Inventory for Children: Profiles for learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, and intellectually handicapped children.
School Psychology International, 9(1), 43-49. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Cochran, L., Welham, A., Oliver, C., Arshad, A., & Moss, J. F. (2019). Age-related behavioural change in Cornelia de Lange and Cri du Chat syndromes: A seven year follow-up study.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(6), 2476-2487. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Coe, D. A. (1995). An investigation of behavior problems of children with Down Syndrome and their relationship to life events. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 56(3-B), 1694. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Cohen, I. L., Schmidt-Lackner, S., Romanczyk, R., & Sudhalter, V. (2003). The PDD behavior inventory: A rating scale for assessing response to intervention in children with pervasive developmental disorder.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33(1), 31-45. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Cohen, N. J., Gotlieb, H., Kershner, J., & Wehrspann, W. (1985). Concurrent validity of the internalizing and externalizing profile patterns of the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 53(5), 724-728. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Cohen, N. J., Kolers, N., & Bradley, S. (1990). Relation of global ratings of functioning with behaviour and development in delayed and disturbed preschoolers. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie, 35(6), 514-518. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Colmar, S., Maxwell, A., & Miller, L. (2006). Assessing intellectual disability in children: Are IQ measures sufficient, or even necessary?
Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 16(2), 177-188. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Colombo, P., Nobile, M., Tesei, A., Civati, F., Gandossini, S., Mani, E., . . . D'Angelo, G. (2017). Assessing mental health in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Emotional, behavioural and neurodevelopmental profile in an Italian clinical sample.
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 21(4), 639-647. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Conroy, M., Fox, J., Crain, L., Jenkins, A., & et al. (1996). Evaluating the social and ecological validity of analog assessment procedures for challenging behaviors in young children. Education and Treatment of Children, 19(3), 233-256. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Consoli, A., Cohen, J., Bodeau, N., Guinchat, V., Wachtel, L., & Cohen, D. (2013). Electroconvulsive therapy in adolescents with intellectual disability and severe self-injurious behavior and aggression: A retrospective study.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 22(1), 55-62. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Constantino, J. N., Przybeck, T., Friesen, D., & Todd, R. D. (2000). Reciprocal social behavior in children with and without pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 21(1), 2-11. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Conway, K. M. (2005). An evaluation of social skills training for youth with learning disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 65(9-B), 4822. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Coolidge, F. L., Thede, L. L., Stewart, S. E., & Segal, D. L. (2002). The Coolidge Personality and Neuropsychological Inventory for Children (CPNI): Preliminary psychometric characteristics.
Behavior Modification, 26(4), 550-566. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Copeland, W. E., Simonoff, E., & Stringaris, A. (2016). Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55 (10 Supplement 1), S269-S270. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Coppola, G., Verrotti, A., Resicato, G., Ferrarelli, S., Auricchio, G., Operto, F. F., & Pascotto, A. (2008). Topiramate in children and adolescents with epilepsy and mental retardation: a prospective study on behavior and cognitive effects. Epilepsy & Behavior, 12(2), 253-256. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Cordeiro, L., Abucayan, F., Hagerman, R., Tassone, F., & Hessl, D. (2015). Anxiety disorders in fragile X premutation carriers: Preliminary characterization of probands and non-probands.
Irdr, 4(3), 123-130. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Cordeiro, L., Ballinger, E., Hagerman, R., & Hessl, D. (2011). Clinical assessment of DSM-IV anxiety disorders in fragile X syndrome: Prevalence and characterization.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 3(1), 57-67. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Cornish, K., Munir, F., & Wilding, J. (2001). A neuropsychological and behavioural profile of attention deficits in fragile X syndrome. [Spanish]. Revista de Neurologia, 33 Suppl 1, S24-29. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Cornish, K., Munir, F., & Wilding, J. (2001). [A neuropsychological and behavioural profile of attention deficits in fragile X syndrome]. Revista de Neurologia, 33 Suppl 1, S24-29. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Costenbader, V. K., & Keller, H. R. (1990). Behavioral ratings of emotionally handicapped, learning disabled, and nonreferred children: Scale and source consistency.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 8(4), 485-496. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Coughlin, M., Sharry, J., Fitzpatrick, C., Guerin, S., & Drumm, M. (2009). A controlled clinical evaluation of the Parents Plus Children's Programme: a video-based programme for parents of children aged 6 to 11 with behavioural and developmental problems.
Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 14(4), 541-558. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Coutinho, V., Kemlin, I., Dorison, N., Billette de Villemeur, T., Rodriguez, D., & Dellatolas, G. (2016). Neuropsychological evaluation and parental assessment of behavioral and motor difficulties in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 48, 220-230. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Cowell, D. (1993). Screening for behaviour problems in a school for pupils with moderate learning difficulties. AEP (Association of Educational Psychologists) Journal, 9(2), 105-110. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Crews, W. D., Jr., Bonaventura, S., & Rowe, F. (1994). Dual diagnosis: prevalence of psychiatric disorders in a large state residential facility for individuals with mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 98(6), 724-731. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Cullinan, D., & Epstein, M. H. (1985). Adjustment problems of mildly handicapped and nonhandicapped students.
RASE: Remedial & Special Education, 6(2), 5-11. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Cullinan, D., Epstein, M. H., & Lloyd, J. (1981). School behavior problems of learning disabled and normal girls and boys.
Learning Disability Quarterly, 4(2), 163-169. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Cullinan, D., Epstein, M. H., & Olinger, E. (1983). School behavior problems of mentally retarded and normal females. Mental Retardation & Learning Disability Bulletin, 11(3), 104-109. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Cullinan, D., & et al. (1979). Behavior Problems of Educationally Handicapped and Normal Pupils. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 7(4), 495-502. Exclusion reason: Published prior to 1980
Cullinan, D., & et al. (1984). Behavior Problems of Mentally Retarded and Nonretarded Adolescent Pupils. School Psychology Review, 13(3), 381-384. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Cullinan, D., Gadow, K. D., & Epstein, M. H. (1987). Psychotropic drug treatment among learning-disabled, educable mentally retarded, and seriously emotionally disturbed students.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 15(4), 469-477. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Cullinan, D., Schultz, R. M., Epstein, M. H., & Luebke, J. F. (1984). Behavior problems of handicapped adolescent female students.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 13(1), 57-64. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Curfs, L. M., Verhulst, F. C., & Fryns, J. P. (1991). Behavioral and emotional problems in youngsters with Prader-Willi syndrome. Genetic Counseling, 2(1), 33-41. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Curry, J. F., & Thompson, R. J. (1982). Patterns of behavioral disturbance in developmentally disabled children: A replicated cluster analysis.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 7(1), 61-73. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Cuskelly, M., & Dadds, M. (1992). Behavioural problems in children with Down's syndrome and their siblings. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 33(4), 749-761. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Cuskelly, M., & Gunn, P. (1993). Maternal reports of behavior of siblings of children with Down syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 97(5), 521-529. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Dagnan, D. (2011). Phobias and anxiety-related problems in mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
Handbook of child and adolescent anxiety disorders, 435-446. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Dale, N., Salt, A., Sakkalou, E., Glew, S., Eriksson, M., & Clarkson, H. (2018). Investigation of a new social communication observation schedule for assessment of autism spectrum disorder in young children with profound-severe visual impairment.
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 60 (Supplement 2), 13. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Dall'Oglio, A. M., Rossiello, B., Coletti, M. F., Caselli, M. C., Rava, L., di Ciommo, V., . . . Pasqualetti, P. (2010). Developmental evaluation at age 4: Validity of an Italian parental questionnaire.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 46(7-8), 419-426. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Danielsson, S., Viggedal, G., Steffenburg, S., Rydenhag, B., Gillberg, C., & Olsson, I. (2009). Psychopathology, psychosocial functioning, and IQ before and after epilepsy surgery in children with drug-resistant epilepsy.
Epilepsy & Behavior, 14(2), 330-337. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Danov, S. E., Tervo, R., Meyers, S., & Symons, F. J. (2012). Using functional analysis methodology to evaluate effects of an atypical antipsychotic on severe problem behavior.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 5(3-4), 286-308. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Daraiseh, N. M., Summerville, L. A., Lin, L., Tucker, D., Hill, A. K., Salisbury, K., & Lind, M. A. (2018). Selection of employee personal protective equipment based on aggressive behavior in pediatric neuropsychiatry.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 21(1), 32-39. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Daveney, J., Hassiotis, A., Katona, C., Matcham, F., & Sen, P. (2019). Ascertainment and Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12(3-4), 211-233. Exclusion reason: Review
David, M., Dieterich, K., de Villemeur, A., Jouk, P., Counillon, J., Larroque, B., . . . Cans, C. (2014). Prevalence and characteristics of children with mild intellectual disability in a French county.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 58(7), 591-602. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Davidsson, M., Hult, N., Gillberg, C., Sarneo, C., Gillberg, C., & Billstedt, E. (2017). Anxiety and depression in adolescents with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders; correlation between parent- and self-reports and with attention and adaptive functioning.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 71(8), 614-620. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Davis, T. E., Moree, B. N., Dempsey, T., Reuther, E. T., Fodstad, J. C., Hess, J. A., . . . Matson, J. L. (2011). The relationship between autism spectrum disorders and anxiety: The moderating effect of communication.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(1), 324-329. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
de Bildt, A., Kraijer, D., Sytema, S., & Minderaa, R. (2005). The psychometric properties of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales in children and adolescents with mental retardation. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 35(1), 53-62. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
de Bildt, A., Mulder, E. J., Hoekstra, P. J., van Lang, N. D. J., Minderaa, R. B., & Hartman, C. A. (2009). Validity of the Children's Social Behavior Questionnaire (CSBQ) in children with intellectual disability: comparing the CSBQ with ADI-R, ADOS, and clinical DSM-IV-TR classification.
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 39(10), 1464-1470. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
de Bildt, A., Mulder, E. J., Scheers, T., Minderaa, R. B., & Tobi, H. (2006). Pervasive developmental disorder, behavior problems, and psychotropic drug use in children and adolescents with mental retardation.
Pediatrics, 118(6), E1860-E1866. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
de Bildt, A., Sytema, S., Kraijer, D., Sparrow, S., & Minderaa, R. (2005). Adaptive functioning and behaviour problems in relation to level of education in children and adolescents with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(9), 672-681. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
de Boer, L., Röder, I., & Wit, J. M. (2006). Psychosocial, cognitive, and motor functioning in patients with suspected Sotos syndrome: a comparison between patients with and without NSD1 gene alterations. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 48(7), 582-588. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
De Bruin, E. I., Ferdinand, R. F., Meester, S., De Nijs, P. F. A., & Verheij, F. (2007). High rates of psychiatric co-morbidity in PDD-NOS.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37(5), 877-886. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
de Ruiter, K. P., Dekker, M. C., Douma, J. C., Verhulst, F. C., & Koot, H. M. (2008). Development of parent- and teacher-reported emotional and behavioural problems in young people with intellectual disabilities: Does level of intellectual disability matter? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21(1), 70-80. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
De Smedt, B., Devriendt, K., Fryns, J., Vogels, A., Gewillig, M., & Swillen, A. (2007). Intellectual abilities in a large sample of children with Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome: an update. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51(9), 666-670. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
de Vries, P. J., Belousova, E., Benedik, M. P., Carter, T., Cottin, V., Curatolo, P., . . . O’Callaghan, F. (2018). TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND): findings from the TOSCA natural history study.
Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases, 13(1), N.PAG-N.PAG. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
de Wolff, M. S., Theunissen, M. H., Vogels, A. G., & Reijneveld, S. A. (2013). Three questionnaires to detect psychosocial problems in toddlers: a comparison of the BITSEA, ASQ:SE, and KIPPPI.
Academic pediatrics, 13(6), 587-592. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Dekker, M. C., & Koot, H. M. (2003). DSM-IV Disorders in Children With Borderline to Moderate Intellectual Disability. II: Child and Family Predictors.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(8), 923-931. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Dekker, M. C., & Koot, H. M. (2004). Problems with emotions and behaviour in young people with intellectual disability.
Kind en Adolescent, 25(3), 211-223. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Dekker, M. C., Nunn, R., & Koot, H. M. (2002). Psychometric properties of the revised Developmental Behaviour Checklist scales in Dutch children with intellectual disability [corrected] [published erratum appears in J INTELLECT DISABIL RES 2002 Mar;46(part 3):285]. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46(1), 61-75. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Dekker, M. C., Nunn, R. J., Einfeld, S. E., Tonge, B. J., & Koot, H. M. (2002). Assessing Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Children with Intellectual Disability: Revisiting the Factor Structure of the Developmental Behaviour Checklist. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 32(6), 601-610. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Delamater, A. M., & Lahey, B. B. (1983). Physiological correlates of conduct problems and anxiety in hyperactive and learning-disabled children.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 11(1), 85-100. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Delforterie, M., Hesper, B., & Didden, R. (2018). Psychometric properties of the dynamic risk outcome scales (dros) for individuals with mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning and externalizing behaviour problems.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Demb, H. B., Brier, N., Huron, R., & Tomor, E. (1994). The Adolescent Behavior Checklist: normative data and sensitivity and specificity of a screening tool for diagnosable psychiatric disorders in adolescents with mental retardation and other development disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 15(2), 151-165. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Demb, H. B., Brier, N., Huron, R., & Tomor, E. (1994). The Adolescent Behavior Checklist: Normative data and sensitivity and specificity of a screening tool for diagnosable psychiatric disorders in adolescents with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 15(2), 151-165. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Demb, H. B. B. N. H. R. T. E. (1994). Adolescent Behavior Checklist. In.Descheemaeker, M. J., Vogels, A., Govers, V., Borghgraef, M., Willekens, D., Swillen, A., . . . Fryns, J. P. (2002). Prader-Willi syndrome: new insights in the behavioural and psychiatric spectrum. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46(Pt 1), 41-50. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Di Nuovo, S. F., & Buono, S. (2007). Psychiatric syndromes comorbid with mental retardation: Differences in cognitive and adaptive skills.
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 41(9), 795-800. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Di Nuovo, S. F., Buono, S., Colucci, G., & Pellicciotta, A. (2004). Psychopathology and mental retardation: a study using the Rorschach Inkblot Test. Psychological Reports, 94(3 Pt 2), 1313-1321. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Dickson, K., Emerson, E., & Hatton, C. (2005). Self-reported anti-social behaviour: Prevalence and risk factors amongst adolescents with and without intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(11), 820-826. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Dietz, K. R., Lavigne, J. V., Arend, R., & Rosenbaum, D. (1997). Relation between intelligence and psychopathology among preschoolers. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26(1), 99-107. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Dietz, S., & Montague, M. (2006). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder comorbid with emotional and behavioral disorders and learning disabilities in adolescents.
Exceptionality, 14(1), 19-33. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
DiLorenzo, T. M., & Michelson, L. (1982). Psychometric properties of the Behavioral Assertiveness Test for Children (BAT-C).
Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 4(4), 71-76. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Dinya, E., Csorba, J., Suli, A., & Grosz, Z. (2012). Behaviour profile of Hungarian adolescent outpatients with a dual diagnosis.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(5), 1574-1580. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Doan, T., Ware, R., McPherson, L., van Dooren, K., Bain, C., Carrington, S., . . . Lennox, N. (2014). Psychotropic medication use in adolescents with intellectual disability living in the community.
Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety, 23(1), 69-76. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Dodd, H. F., & Porter, M. A. (2009). Psychopathology in Williams syndrome: The effect of individual differences across the life span.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2(2), 89-109. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Dossetor, D., White, D., & Whatson, L. (2011). Establishing a clinical framework for the mental health (MH) of children and adolescents (C&A) with intellectual disability (ID): Identifying factors that impede training and service development.
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2), 21. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Dovgan, K., Mazurek, M. O., & Hansen, J. (2019). Measurement invariance of the Child Behavior Checklist in children with autism spectrum disorder with and without intellectual disability: Follow-up study.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 58, 19-29. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Doyle, A., Ostrander, R., Skare, S., Crosby, R. D., & August, G. J. (1997). Convergent and criterion-related validity of the Behavior Assessment System for Children-Parent Rating Scale.
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26(3), 276-284. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Dumont, E., Kroes, D., Korzilius, H., Didden, R., & Rojahn, J. (2014). Psychometric properties of a Dutch version of the Behavior Problems Inventory-01 (BPI-01).
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(3), 603-610. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Einfeld, S., Tonge, B., Turner, G., Parmenter, T., & Smith, A. (1999). Longitudinal course of behavioural and emotional problems of young persons with Prader-Willi, Fragile X, Williams and Down syndromes. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 24(4), 349-354. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Einfeld, S., & Tonge, J. (1996). Population prevalence of psychopathology in children and adolescents with intellectual disability: I. Rationale and methods.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 40(2), 91-98. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Einfeld, S. L., Piccinin, A. M., Mackinnon, A., Hofer, S. M., Taffe, J., Gray, K. M., . . . Tonge, B. J. (2006). Psychopathology in young people with intellectual disability.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(16), 1981-1989. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Einfeld, S. L., Smith, A., Durvasula, S., Florio, T., & Tonge, B. J. (1999). Behavior and emotional disturbance in Prader-Willi syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 82(2), 123-127. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Einfeld, S. L., & Tonge, B. J. (1991). Psychometric and clinical assessment of psychopathology in developmentally disabled children. Australia & New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 17(2), 147-154. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Einfeld, S. L., & Tonge, B. J. (1996). Population prevalence of psychopathology in children and adolescents with intellectual disability: II. Epidemiological findings. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 40(Pt 2), 99-109. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
American Journal of Medical Genetics, 51(4), 386-391. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Einfeld, S. L., Tonge, B. J., & Florio, T. (1994). Behavioural and emotional disturbance in fragile X syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 51(4), 386-391. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Einfeld, S. L., Tonge, B. J., & Florio, T. (1997). Behavioral and emotional disturbance in individuals with Williams syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 102(1), 45-53. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Einfeld, S. L. T. B. J. (1995). Developmental Behavior Checklist. In.
Einfeld, S. L. T. B. J. (1995). Developmental Behavior Checklist--Teachers Version. In.
Eklund, H., Findon, J., Cadman, T., Hayward, H., Murphy, D., Asherson, P., . . . Xenitidis, K. (2018). Needs of adolescents and young adults with neurodevelopmental disorders: Comparisons of young people and parent perspectives.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(1), 83-91. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Elliott, S. N., & McKinnie, D. M. (1994). Relationships and differences among social skills, problem behaviors, and academic competence for mainstreamed learning-disabled and nonhandicapped students.
Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 10(1), 1-14. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Embregts, P., Didden, R., Huitink, C., & Schreuder, N. (2009). Contextual variables affecting aggressive behaviour in individuals with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities who live in a residential facility.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53(3), 255-264. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Embregts, P. J. (2000). Reliability of the Child Behavior Checklist for the assessment of behavioral problems of children and youth with mild mental retardation.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 21(1), 31-41. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Emerson, E. (2003). Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents with and without intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 47(1), 51-58. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Emerson, E. (2005). Use of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire to access the mental health needs of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 30(1), 14-23. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Emerson, E., Einfeld, S., Stancliffe, R. J., Emerson, E., Einfeld, S., & Stancliffe, R. J. (2010). The mental health of young children with intellectual disabilities or borderline intellectual functioning.
Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(5), 579-587. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Emerson, E., Felce, D., & Stancliffe, R. J. (2013). Issues Concerning Self-Report Data and Population-Based Data Sets Involving People With Intellectual Disabilities.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 51(5), 333-348. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Emerson, E., Kiernan, C., Alborz, A., Reeves, D., Mason, H., Swarbrick, R., . . . Hatton, C. (2001). The prevalence of challenging behaviors: A total population study.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22(1), 77-93. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Emser, T. S., Mazzucchelli, T. G., Christiansen, H., & Sanders, M. R. (2016). Child Adjustment and Parent Efficacy Scale-Developmental Disability (CAPES-DD): First psychometric evaluation of a new child and parenting assessment tool for children with a developmental disability.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 53-54, 158-177. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Epstein, M. H. (1999). The development and validation of a scale to assess the emotional and behavioral strengths of children and adolescents.
Remedial and Special Education, 20(5), 258-263. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Epstein, M. H., & Cullinan, D. (1984). Behavior problems of mildly handicapped and normal adolescents.
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 13(1), 33-37. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Epstein, M. H., Cullinan, D., & Bursuck, W. D. (1985). Prevalence of behavior problems among learning disabled and nonhandicapped students. Mental Retardation & Learning Disability Bulletin, 13(1), 30-39. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Epstein, M. H., Cullinan, D., & Nieminen, G. (1984). Social behavior problems of learning disabled and normal girls.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 17(10), 609-611. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Epstein, M. H., Cullinan, D., & Polloway, E. A. (1986). Patterns of maladjustment among mentally retarded children and youth. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 91(2), 127-134. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Epstein, M. H., & et al. (1983). Behavior Problem Patterns among the Learning Disabled: Boys Aged 6-11. Learning Disability Quarterly, 6(3), 305-311. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Esbensen, A., & Hoffman, E. (2017). Reliability of parent report measures of sleep in children with Down syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61(3), 210-220. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Esbensen, A. J., Rojahn, J., Aman, M. G., & Ruedrich, S. (2003). Reliability and validity of an assessment instrument for anxiety, depression, and mood among individuals with mental retardation.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33(6), 617-629. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Esbensen, A. J., Seltzer, M. M., Greenberg, J. S., & Benson, B. A. (2005). Psychometric evaluation of a self-report measure of depression for individuals with mental retardation.
American Journal on Mental Retardation, 110(6), 469-481.[469:Peoasm]2.0.Co;2. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Esteba-Castillo, S., Torrents-Rodas, D., Garcia-Alba, J., Ribas-Vidal, N., & Novell-Alsina, R. (2018). Translation and validation of the Spanish version of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities (HoNOS-LD).
Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental, 11(3), 141-150. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Evans, E., Mowat, D., Wilson, M., & Einfeld, S. (2016). Sleep disturbance in Mowat-Wilson syndrome.
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 170(3), 654-660. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Excoffier, E., Vila, G., Taupiac, E., Mouren-Simeoni, M., & Bouvard, M. (2007). Dimensional approach of social behaviour deficits in children. Preliminary validation study of the French version of the Children's Social Behaviour Questionnaire (CSBQ).
L'Encephale: Revue de psychiatrie clinique biologique et therapeutique, 33(4, Pt 1), 585-591. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Ezell, J., Hogan, A., Fairchild, A., Hills, K., Klusek, J., Abbeduto, L., & Roberts, J. (2019). Prevalence and Predictors of Anxiety Disorders in Adolescent and Adult Males with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile X Syndrome.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(3), 1131-1141. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Farmer, C. A., & Aman, M. G. (2009). Development of the Children's Scale of Hostility and Aggression: Reactive/Proactive (C-SHARP).
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(6), 1155-1167. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Farmer, C. A., & Aman, M. G. (2010). Psychometric properties of the Children's Scale of Hostility and Aggression: Reactive/Proactive (C-SHARP).
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(1), 270-280. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Fee, V. E., Matson, J. L., Moore, L. A., & Benavidez, D. A. (1993). The differential validity of hperactivity/attention deficits and conduct problems among mentally retarded children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 21(1), 1-11. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Fee, V. E., Matson, J. L., Moore, L. A., & Benavidez, D. A. (1993). The differential validity of hyperactivity/attention deficits and conduct problems among mentally retarded children.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 21(1), 1-11. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Feinstein, C., Kaminer, Y., Barrett, R. P., & Tylenda, B. (1988). The assessment of mood and affect in developmentally disabled children and adolescents: The Emotional Disorders Rating Scale.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 9(2), 109-121. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Fertrin, K. Y., Goncalves, M. S., Saad, S. T. O., & Costa, F. F. (2002). Problem behavior in boys with fragile X syndrome.
American Journal of Medical Genetics, 108(2), 105-116. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Fidan, T., Kirpinar, I., Oral, M., & Kocak, K. (2011). Is there a relationship between attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and manic symptoms among children with mental retardation of unknown etiology?
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52(6), 644-649. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Fidler, D. J., Most, D. E., Booth-LaForce, C., & Kelly, J. F. (2006). Temperament and behaviour problems in young children with Down syndrome at 12, 30, and 45 months. Down Syndrome: Research & Practice, 10(1), 23-29. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Findling, R. L., Aman, M. G., Eerdekens, M., Derivan, A., & Lyons, B. (2004). Long-term, open-label study of risperidone in children with severe disruptive behaviors and below-average IQ. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(4), 677-684. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Fletcher, R. J., Havercamp, S. M., Ruedrich, S. L., Benson, B. A., Barnhill, L., Cooper, S. A., & Stavrakaki, C. (2009). Clinical usefulness of the Diagnostic Manual-Intellectual Disability for mental disorders in persons with intellectual disability: Results from a brief field survey.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70(7), 967-974. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Floyd, E. M., Rayfield, A., Eyberg, S. M., & Riley, J. L., III. (2004). Psychometric Properties of the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory With Rural Middle School and High School Children.
Assessment, 11(1), 64-72. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Floyd, F. J., & Zmich, D. E. (1991). Marriage and the parenting partnership: Perceptions and interactions of parents with mentally retarded and typically developing children.
Child Development, 62(6), 1434-1448. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Foley, K. R., Taffe, J., Bourke, J., Einfeld, S. L., Tonge, B. J., Trollor, J., & Leonard, H. (2016). Young People with Intellectual Disability Transitioning to Adulthood: Do Behaviour Trajectories Differ in Those with and without Down Syndrome?
PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource], 11(7), e0157667. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Fombonne, E., Simmons, H., Ford, T., Meltzer, H., & Goodman, R. (2003). Prevalance of pervasive developmental disorders in the British nationalwide survey of child mental heath.
International Review of Psychiatry, 15(1-2), 158-165. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Fombonne, E., Simmons, H., Ford, T., Meltzer, H., & Goodman, R. (2003). Prevalence of pervasive developmental disorders in the British nationwide survey of child mental health. International Review of Psychiatry, 15(1-2), 158-165. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Forster, S., Gray, K. M., Taffe, J., Einfeld, S. L., & Tonge, B. J. (2011). Behavioural and emotional problems in people with severe and profound intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55, 190-198. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Fox, R. A., Keller, K. M., Grede, P. L., & Bartosz, A. M. (2007). A mental health clinic for toddlers with developmental delays and behavior problems.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28(2), 119-129. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Franzese, A., Mozzillo, E., Zito, E., Ferrentino, R. I., De Nitto, E., Idelson, P. I., . . . Fattorusso, V. (2013). Prader-Willi syndrome: Influence of the genotype on the mental performances. Hormone research in paediatrics, 1), 322. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Fraser, W. I., Leudar, I., Gray, J., & Campbell, I. (1986). Psychiatric and behaviour disturbance in mental handicap. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 30(Pt 1), 49-57. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Freeman, B. J., Ritvo, E. R., Tonick, I., Guthrie, D., & Schroth, P. (1981). Behavior observation system for autism: analysis of behaviors among autistic, mentally retarded, and normal children. Psychological Reports, 49(1), 199-208. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Freeman, K., Williams, T. I., Farran, E., & Brown, J. (2010). Williams Syndrome: The extent of agreement between parent and self report of psychological.
The European Journal of Psychiatry, 24(3), 167-175. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Friedman, D. H. (1998). Social skills and problem behaviors of adolescents with learning disabilities with and without attention/impulsivity problems: A comparison of teacher and student perceptions. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 59(5-A), 1525. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Frolli, A., Piscopo, S., & Conson, M. (2015). Developmental changes in cognitive and behavioural functioning of adolescents with fragile-X syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 59(7), 613-621. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Gabis, L. V., Shilon-Hadass, A., Misgav-Tzuberi, N., Sofrin, R., & Shefer, S. (2010). Evaluation of ability and comorbidity in children with cerebral palsy.
Annals of Neurology, 14), S100. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Gabriels, R. L., Cuccaro, M. L., Hill, D. E., Ivers, B. J., & Goldson, E. (2005). Repetitive behaviors in autism: Relationships with associated clinical features.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 26(2), 169-181. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Gadow, K. D., DeVincent, C. J., Pomeroy, J., & Azizian, A. (2004). Psychiatric Symptoms in Preschool Children with PDD and Clinic and Comparison Samples.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(4), 379-393. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Gadow, K. D., Devincent, C. J., Pomeroy, J., & Azizian, A. (2005). Comparison of DSM-IV symptoms in elementary school-age children with PDD versus clinic and community samples.
Autism, 9(4), 392-415. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Gadow, K. D., Sprafkin, J., & Nolan, E. E. (2001). DSM-IV symptoms in community and clinic preschool children.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 40(12), 1383-1392. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Gagliardi, C., Martelli, S., Tavano, A., & Borgatti, R. (2011). Behavioural features of Italian infants and young adults with Williams-Beuren syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55(2), 121-131. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Gajar, A. H., & Hale, R. L. (1982). Factor analysis of the Quay-Peterson Behavior Problem Check-list across racially different exceptional children.
The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 112(2), 287-293. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Galera, C., Taupiac, E., Fraisse, S., Naudion, S., Toussaint, E., Rooryck-Thambo, C., . . . Bouvard, M. P. (2009). Socio-behavioral characteristics of children with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 39(9), 1252-1260. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Gallegos, J., Langley, A., & Villegas, D. (2012). Anxiety, Depression, and Coping Skills among Mexican School Children: A Comparison of Students with and without Learning Disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(1), 54-61. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Gallo, F. J. (2009). Executive functions in young children with Williams syndrome. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 70(6-B), 3808. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Gardiner, E., Miller, A. R., & Lach, L. M. (2020). Topography of behavior problems among children with neurodevelopmental conditions: Profile differences and overlaps.
Child: Care, Health and Development, 46(1), 149-153. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Gardner, L. M., Campbell, J. M., Bush, A. J., & Murphy, L. (2018). Comparing Behavioral Profiles for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities Using the BASC-2 Parent Rating Scales--Preschool Form. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(6), 535-551. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Garner, K. S. (2015). Comparison of the behavior of individuals with early-onset morbid obesity and prader-willi syndrome using the behavior assessment system for children, second edition. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 75(7-B(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Gath, A., & Gumley, D. (1986). Behaviour problems in retarded children with special reference to Down's Syndrome.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 149, 156-161. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Gerber, M. L. (2001). Prader-Wwilli syndrome: Emotional and behavioral characteristics of children and adolescents, A comparative study. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 62(1-B), 547. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Giarelli, E., Clarke, D. L., Catching, C., & Ratcliffe, S. J. (2009). Developmental disabilities and behavioral problems among school children in the Western Cape of South Africa.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(6), 1297-1305. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Gillberg, C. (1987). Associated neuropsychiatric problems in Swedish school children with mild mental retardation. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences - Supplement, 44, 111-114. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Gillberg, C. (1987). Associated neuropsychiatric problems in Swedish school children with mild mental retardation. Upsala journal of medical sciences, Supplement. 44, 111-114. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Giltaij, H. P., Sterkenburg, P. S., & Schuengel, C. (2016). Adaptive behaviour, comorbid psychiatric symptoms, and attachment disorders.
Advances in Mental Health & Intellectual Disabilities, 10(1), 82-91. Exclusion reason: Printed books;
Gimpel, G. A. (1996). Construct validation of the Devereux Behavior Rating Scale--School Form and the Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 56(8-A), 3056. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Gimpel, G. A., & Nagle, R. J. (1999). Psychometric properties of the Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 17(2), 127-144. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Gjevik, E., Eldevik, S., Fjaeran-Granum, T., & Sponheim, E. (2011). Kiddie-SADS reveals high rates of DSM-IV disorders in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41(6), 761-769. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Gjevik, E., Sandstad, B., Andreassen, O. A., Myhre, A. M., & Sponheim, E. (2015). Exploring the agreement between questionnaire information and DSM-IV diagnoses of comorbid psychopathology in children with autism spectrum disorders.
Autism, 19(4), 433-442. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Glazebrook, C., Hollis, C., Heussler, H., Goodman, R., & Coates, L. (2003). Detecting emotional and behavioural problems in paediatric clinics. Child: Care, Health & Development, 29(2), 141-149. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Glenn, S., Cunningham, C., Nananidou, A., Prasher, V., & Glenholmes, P. (2015). Routinised and compulsive-like behaviours in individuals with Down syndrome.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 59(11), 1061-1070. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Gobrial, E., & Raghavan, R. (2012). Prevalence of anxiety disorder in children and young people with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 6(3), 130-140. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Goker, Z., Guney, E., Dinc, G., Hekim, O., & Uneri, O. (2014). The clinical and demographic features of cases with pervasive developmental disorder evaluated in a training and research hospital. Cocuk ve Genclik Ruh Sagligi Dergisi, 21(2), 95-104. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Goldin, R. L., Matson, J. L., & Cervantes, P. E. (2014). The effect of intellectual disability on the presence of comorbid symptoms in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8(11), 1552-1556. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Goodman, R., Yude, C., Richards, H., & Taylor, E. (1996). Rating child psychiatric caseness from detailed case histories.
Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 37(4), 369-379. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Goretti, B., Ghezzi, A., Portaccio, E., Lori, S., Zipoli, V., Razzolini, L., . . . Amato, M. P. (2010). Fatigue and psychosocial issues in children and adolescents with multiple sclerosis.
Multiple Sclerosis, 1), S276. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Gothelf, D. (2015). Neurodevelopmental risk factors for psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome compared to williams syndrome. Biological Psychiatry, 1), 150S. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Gothelf, D., Feinstein, C., Thompson, T., Gu, E., Penniman, L., Van Stone, E., . . . Reiss, A. L. (2007). Risk factors for the emergence of psychotic disorders in adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(4), 663-669. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Gothelf, D., Goraly, O., Avni, S., Stawski, M., Hartmann, I., Basel-Vanagaite, L., & Apter, A. (2008). Psychiatric morbidity with focus on obsessive-compulsive disorder in an Israeli cohort of adolescents with mild to moderate mental retardation.
Journal of Neural Transmission, 115(6), 929-936. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Gothelf, D., & State, M. (2018). 22Q11 Deletion Syndrome as a Genetic High-Risk Model for Developmental Neuropsychiatric Disorders: From Circuitry to Treatments.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 57 (10 Supplement), S283. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Gray, K., Keating, C., Taffe, J., Brereton, A., Einfeld, S., & Tonge, B. (2012). Trajectory of Behavior and Emotional Problems in Autism.
Ajidd-American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 117(2), 121-133. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Gray, K., Melvin, G., & McGivern, L. (2016). How I'm Feeling: The development of a new self-report measure for adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60 (7-8), 673. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Gray, K. M., Piccinin, A. M., Hofer, S. M., Mackinnon, A., Bontempo, D. E., Einfeld, S. L., . . . Tonge, B. J. (2011). The longitudinal relationship between behavior and emotional disturbance in young people with intellectual disability and maternal mental health.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 1194-1204. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Green, T., Avda, S., Dotan, I., Zarchi, O., Basel-Vanagaite, L., Zalsman, G., . . . Gothelf, D. (2012). Phenotypic psychiatric characterization of children with Williams syndrome and response of those with ADHD to methylphenidate treatment.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 159B(1), 13-20. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Green, T., Gothelf, D., Glaser, B., Debbane, M., Frisch, A., Kotler, M., . . . Eliez, S. (2009). Psychiatric disorders and intellectual functioning throughout development in velocardiofacial (22q11.2 deletion) syndrome.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 48(11), 1060-1068. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Green, V. A., O'Reilly, M., Itchon, J., & Sigafoos, J. (2005). Persistence of early emerging aberrant behavior in children with developmental disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 26(1), 47-55. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Guran, T., Arman, A., Akcay, T., Kayan, E., Atay, Z., Turan, S., & Bereket, A. (2011). Cognitive and psychosocial development in children with familial hypomagnesaemia.
Magnesium Research, 24(1), 7-12. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Hall, D., Kaytser, V., Ouyang, B., & Berry-Kravis, E. (2012). Motor stereotypies in Fragile X syndrome.
Movement Disorders, 1), S437-S438. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Hall, S., Barnett, R., & Hustyi, K. (2016). Problem behaviour in adolescent boys with fragile X syndrome: Relative prevalence, frequency and severity.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(12), 1189-1199. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Halvorsen, M., Aman, M. G., Mathiassen, B., Brondbo, P. H., Steinsvik, O. O., & Martinussen, M. (2019). Psychometric properties of the norwegian aberrant behavior checklist and diagnostic relationships in a neuro-pediatric sample.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Halvorsen, M., Myrbakk, E., Mathiassen, B., Steinsvik, O., & Martinussen, M. (2015). The aberrant behavior checklist: Psychometric properties in a neuro-paediatric sample.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1), S168-S169. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Handwerk, M. L., & Marshall, R. M. (1998). Behavioral and emotional problems of students with learning disabilities, serious emotional disturbance, or both conditions.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 31(4), 327-338. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Hanson, E. M., Sideridis, G., Jackson, F. I., Porche, K., Campe, K. L., & Huntington, N. (2016). Behavior and Sensory Interests Questionnaire: Validation in a sample of children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disability.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 48, 160-175. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Hanssen-Bauer, K., Heyerdahl, S., & Eriksson, A.-S. (2007). Mental health problems in children and adolescents referred to a national epilepsy center.
Epilepsy & Behavior, 10(2), 255-262. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Hardan, A., & Sahl, R. (1997). Psychopathology in children and adolescents with developmental disorders. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 18(5), 369-382. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Harris, J. C., King, S. L., Reifler, J. P., & Rosenberg, L. A. (1984). Emotional and learning disorders in 6-12-year-old boys attending special schools.
Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 23(4), 431-437. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Hartley, S., Sikora, D., & McCoy, R. (2008). Prevalence and risk factors of maladaptive behaviour in young children with Autistic Disorder.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52(10), 819-829. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Hassiotis, A., & Barron, D. A. (2007). Mental health, learning disabilities and adolescence: A developmental perspective.
Advances in Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, 1(3), 32-39. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Hassiotis, A., Serfaty, M., Azam, K., Strydom, A., Blizard, R., Romeo, R., . . . King, M. (2013). Manualised Individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for mood disorders in people with mild to moderate intellectual disability: a feasibility randomised controlled trial.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 151(1), 186-195. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Hattier, M. A., Matson, J. L., Belva, B., & Kozlowski, A. (2012). The effects of diagnostic group and gender on challenging behaviors in infants and toddlers with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or seizures.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(1), 258-264. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Hattier, M. A., Matson, J. L., Belva, B. C., & Horovitz, M. (2011). The occurrence of challenging behaviours in children with autism spectrum disorders and atypical development.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 14(4), 221-229. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Hatton, C., & Emerson, E. (2019). Mental health and people with intellectual disabilities in england: What does secondary analysis of national cohort surveys tell us?
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63 (7), 681. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Hatton, C., Emerson, E., Robertson, J., & Baines, S. (2018). The mental health of adolescents with and without mild/moderate intellectual disabilities in England: Secondary analysis of a longitudinal cohort study.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(5), 768-777. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Havercamp, S., & Reiss, S. (1996). Composite versus multiple-rating scales in the assessment of psychopathology in people with mental retardation.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 40(2), 167-179. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Havercamp, S. M., & Reiss, S. (1997). The Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior: Confirmatory factor analysis.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35(10), 967-971. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Heikura, U., Ebeling, H., Rodriguez, A., Nordstrom, T., & Taanila, A. (2011). Leisure time activities and behavioral/emotional problems in adolescents with mild cognitive limitations.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1), S98-S99. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Hellings, J. A., Nickel, E. J., Weckbaugh, M., McCarter, K., Mosier, M., & Schroeder, S. R. (2005). The overt aggression scale for rating aggression in outpatient youth with autistic disorder: Preliminary findings.
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 17(1), 29-35. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Hellings, J. A., Zarcone, J. R., Reese, R. M., Valdovinos, M. G., Marquis, J. G., Fleming, K. K., & Schroeder, S. R. (2006). A crossover study of risperidone in children, adolescents and adults with mental retardation. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 36(3), 401-411. Exclusion reason: Outcome: psychopharmacology
Hepburn, S. L., & Maclean, W. E. (2009). Maladaptive and repetitive behaviors in children with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders: Implications for screening.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2(2), 67-88. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Herring, S., Gray, K., Taffe, J., Tonge, B., Sweeney, D., & Einfeld, S. (2006). Behaviour and emotional problems in toddlers with pervasive developmental disorders and developmental delay: associations with parental mental health and family functioning. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50(Pt 12), 874-882. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Hill, J., & Furniss, F. (2006). Patterns of Emotional and Behavioural Disturbance Associated with Autistic Traits in Young People with Severe Intellectual Disabilities and Challenging Behaviours. Research in Developmental Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 27(5), 517-528. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Hill, J., Powlitch, S., & Furniss, F. (2008). Convergent validity of the aberrant behavior checklist and behavior problems inventory with people with complex needs.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 29(1), 45-60. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Hirota, T., Deserno, M., & McElroy, E. The Network Structure of Irritability and Aggression in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Hoch, J. D., & Youssef, A. M. (2019). Predictors of trauma exposure and trauma diagnoses for children with autism and developmental disorders served in a community mental health clinic.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Hofer, S. M., Gray, K. M., Piccinin, A. M., Mackinnon, A., Bontempo, D. E., Einfeld, S. L., . . . Tonge, B. J. (2009). Correlated and coupled within-person change in emotional and behavioral disturbance in individuals with intellectual disability. American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 114(5), 307-321. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Holland, J. E., Cassidy, A. R., Stopp, C., White, M. T., Bellinger, D. C., Rivkin, M. J., . . . DeMaso, D. R. (2017). Psychiatric Disorders and Function in Adolescents with Tetralogy of Fallot.
Journal of Pediatrics, 187, 165-173. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Holmes, N., Shah, A., & Wing, L. (1982). The Disability Assessment Schedule: A brief screening device for use with the mentally retarded.
Psychological Medicine, 12(4), 879-890. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Howland, R. H. (1995). Psychopathology and mental retardation. American Journal of Psychiatry, 152(12), 1837-1838. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Howlin, P., Warner, G., & Moss, J. (2016). The need for caution in using standardised autism measures with children with genetic conditions such as Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60 (7-8), 684. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Hustyi, K. M., Hall, S. S., Jo, B., Lightbody, A. A., & Reiss, A. L. (2014). Longitudinal trajectories of aberrant behavior in fragile X syndrome.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(11), 2691-2701. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Hutton, J. B., & Roberts, T. (1983). Factor structure of problem behavior for mildly handicapped and non-handicapped students. Psychological Reports, 52(3), 703-707. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Hutzelmeyer-Nickels, A., & Noterdaeme, M. (2007). Usefulness of the Child Behavior Checklist in the assessment of preschool children with developmental problems.
Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 56(7), 573-588. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Hutzelmeyer-Nickels, A., & Noterdaeme, M. (2007). Usefulness of the Child Behavior Checklist in the assessment of preschool children with developmental problems. [German]. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 56(7), 573-588. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Inada, N., Ito, H., Yasunaga, K., Kuroda, M., Iwanaga, R., Hagiwara, T., . . . Tsujii, M. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised for individuals with autism spectrum disorder in Japan.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 15-16, 60-68. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Infante Toscano, L., & Rodriguez Sacristan, J. (1998). Maladapted behavior in the mentally retarded: A cooperative study of Reiss's Screen and the Bouras Subscale of Behavioral Problems. Anales de Psiquiatria, 14(4), 133-146. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Inoue, M., Inada, N., Gomi, Y., Aita, C., & Shiga, T. (2021). Reliability and validity of the japanese version of the behavior problem inventory-short form.
Brain & Development, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Jamiolkowski, D., Kolker, S., Glahn, E. M., Baric, I., Zeman, J., Baumgartner, M. R., . . . consortium, E. I. (2016). Behavioural and emotional problems, intellectual impairment and health-related quality of life in patients with organic acidurias and urea cycle disorders.
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 39(2), 231-241. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Jansen, P. W., Duijff, S. N., Beemer, F. A., Vorstman, J. A., Klaassen, P. W., Morcus, M. E., & Heineman-de Boer, J. A. (2007). Behavioral problems in relation to intelligence in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a matched control study. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 143A(6), 574-580. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Jansen, P. W., Duijff, S. N., Beemer, F. A., Vorstman, J. A. S., Klaassen, P. W. J., Morcus, M. E. J., & Heineman-De Boer, J. A. (2007). Behavioral problems in relation to intelligence in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: A matched control study.
American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 143(6), 574-580. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Jeong, B., Yoo, E., Jung, M., Kang, D., Park, S., & Park, S. H. (2013). Validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Behaviour Problems Inventory. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 26(6), 578-590. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Jesmin, A., Mullick, M. S. I., Rahman, K. M., & Muntasir, M. M. (2016). Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents Attending Pediatric Out Patient Departments of Tertiary Hospitals.
Oman Medical Journal, 31(4), 258-262. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Ji, N., Capone, G., & Kaufmann, W. (2011). Autism spectrum disorder in Down syndrome: Cluster analysis of Aberrant Behaviour Checklist data supports diagnosis.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55(11), 1064-1077. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Johnels, J. A., Bostrom, P., & Broberg, M. (2014). Self-reported mental well-being in adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities: an initial psychometric evaluation of the WellSEQ. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(4), 313-313. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Johnson, C. R., Handen, B. L., Lubetsky, M. J., & Sacco, K. A. (1995). Affective disorders in hospitalized children and adolescents with mental retardation: a retrospective study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 16(3), 221-231. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Johnson, K. (1999). Reliability and comorbidity measures of repetitive movement disorders in children and adolescents with severe mental retardation. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 59(9-B), 5066. Exclusion reason: Unable to obtain in full text
Johnson, S., Hollis, C., Marlow, N., Simms, V., & Wolke, D. (2014). Screening for childhood mental health disorders using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: The validity of multi-informant reports.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 56(5), 453-459. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Johnstone, E. C., Owens, D. G. C., Hoare, P., Gaur, S., Spencer, M. D., Harris, J., . . . Muir, W. J. (2007). Schizotypal cognitions as a predictor of psychopathology in adolescents with mild intellectual impairment.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 191, 484-492. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Jones, J. E., Watson, R., Sheth, R., Caplan, R., Koehn, M., Seidenberg, M., & Hermann, B. (2007). Psychiatric comorbidity in children with new onset epilepsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 49(7), 493-497. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Kaat, A. J., Lecavalier, L., & Aman, M. G. (2014). Validity of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(5), 1103-1116. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information.
Kaminer, Y., Feinstein, C., & Barrett, R. P. (1986). A relationship between pervasive developmental disorders and affective disorders?
Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 25(3), 434-435. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Kamio, Y., & Ishisaka, Y. (2002). Psychiatric Comorbidity in Children and Adolescents with Autism and Mental Retardatioon. Japanese Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43(3), 260-279. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Kapur, M., Reddy, M., Uma, H., Padma, B., & Shahul, M. (2000). Dual diagnoses in the intellectually disabled children and adolescents. NIMHANS Journal, 18(1-2), 19-32. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Karabekiroglu, K., & Aman, M. G. (2009). Validity of the aberrant behavior checklist in a clinical sample of toddlers.
Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 40(1), 99-110. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Keenan, N. (2012). Parent-rated strengths of children and adolescents with Down syndrome. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 73(6-B), 3953. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Keith, L. K. (1997). Construction and concurrent and contrasted groups validation of the Clinical Assessment of Behavior Scale: Parent form. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 57(12-A), 5049. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Kellett, S., Beail, N., Newman, D. W., & Frankish, P. (2003). Utility of the Brief Symptom Inventory in the Assessment of Psychological Distress.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 16(2), 127-134. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Kellett, S., Beail, N., Newman, D. W., & Hawes, A. (2004). The factor structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory: Intellectual disability evidence.
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 11(4), 275-281. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Kim, J. I., Shin, M. S., Lee, Y., Lee, H., Yoo, H. J., Kim, S. Y., . . . Kim, B. N. (2018). Reliability and Validity of a New Comprehensive Tool for Assessing Challenging Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Psychiatry Investigation, 15(1), 54-61. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Kim, J. Y., & Ha, E. H. (2019). Cluster Analysis of the Child Behavior Checklist 1.5-5 for Preschool Children Diagnosed With a Mental Disorder.
Psychological Reports, 33294119844980. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Kishore, M., Nizamie, A., Nizamie, S., & Jahan, M. (2004). Psychiatric diagnosis in persons with intellectual disability in India.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 48(1), 19-24. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Kishore, M., Nizamie, S., & Nizamie, A. (2005). The behavioural profile of psychiatric disorders in persons with intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49(11), 852-857. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Kleczek-Atkins, A. (2004). Parents' and teachers' reports of behavioral and emotional problems in children with learning disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 64(9-B), 4620. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Klein-Tasman, B. P. (2001). Distinctive personality and behavioral characteristics of 8-, 9-, and 10-year-old children with Williams syndrome. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 61(8-B), 4464. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Koller, H., Richardson, S. A., Katz, M., & McLaren, J. (1983). Behavior disturbance since childhood among a 5-year birth cohort of all mentally retarded young adults in a city. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 87(4), 386-395. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Koulopoulou, A. (2010). Anxiety and depression symptoms in children-commorbidity with learning disabilities.
European Psychiatry. Conference: 18th European Congress of Psychiatry. Munich Germany. Conference Publication:, 25(SUPPL. 1). Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Kourkounasiou, M. A., & Skordilis, E. K. (2014). Validity and reliability evidence of the TOCA-C in a sample of Greek students.
Psychological Reports, 115(3), 766-783. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Krener, P., & Simmons, M. K. (1989). The Child Consultation Rating Scale.
International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 19(1), 23-39. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Kuhn, D. E., & Matson, J. L. (2002). A validity study of the Screening Tool of Feeding Problems (STEP).
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 27(3), 161-167. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Kurtz, P. F., Chin, M. D., Huete, J. M., & Cataldo, M. F. (2012). Identification of Emerging Self-Injurious Behavior in Young Children: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 5(3-4), 260-285. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
la Greca, A. M., Stone, W. L., & Bell, C. R. (1982). Assessing the problematic interpersonal skills of mentally retarded individuals in a vocational setting.
Applied Research in Mental Retardation, 3(1), 37-53. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Lachiewicz, A. M., & Dawson, D. V. (1994). Behavior problems of young girls with fragile X syndrome: factor scores on the Conners' Parent's Questionnaire. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 51(4), 364-369. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Lecavalier, L. (2006). Behavioral and emotional problems in young people with pervasive developmental disorders: Relative prevalence, effects of subject characteristics, and empirical classification.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36(8), 1101-1114. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Lecavalier, L., Aman, M. G., Hammer, D., Stoica, W., & Mathews, G. L. (2004). Factor Analysis of the Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(6), 709-721. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Lecavalier, L., Gadow, K. D., DeVincent, C. J., & Edwards, M. C. (2009). Validation of DSM-IV Model of Psychiatric Syndromes in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39(2), 278-289. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Lecavalier, L., Gadow, K. D., Devincent, C. J., Houts, C. R., & Edwards, M. C. (2011). Validity of DSM-IV syndromes in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders.
Autism, 15(5), 527-543. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Lecavalier, L., McCracken, C. E., Aman, M. G., McDougle, C. J., McCracken, J. T., Tierney, E., . . . Scahill, L. (2019). An exploration of concomitant psychiatric disorders in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 88, 57-64. Exclusion reason: Review
Lehotkay, R., Saraswathi Devi, T., Raju, M., Bada, P., Nuti, S., Kempf, N., & Carminati, G. (2015). Factor validity and reliability of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community (ABC-C) in an Indian population with intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 59(3), 208-214. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Leung, P. W., Luk, S., & Lee, P. L. (1989). Problem behaviour among special school children in Hong Kong: A factor-analytical study with Conners' Teacher Rating Scale. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient, 32(2), 120-128. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Leyfer, O. T., Folstein, S. E., Bacalman, S., Davis, N. O., Dinh, E., Morgan, J., . . . Lainhart, J. E. (2006). Comorbid psychiatric disorders in children with autism: Interview development and rates of disorders.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36(7), 849-861. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Liddon, C. J., Zarcone, J. R., Pisman, M., & Rooker, G. W. (2016). Examination of behavioral flexibility and function of severe challenging behavior in individuals with autism and intellectual disability.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 62(3), 167-173. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Lindblad, I., Gillberg, C., & Fernell, E. (2011). ADHD and other associated developmental problems in children with mild mental retardation. The use of the "Five-To-Fifteen" questionnaire in a population-based sample.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2805-2809. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Linna, S. L., Moilanen, I., Ebeling, H., Piha, J., Kumpulainen, K., Tamminen, T., & Almqvist, F. (1999). Psychiatric symptoms in children with intellectual disability. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 8 Suppl 4, 77-82. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Linna, S.-L., Moilanen, I., Ebeling, H., Piha, J., Kumpulainen, K., Tamminen, T., & Almqvist, F. (1999). Psychiatric symptoms in children with intellectual disability.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 8(Suppl 4), 77-82. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Linsell, L., Johnson, S., Wolke, D., Morris, J., Kurinczuk, J. J., & Marlow, N. (2018). A trajectories of behavior, attention, social and emotional problems from childhood to early adulthood following extremely preterm birth: A prospective cohort study.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Liu, J., Jia, M.-X., Yang, X.-L., Shao, C.-X., Li, Y., Shi, J.-L., . . . Liang, A.-M. (2012). A 3-year follow-up study of 2-6 years children with diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 26(6), 460-465. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Livingston, R. L., Dykman, R. A., & Ackerman, P. T. (1990). The frequency and significance of additional self-reported psychiatric diagnoses in children with attention deficit disorder. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 18(5), 465-478. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Louwerse, A., Eussen, M., Ende, J., Nijs, P., Gool, A., Dekker, L., . . . Greaves-Lord, K. (2015). ASD Symptom Severity in Adolescence of Individuals Diagnosed with PDD-NOS in Childhood: Stability and the Relation with Psychiatric Comorbidity and Societal Participation.
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 45(12), 3908-3918. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Lu, T.-F., Shuai, L., Zhang, J.-S., Wang, Y.-F., Qian, Y., Zhang, H.-F., . . . Tan, X. (2017). Validity and reliability of the Behavior Rating Scale of Executive Function-Preschool Version parent form in China. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 31(2), 138-143. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Lund, J., & Merrell, K. W. (2001). Social and anitsocial behavior of children with learning and behavioral disorders: Construct validity of the Home and Community Social Behavior Scales.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 19(2), 112-122. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Lund, J., & Merrell, K. W. (2001). Social and antisocial behavior of children with learning and behavioral disorders: Construct validity of the Home and Community Social Behavior Scales.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 19(2), 112-122. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Lyon, M. A., Albertus, C., Birkinbine, J., & Naibi, J. (1996). A validity study of the social skills rating system-teacher version with disabled and nondisabled preschool children.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 83(1), 307-316. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Lyons, G. L., Huber, H. B., Carter, E. W., Chen, R., & Asmus, J. M. (2016). Assessing the social skills and problem behaviors of adolescents with severe disabilities enrolled in general education classes.
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 121(4), 327-345. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Maag, J. W., Irvin, D. M., Reid, R., & Vasa, S. F. (1994). Prevalence and predictors of substance use: A comparison between adolescents with and without learning disabilities.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(4), 223-234. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Maag, J. W., & Reid, R. (2006). Depression among Students with Learning Disabilities: Assessing the Risk. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39(1), 3-10. Exclusion reason: Review
Maag, J. W., & Rutherford, R. B. (1986). Perceived social competence of behaviorally disordered, learning disabled, and nonlabeled students. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 13(1), 10-18. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Maas, A. P., Didden, R., Korzilius, H., Braam, W., Collin, P., Smits, M. G., & Curfs, L. M. (2011). Psychometric properties of a sleep questionnaire for use in individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2467-2479. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
MacDonald, L., & Barton, L. E. (1986). Measuring severity of behavior: A revision of Part II of the Adaptive Behavior Scale. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 90(4), 418-424. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Maes, B., Broekman, T., Dosen, A., & Nauts, J. (2003). Caregiving burden of families looking after persons with intellectual disability and behavioural or psychiatric problems.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 47(6), 447-455. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Magyar, C. I., & Pandolfi, V. (2017). Utility of the CBCL DSM-oriented scales in assessing emotional disorders in youth with autism.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 37, 11-20. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Mahan, S., & Matson, J. L. (2011). Convergent and discriminant validity of the Autism Spectrum Disorder-Problem Behavior for Children (ASD-PBC) against the Behavioral Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(1), 222-229. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Maheady, L., & Harper, G. F. (1986). The Social Perception Behavior Rating Scale: Initial Evidence. Diagnostique, 11(2), 91-103. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Maiano, C., Morin, A. J. S., Begarie, J., & Ninot, G. (2011). The intellectual disability version of the very short form of the physical self-inventory (PSI-VS-ID): Cross-validation and measurement invariance across gender, weight, age and intellectual disability level.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(5), 1652-1662. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Malovic, A., Cygan, L., Richards, S., Murphy, G., & Rossiter, R. (2016). Adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities who display harmful sexual behaviours: Adaptation of measures. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60 (7-8), 700. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Mammarella, I. C., Ghisi, M., Bomba, M., Bottesi, G., Caviola, S., Broggi, F., & Nacinovich, R. (2016). Anxiety and Depression in Children With Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, Reading Disabilities, or Typical Development.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(2), 130-139. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Manikam, R., Matson, J. L., Coe, D. A., & Hillman, N. (1995). Adolescent depression: Relationships of self-report to intellectual and adaptive functioning.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 16(5), 349-364. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Margalit, M., Shulman, S., & Stuchiner, N. (1989). Behavior disorders and mental retardation: The family system perspective.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 10(3), 315-326. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Marland, C., Lichtenstein, P., Degl'Innocenti, A., Larson, T., Rastam, M., Anckarsater, H., . . . Lundstrom, S. (2017). The Autism-Tics, ADHD and other Comorbidities inventory (A-TAC): Previous and predictive validity.
BMC Psychiatry Vol 17 2017, ArtID 403, 17. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Marshall, K., Coiffait, F.-M., & Willoughby-Booth, S. (2013). Assessing distress in people with intellectual disabilities. Learning Disability Practice, 16(3), 26-30. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Matson, J. L., Belva, B. C., Hattier, M. A., & Matson, M. L. (2012). Scaling methods to measure psychopathology in persons with intellectual disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(2), 549-562. Exclusion reason: Review
Matson, J. L., Bielecki, J., Mayville, E. A., Smalls, Y., Bamburg, J. W., & Baglio, C. S. (1999). The development of a reinforcer choice assessment scale for persons with severe and profound mental retardation.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 20(5), 379-384. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Matson, J. L., Boisjoli, J., Rojahn, J., & Hess, J. (2009). A factor analysis of challenging behaviors assessed with the Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtism Traits (BISCUIT-Part 3).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(3), 714-722. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Matson, J. L., Fodstad, J. C., & Mahan, S. (2009). Cutoffs, norms, and patterns of comorbid difficulties in children with developmental disabilities on the Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtIsm Traits (BISCUIT-Part 2).
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(6), 1221-1228. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Matson, J. L., Fodstad, J. C., Mahan, S., & Rojahn, J. (2010). Cut-offs, norms and patterns of problem behaviours in children with developmental disabilities on the Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtIsm Traits (BISCUIT-Part 3).
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 13(1), 3-9. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Matson, J. L., Fodstad, J. C., Mahan, S., & Sevin, J. A. (2009). Cutoffs, norms, and patterns of comorbid difficulties in children with an ASD on the Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtIsm Traits (BISCUIT-Part 2).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(4), 977-988. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Matson, J. L., Gonzalez, M. L., & Rivet, T. T. (2008). Reliability of the Autism Spectrum Disorder-Behavior Problems for Children (ASD-BPC).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2(4), 696-706. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Matson, J. L., Hess, J. A., & Boisjoli, J. A. (2010). Comorbid psychopathology in infants and toddlers with autism and pervasive developmental disorders-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(2), 300-301. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Matson, J. L., & Kuhn, D. E. (2001). Identifying feeding problems in mentally retarded persons: Development and reliability of the screening tool of feeding problems (STEP).
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22(2), 165-172. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Matson, J. L., Kuhn, D. E., Dixon, D. R., Mayville, S. B., Laud, R. B., Cooper, C. L., . . . Matson, M. L. (2003). The development and factor structure of the Functional Assessment for multiple causaliTy (FACT).
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 24(6), 485-495. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Matson, J. L., LoVullo, S. V., Rivet, T. T., & Boisjoli, J. A. (2009). Validity of the Autism Spectrum Disorder-Comorbid for Children (ASD-CC).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(2), 345-357. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Matson, J. L., Macklin, G., & Helsel, W. J. (1985). Psychometric properties of the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with youngsters (MESSY) with emotional problems and self concept in deaf children.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 16(2), 117-123. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Matson, J. L., Mahan, S., Hess, J. A., Fodstad, J. C., & Neal, D. (2010). Progression of challenging behaviors in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders as measured by the Autism Spectrum Disorders-Problem Behaviors for Children (ASD-PBC).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(3), 400-404. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Matson, J. L., & Malone, C. J. (2006). Validity of the sleep subscale of the Diagnostic Assessment for the Severely Handicapped-II (DASH-II). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 27(1), 85-92. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Matson, J. L., Mayville, S. B., & Laud, R. B. (2003). A System of Assessment for Adaptive Behavior, Social Skills, Behavioral Function, Medication Side-Effects, and Psychiatric Disorders. In (Vol. 24, pp. 75-81): Research in Developmental Disabilities. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Matson, J. L., & Minshawi, N. F. (2007). Functional assessment of challenging behavior: Toward a strategy for applied settings.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28(4), 353-361. Exclusion reason: Review
Matson, J. L., Minshawi, N. F., Gonzalez, M. L., & Mayville, S. B. (2006). The relationship of comorbid problem behaviors to social skills in persons with profound mental retardation.
Behavior Modification, 30(4), 496-506. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Matson, J. L., & Neal, D. (2009). Diagnosing comorbid psychiatric conditions: autism spectrum disorders. Psychiatric Times, 26(4), 38-44. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Matson, J. L., Neal, D., Fodstad, J. C., & Hess, J. A. (2010). The relation of social behaviours and challenging behaviours in infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorders.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 13(3), 164-169. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Matson, J. L., Wilkins, J., Sevin, J. A., Knight, C., Boisjoli, J. A., & Sharp, B. (2009). Reliability and item content of the Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtIsm Traits (BISCUIT): Parts 1-3.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(2), 336-344. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Mattison, R. E., Bagnato, S. J., Mayes, S. D., & Felix, B. C. (1990). Reliability and validity of teacher diagnostic ratings for children with behavioral and emotional disorders.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 8(4), 509-517. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
May, M. E., Sheng, Y., Chitiyo, M., Brandt, R. C., & Howe, A. P. (2014). Internal consistency and inter-rater reliability of the Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF) rating scale when used by teachers and paraprofessionals.
Education & Treatment of Children, 37(2), 347-364. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Mayo-Ortega, L., Oyama-Ganiko, R., Leblanc, J., Schroeder, S. R., Brady, N., Butler, M. G., . . . Marquis, J. (2012). Mass screening for severe problem behavior among infants and toddlers in Peru.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 5(3-4), 246-259. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
McCarthy, J. (2008). Behaviour problems and adults with Down syndrome: childhood risk factors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52(10), 877-882. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
McCarthy, J., & Boyd, J. (2002). Mental health services and young people with intellectual disability: Is it time to do better?
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 46(3), 250-256. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
McClean, B., & Grey, I. (2012). A component analysis of positive behaviour support plans.
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 37(3), 221-231. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
McConaughy, S. H., & Achenbach, T. M. (1996). Contributions of a child interview to multimethod assessment of children with EBD and LD. School Psychology Review, 25(1), 24-39. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
McConaughy, S. H., Mattison, R. E., & Peterson, R. L. (1994). Behavioral/emotional problems of children with serious emotional disturbances and learning disabilities. School Psychology Review, 23(1), 81-98. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
McCormick, C., Hepburn, S., Young, G. S., & Rogers, S. J. (2016). Sensory Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Other Developmental Disorders and Typical Development: A Longitudinal Study. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 20(5), 572-579. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
McGill, P., Hughes, D., Teer, K., & Rye, L. (2001). Variability in staff reports of the frequency of challenging behavior.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22(3), 221-231. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
McGrew, K. S., Ittenbach, R. F., Bruininks, R. H., & Hill, B. K. (1991). Factor structure of maladaptive behavior across the lifespan of persons with mental retardation.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 12(2), 181-199. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
McGrew, S., Malow, B. A., Henderson, L., Wang, L., Song, Y., & Stone, W. L. (2007). Developmental and behavioral questionnaire for autism spectrum disorders. Pediatric Neurology, 37(2), 108-116. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
McLennan, J. D. (2016). Measures to assess outcomes in routine psychotropic medication treatment of youth with autism or intellectual disabilities.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55 (10 Supplement 1), S169-S170. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
McMahon, J., Harvey, A., May, T., Reid, S., & Antolovich, G. (2018). Anxiety in children with cerebral palsy - Underdiagnosed and poorly measured.
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 60 (Supplement 1), 17. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Medeiros, K., Curby, T. W., Bernstein, A., Rojahn, J., & Schroeder, S. R. (2013). The progression of severe behavior disorder in young children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(11), 3639-3647. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Medeiros, K., Kozlowski, A. M., Beighley, J. S., Rojahn, J., & Matson, J. L. (2012). The effects of developmental quotient and diagnostic criteria on challenging behaviors in toddlers with developmental disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(4), 1110-1116. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Meester-Delver, A., Beelen, A., Hennekam, R., Nollet, F., & Hadders-Algra, M. (2007). The Capacity Profile: A method to classify additional care needs in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49(5), 355-360. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Mekori-Domachevsky, E., Guri, Y., Yi, J., Weisman, O., Calkins, M. E., Tang, S. X., . . . Gothelf, D. (2017). Negative subthreshold psychotic symptoms distinguish 22q11.2 deletion syndrome from other neurodevelopmental disorders: A two-site study.
Schizophrenia Research, 188, 42-49. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Value in Health, 22 (Supplement 3), S842. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Merrell, K. W., & Holland, M. L. (1997). Social-emotional behavior of preschool-age children with and without developmental delays. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 18(6), 393-405. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Merrell, K. W., & Popinga, M. R. (1994). The alliance of adaptive behavior and social competence: an examination of relationship between the scales of Independent Behavior and the Social Skills Rating System. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 15(1), 39-47. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Merrell, K. W., & Popinga, M. R. (1994). The alliance of adaptive behavior and social competence: An examination of relationships between the Scales of Independent Behavior and the Social Skills Rating System.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 15(1), 39-47. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Messinger, D., Lambert, B., Bauer, C. R., Bann, C. M., Hamlin-Smith, K., & Das, A. (2010). The relationship between behavior ratings and concurrent and subsequent mental and motor performance in toddlers born at extremely low birth weight.
Journal of Early Intervention, 32(3), 214-233. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Mevissen, L., Didden, R., Korzilius, H., & de Jongh, A. (2016). Assessing posttraumatic stress disorder in children with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology Vol 7 2016, ArtID 29786, 7. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Mildenberger, K., Noterdaeme, M., Sitter, S., & Amorosa, H. (2001). Behavioral problems in children with specific and pervasive developmental disorders, evaluated with the psychopathology assessment scale (AMDP). [German]. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 50(8), 649-663. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Molteno, G., Molteno, C. D., Finchilescu, G., & Dawes, A. R. (2001). Behavioural and emotional problems in children with intellectual disability attending special schools in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45(Pt 6), 515-520. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Moore, L. S. (1995). The relationship between neuropsychological, academic, and psychosocial variables in determining behavioral/emotional problems in learning disabled youth. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 56(2-B), 1116. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Morgan, L., Wetherby, A. M., & Barber, A. (2008). Repetitive and Stereotyped Movements in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Late in the Second Year of Life. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(8), 826-837. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Morris, C., Janssens, A., Allard, A., Thompson Coon, J., Shilling, V., Tomlinson, R., . . . Logan, S. (2014).
NIHR Journals Library. Health Services and Delivery Research, 05, 05. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Moskowitz, L. J., Mulder, E., Walsh, C. E., McLaughlin, D. M., Zarcone, J. R., Proudfit, G. H., & Carr, E. G. (2013). A multimethod assessment of anxiety and problem behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability.
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 118(6), 419-434. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Mosner, M. G., Kinard, J. L., Shah, J. S., McWeeny, S., Greene, R. K., Lowery, S. C., . . . Dichter, G. S. (2019). Rates of Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview.
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 49(9), 3819-3832. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Murphy, O., Healy, O., & Leader, G. (2009). Risk factors for challenging behaviors among 157 children with autism spectrum disorder in Ireland.
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(2), 474-482. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Naglieri, J. A., & Gottling, S. H. (1995). Use of the Teacher Report Form and the Devereux Behavior Rating Scale-School Form with learning disordered/emotionally disordered students.
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 24(1), 71-76. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Nair, R., Dutt, A., & Nielsen, T. (2019). Brief report: Psychometric properties of the ability in behavior assessment and interventions for teachers-revised (abait-r).
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Nair, R., Dutt, A., & Nielsen, T. (2020). Brief Report: Psychometric Properties of the Ability in Behavior Assessment and Interventions for Teachers-Revised (ABAIT-R).
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 50(3), 1081-1087. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Nakai, Y., Miyawaki, D., Kusaka, H., Okamoto, H., Futoo, E., Goto, A., . . . Inoue, K. (2013). Anxiety in children with high-functioning pervasive developmental disorder. Osaka City Medical Journal, 59(1), 23-34. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Navas, P., Verdugo, M. A., Arias, B., & Gomez, L. E. (2012). Development of an instrument for diagnosing significant limitations in adaptive behavior in early childhood.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(5), 1551-1559. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Neo, W. S., Suzuki, T., & Kelleher, B. L. (2021). Structural validity of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) for preschoolers with neurogenetic syndromes.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 109, 103834. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Newcomer, P. L., Barenbaum, E., & Pearson, N. (1995). Depression and anxiety in children and adolescents with learning disabilities, conduct disorders, and no disabilities.
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 3(1), 27-39. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Newman, I., Leader, G., Chen, J. L., & Mannion, A. (2015). An analysis of challenging behavior, comorbid psychopathology, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Fragile X Syndrome.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 38, 7-17. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Niarchou, M., Chawner, S., Doherty, J. L., Maillard, A. M., Jacquemont, S., Chung, W. K., . . . Bree, M. (2019). Psychiatric disorders in children with 16p11.2 deletion and duplication.
Transl Psychiatry Psychiatry, 9(1), 8. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Niarchou, M., Moore, T. M., Tang, S. X., Calkins, M. E., McDonald-McGuinn, D. M., Zackai, E. H., . . . Gur, R. E. (2017). The dimensional structure of psychopathology in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.
Journal of Psychiatric Research, 92, 124-131. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Niarchou, M., Zammit, S., van Goozen, S. H. M., Thapar, A., Tierling, H. M., Owen, M. J., & van den Bree, M. B. M. (2014). Psychopathology and cognition in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(1), 46-54. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Nicholson, J., Konstantinidi, E., & Furniss, F. (2006). On some psychometric properties of the questions about behavioral function (QABF) scale.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 27(3), 337-352. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Nihira, K., Price-Williams, D. R., & White, J. F. (1988). Social competence and maladaptive behavior of people with dual diagnosis.
Journal of the Multihandicapped Person, 1(3), 185-199. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Nordness, P. D., Epstein, M. H., Cullinan, D., & Pierce, C. D. (2014). Emotional and Behavioral Screener: Test-Retest Reliability, Inter-Rater Reliability, and Convergent Validity.
Remedial and Special Education, 35(4), 211-217. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
O'Brien, G., Pearson, J., Berney, T., & Barnard, L. (2001). Measuring behaviour in developmental disability: a review of existing schedules. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology - Supplementum, 87, 1-72. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Ono, Y. (1996). Factor validity and reliability for the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community in a Japanese population with mental retardation.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 17(4), 303-309. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Ono, Y. (1996). Factor validity and reliability for the Aberrant behavior checklist-community in a Japanese population with mental retardation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 17(4), 303-309. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Oubrahim, L., & Combalbert, N. (2019). Frequency and origin (reactive/proactive) of aggressive behavior in young people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Paclawskyj, T. R., Matson, J. L., Rush, K. S., Smalls, Y., & Vollmer, T. R. (2001). Assessment of the convergent validity of the Questions About Behavioral Function scale with analogue functional analysis and the Motivation Assessment Scale. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 45(Pt 6), 484-494. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Painter, J., Trevithick, L., Hastings, R. P., Ingham, B., & Roy, A. (2016). Development and validation of the Learning Disabilities Needs Assessment Tool (LDNAT), a HoNOS-based needs assessment tool for use with people with intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(12), 1178-1188. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Pavlovic, M., Zunic-Pavlovic, V., & Glumbic, N. (2013). Students' and teachers' perceptions of aggressive behaviour in adolescents with intellectual disability and typically developing adolescents.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(11), 3789-3797. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Pelham, W. E., Evans, S. W., Gnagy, E. M., & Greenslade, K. E. (1992). Teacher ratings of DSM-III-R symptoms for the disruptive behavior disorders: Prevalence, factor analyses, and conditional probabilities in a special education sample. School Psychology Review, 21(2), 285-299. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Pisecco, S., Lachar, D., Gruber, C. P., Gallen, R. T., Kline, R. B., & Huzinec, C. (1999). Development and validation of disruptive behavior scales for the student behavior survey (SBS).
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 17(4), 314-331. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Platt, J. M., Keyes, K. M., McLaughlin, K. A., & Kaufman, A. S. (2019). Intellectual disability and mental disorders in a US population representative sample of adolescents.
Psychological Medicine, 49(6), 952-961. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Poindexter, A. R., & Glidden, L. M. (2006). Diagnosis of depression in people with developmental disabilities: Progress and problems.
International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, Vol 32, 32, 261-281. Exclusion reason: Review
Porter, M., Byrne, A., Campbell, L., Mathieson, N., & Boulton, K. (2016). Social, psychological and behavioural functioning in Williams syndrome, Down syndrome and velo-cardiofacial syndrome: A cross-syndrome and individual difference approach. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60 (7-8), 721. Exclusion reason: Conference abstract
Porter, M. A., Dodd, H., & Cairns, D. (2009). Psychopathological and behavior impairments in Williams-Beuren syndrome: The influence of gender, chronological age, and cognition.
Child Neuropsychology, 15(4), 359-374. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Predescu, E., Sipos, R., Dobrean, A., & Miclutia, I. (2013). The discriminative power of the CBCL 1.5-5 between autism spectrum disorders and other psychiatric disorders. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 13(1), 75-87. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Pruijssers, A., van Meijel, B., Maaskant, M., Teerenstra, S., & van Achterberg, T. (2017). The Diagnostic Guideline for Anxiety and Challenging Behaviour for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Preliminary Outcomes on Internalizing Problems, Challenging Behaviours, Quality of Life and Clients' Satisfaction.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30(2), 242-254. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Quay, H. C., & Gredler, Y. (1981). Dimensions of problem behavior in institutionalized retardates.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 9(4), 523-528. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Quinn, M., Carr, A., Carroll, L., & O'Sullivan, D. (2007). Parents Plus Programme 1: Evaluation of Its Effectiveness for Pre-School Children with Developmental Disabilities and Behavioural Problems. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 20(4), 345-359. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Quinn, M., Carr, A., Carroll, L., & O'Sullivan, D. (2007). Parents Plus programmes I: Evaluation of its effectiveness for pre-school children with developmental disabilities and behavioural problems.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 20(4), 345-359. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Rackauskaite, G., Bilenberg, N., Bech, B. H., Uldall, P., & Østergaard, J. R. (2016). Screening for psychopathology in a national cohort of 8- to 15-year-old children with cerebral palsy.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 49, 171-180. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Ralston, M. B., Fuerst, D. R., & Rourke, B. P. (2003). Comparison of the psychosocial typology of children with below average IQ to that of children with learning disabilities.
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 25(2), 255-273. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Ram Gopal, C., & Rao, M. (1994). A study of behaviour disorders in moderately mentally retarded children and their relation to parental attitude. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21(2), 27-31. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Raspa, M., Sacco, P., Candrilli, S., Bishop, E., & Petrillo, J. (2016). Validity of a condition specific outcome measure for fragile X syndrome: The Aberrant Behaviour Checklist-utility index.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(9), 844-855. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Ray, A. E. (1990). Acquiescent response patterns of mildly and moderately mentally retarded adolescents on a self-report questionnaire: Implications for the assessment of emotional disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51(2-B), 1016. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Reardon, T. C., Gray, K. M., & Melvin, G. A. (2015). Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents with intellectual disability: Prevalence and assessment.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36, 175-190. Exclusion reason: Review
Reddy, L. A., Pfeiffer, S. I., & Files-Hall, T. M. (2007). Use of the Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders for children and adolescents with emotional disturbance.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 25(4), 356-372. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Reilly, C., Atkinson, P., Das, K. B., Chin, R. F., Aylett, S. E., Burch, V., . . . Neville, B. G. (2014). Screening for mental health disorders in active childhood epilepsy: population-based data.
Epilepsy Research, 108(10), 1917-1926. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Reiss, S., & Havercamp, S. M. (1998). Toward a comprehensive assessment of fundamental motivation: Factor structure of the reiss profiles.
Psychological Assessment, 10(2), 97-106. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Reiss, S., & Rojahn, J. (1993). Joint occurrence of depression and aggression in children and adults with mental retardation.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 37(3), 287-294. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Reynolds, C. R. (1980). Concurrent validity of "What I think and feel:" the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48(6), 774-775. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Rice, L. J., Gray, K. M., Howlin, P., Taffe, J., Tonge, B. J., & Einfeld, S. L. (2015). The developmental trajectory of disruptive behavior in Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome and Williams syndrome.
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part C, Seminars in Medical Genetics, 169(2), 182-187. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Richards, C., Moss, J., Nelson, L., & Oliver, C. (2016). Persistence of self-injurious behaviour in autism spectrum disorder over 3 years: a prospective cohort study of risk markers.
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 8. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Rodriguez, V. (2011). Correlates and risk markers for psychopathology in children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 72(2-B), 1174. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Rojahn, J. (1989). Behavior Problems Inventory. In. Rojahn, J., Barnard-Brak, L., Medeiros, K., & Schroeder, S. R. (2016). Stereotyped behaviours as precursors of self-injurious behaviours: a longitudinal study with infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delay.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60(2), 156-166. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Rojahn, J., Barnard-Brak, L., Richman, D., Dotson, W., Medeiros, K., Wei, T., & Abby, L. (2013). Behavior problems in individuals with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: Population-specific validation of the Behavior Problem Inventory-01.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 25(5), 505-515. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Rojahn, J., Borthwick-Duffy, S. A., & Jacobson, J. W. (1993). The association between psychiatric diagnoses and severe behavior problems in mental retardation. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 5(3), 163-170. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Rojahn, J., & Matson, J. L. (2010). Assessment and diagnosis of autism and spectrum disorders in children.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 22(4), 313-315. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Rojahn, J., Matson, J. L., Lott, D., Esbensen, A. J., & Smalls, Y. (2001). The Behavior Problems Inventory: An instrument for the assessment of self-injury, stereotyped behavior, and aggression/destruction in individuals with developmental disabilities.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31(6), 577-588. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Rojahn, J., Matson, J. L., Mahan, S., Fodstad, J. C., Knight, C., Sevin, J. A., & Sharp, B. (2009). Cutoffs, norms, and patterns of problem behaviors in children with an ASD on the Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtIsm Traits (BISCUIT-Part 3).
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(4), 989-998. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Rojahn, J., Polster, L. M., Mulick, J. A., & Wisniewski, J. J. (1989). Reliability of the Behavior Problems Inventory.
Journal of the Multihandicapped Person, 2(4), 283-293. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Rojahn, J., Rowe, E., Sharber, A., Hastings, R., Matson, J., Didden, R., . . . Dumont, E. (2012). The behavior problems inventory-short form for individuals with intellectual disabilities: Part I: Development and provisional clinical reference data.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(5), 527-545. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Rojahn, J., Rowe, E., Sharber, A., Hastings, R., Matson, J., Didden, R., . . . Dumont, E. (2012). The behavior problems inventory-short form for individuals with intellectual disabilities: Part II: Reliability and validity.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(5), 546-565. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Rojahn, J., Schroeder, S. R., Mayo-Ortega, L., Oyama-Ganiko, R., LeBlanc, J., Marquis, J., & Berke, E. (2013). Validity and reliability of the Behavior Problems Inventory, the Aberrant Behavior Checklist, and the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised among infants and toddlers at risk for intellectual or developmental disabilities: A multi-method assessment approach.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(5), 1804-1814. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Romero, M., Aguilar, J. M., Del-Rey-Mejias, A., Mayoral, F., Rapado, M., Pecina, M., . . . Lara, J. P. (2016). Psychiatric comorbidities in autism spectrum disorder: A comparative study between DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 diagnosis.
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 16(3), 266-275. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Rosenberg, L. A., Harris, J. C., & Reifler, J. P. (1988). Similarities and differences between parents' and teachers' observations of the behavior of children with learning problems.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 21(3), 189-190. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Ruane, A., Carr, A., Moffat, V., Finn, T., Murphy, A., O'Brien, O., . . . O'Dwyer, R. (2019). A randomised controlled trial of the Group Stepping Stones Triple P training programme for parents of children with developmental disabilities.
Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 24(4), 728-753. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Russell, A. T., Hahn, J. E., & Hayward, K. (2011). Psychiatric services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Medication management.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 4(4), 265-289. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Russell, A. T., & Tanguay, P. E. (1981). Mental illness and mental retardation: Cause or coincidence? American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 85(6), 570-574. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Rzepecka, H., McKenzie, K., McClure, L., & Murphy, S. (2011). Sleep, anxiety and challenging behaviour in children with intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2758-2766. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Salehi, P., Herzig, L., Capone, G., Lu, A., Oron, A. P., & Kim, S. J. (2018). Comparison of Aberrant Behavior Checklist profiles across Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorder.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 176(12), 2751-2759. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Sanchez-Teruel, D., & Robles-Bello, M. A. (2020). Preliminary Study on Psychometric Properties or an Anxiety Scale in Down Syndrome with Anxiety Symptoms.
International Journal of Psychological Research, 13(1), 50-61. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Sandvik, V., Hysing, M., & Lundervold, A. J. (2007). Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in assessment of psychological problems in children with mental retardation. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 44(6), 750-754. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Sarimski, K. (2004). Assessment of behavioral problems in children with intellectual disability: The Nisonger child behavior rating form. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 53(5), 319-332. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Sarimski, K. (2004). Assessment of behavioral problems in children with intellectual disability: The Nisonger child behavior rating form. [German]. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 53(5), 319-332. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Sarphare, G. S. (1995). Assessment of fears and anxiety in children with mental retardation: Developmental considerations. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 56(1-B), 0546. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Scahill, L., Aman, M. G., Lecavalier, L., Halladay, A. K., Bishop, S. L., Bodfish, J. W., . . . Dawson, G. (2015). Measuring repetitive behaviors as a treatment endpoint in youth with autism spectrum disorder.
Autism, 19(1), 38-52. Exclusion reason: Review
Scahill, L., Dimitropoulos, A., McDougle, C. J., Aman, M. G., Feurer, I. D., McCracken, J. T., . . . Vitiello, B. (2014). Children's Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale in autism spectrum disorder: component structure and correlates of symptom checklist.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 53(1), 97-107.e101. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Scahill, L., McDougle, C. J., Williams, S. K., Dimitropoulos, A., Aman, M. G., McCracken, J. T., . . . McMahon, D. (2006). Children's yale-brown obsessive compulsive scale modified for pervasive developmental disorders.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45(9), 1114-1123. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Schmidt, J. D., Huete, J. M., Fodstad, J. C., Chin, M. D., & Kurtz, P. F. (2013). An evaluation of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist for Children under age 5.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(4), 1190-1197. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Schmidt, S. L., Snyder, T. J., Rouget, A. C., & Gray, E. (2000). Empirical analysis of the Selective Attention and Associated Behavior checklists of the Aggregate Neurobehavioral Student Health and Educational Review. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 21(3), 165-171. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Scholte, E. M., Van Berckelaer-Onnes, I., & Van der Ploeg, J. D. (2008). Rating scale to screen symptoms of psychiatric disorders in children.
European Journal of Special Needs Education, 23(1), 47-62. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Schroeder, S. R., Marquis, J. G., Reese, R., Richman, D. M., Mayo-Ortega, L., Oyama-Ganiko, R., . . . Lawrence, L. (2014). Risk factors for self-injury, aggression, and stereotyped behavior among young children at risk for intellectual and developmental disabilities.
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 119(4), 351-370. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Schroeder, S. R., Marquis, J. G., Reese, R. M., Richman, D. M., Mayo-Ortega, L., Oyama-Ganiko, R., . . . Lawrence, L. (2013). Risk factors for self-injury, aggression, and stereotyped behavior among young children at risk for intellectual and developmental disabilities.
American Journal on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 118(3), 351-370. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Schroeder, S. R., Richman, D. M., Abby, L., Courtemanche, A. B., & Oyama-Ganiko, R. (2014). Functional analysis outcomes and comparison of direct observations and informant rating scales in the assessment of severe behavior problems of infants and toddlers at-risk for developmental delays.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 26(3), 325-334. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Schroeder, S. R., Rojahn, J., An, X., Mayo-Ortega, L., Oyama-Ganiko, R., & LeBlanc, J. (2014). The Parental Concerns Questionnaire: A brief screening instrument for potentially severe behavior problems in infants and toddlers at-risk for developmental delays.
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 26(2), 237-247. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Schum, R. (2004). Psychological Assessment of Children with Multiple Handicaps Who Have Hearing Loss. The Volta Review, 104(4), 237-255. Exclusion reason: Theoretical article/Comment
Scotti, J. R., Stevens, S. B., Jacoby, V. M., Bracken, M. R., Freed, R., & Schmidt, E. (2012). Trauma in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Reactions of parents and caregivers to research participation.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 50(3), 199-206. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Siegel, M., Milligan, B., Chemelski, B., Payne, D., Ellsworth, B., Harmon, J., . . . Smith, K. A. (2014). Specialized inpatient psychiatry for serious behavioral disturbance in autism and intellectual disability.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44(12), 3026-3032. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Siegel, M., Milligan, B., Stein, H., Teer, O., & Smith, K. A. (2013). Telephone administration of the aberrant behavior checklist: a pilot study of feasibility in children with intellectual disability and autism.
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 17(3), 265-271. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Sigafoos, J., Kerr, M., Roberts, D., & Couzens, D. (1993). Reliability of structured interviews for the assessment of challenging behaviour. Behaviour Change, 10(1), 47-50. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Sim, F., Haig, C., O’Dowd, J., Thompson, L., Law, J., McConnachie, A., . . . O'Dowd, J. (2015). Development of a triage tool for neurodevelopmental risk in children aged 30 months.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 45, 69-82. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Sim, F., Haig, C., O'Dowd, J., Thompson, L., Law, J., McConnachie, A., . . . Wilson, P. (2015). Development of a triage tool for neurodevelopmental risk in children aged 30 months.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 45-46, 69-82. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Singh, A. N., Matson, J. L., Mouttapa, M., Pella, R. D., Hill, B. D., & Thorson, R. (2009). A critical item analysis of the QABF: Development of a short form assessment instrument.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(4), 782-792. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Singh, C. (2018). Assessment of anxiety in youths with Fragile X syndrome. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 79(1-B(E)), No Pagination Specified. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Sipes, M., Matson, J. L., Horovitz, M., & Shoemaker, M. (2011). The relationship between autism spectrum disorders and symptoms of conduct problems: The moderating effect of communication.
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 14(1), 54-59. Exclusion reason: Mean age < 4 years
Skwerer, D. P., Joseph, R. M., Eggleston, B., Meyer, S. R., & Tager-Flusberg, H. (2019). Prevalence and correlates of psychiatric symptoms in minimally verbal children and adolescents with ASD.
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10 (FEB) (no pagination)(43). Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Slomka, G. T. (1987). An analysis of the application of three behavior rating scales in the assessment of mentally retarded school children. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 47(12-A, Pt 1), 4337. Exclusion reason: Conference Abstract
Slone, M., Durrheim, K., Kaminer, D., & Lachman, P. (1999). Issues in the identification of comorbidity of mental retardation and psychopathology in a multicultural context. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 34(4), 190-194. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Sothirasan, K., Anand, A. J., Mittal, R., Khoo, P. C., & Chandran, S. (2020). Emotional and Behavioural disorders in a cohort with Down syndrome using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A pilot study.
Heliyon, 6(10), e05095. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Stadnick, N., Chlebowski, C., Baker-Ericzén, M., Dyson, M., Garland, A., & Brookman-Frazee, L. (2017). Psychiatric Comorbidity in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Correspondence between Mental Health Clinician Report and Structured Parent Interview. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 21(7), 841-851. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Stadnick, N., Chlebowski, C., & Brookman-Frazee, L. (2017). Caregiver-Teacher Concordance of Challenging Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Served in Community Mental Health Settings.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(6), 1780-1790. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Stanfield, A. C., McKechanie, A. G., Lawrie, S. M., Johnstone, E. C., & Owens, D. G. (2019). Predictors of psychotic symptoms among young people with special educational needs.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 215(1), 422-427. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Stark, K. H., Barnes, J. C., Young, N. D., & Gabriels, R. L. (2015). Brief Report: Understanding Crisis Behaviors in Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder-Iceberg Assessment Interview.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(11), 3468-3474. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Stasinos, D. P. (1984). Behavior Problem Syndromes in Educable Mentally Handicapped Greek Children: A Parent and Teacher Estimation. In. Steinhausen -Chr, H. (1985). A scale for assessing psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. [German]. Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, 13(3), 230-240. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Steinhausen, H.-C. (1985). A scale for assessing psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. Vol 13(3), 1985, pp 230-240, 13(3), 230-240. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Steinhausen, H. C., & Metzke, C. W. (2005). The Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC). Psychometric properties and norms of the German version. [German].
Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 34(4), 266-276. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Steinhausen, H.-C., & Metzke, C. W. (2005). The Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC). Psychometric properties and norms of the German Version.
Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie: Forschung und Praxis, 34(4), 266-276. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Stewart, S., Falah Hassani, K., Poss, J., & Hirdes, J. (2017). The determinants of service complexity in children with intellectual disabilities.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61(11), 1055-1068. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Strohmer, D. C. P. H. T. Strohmer-Prout Behavior Rating Scale. In. Sturmey, P., Jamieson, J., Burcham, J., Shaw, B., & Bertram, L. (1996). The factor structure of the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behaviors in institutional and community populations.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 17(4), 285-291. Exclusion reason: Adult population
Sucuoglu, B. (2003). The psychometric characteristics of the Turkish form of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist. Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 18(52), 77-91. Exclusion reason: Unable to obtain in full text
Sukhodolsky, D. G., Scahill, L., Gadow, K. D., Arnold, L., Aman, M. G., McDougle, C. J., . . . Vitiello, B. (2008). Parent-rated anxiety symptoms in children with pervasive developmental disorders: Frequency and association with core autism symptoms and cognitive functioning.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36(1), 117-128. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Sullivan, K., Hooper, S., & Hatton, D. (2007). Behavioural equivalents of anxiety in children with fragile X syndrome: Parent and teacher report.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51(1), 54-65. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Sullivan, K. M. (2006). Behavior and emotional problems in children with fragile X syndrome: A comparison of different raters, instruments, and scoring techniques. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 66(9-B), 5074. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Swami, P. R., & Vaidya, P. M. (2015). Correlation of Self-Injurious Behaviour, Stereotyped Movements and Aggressive/ Destructive Behaviour with Sensory Processing Disorder in Children with Autism and Mental Retardation. Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy (Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy), 47(3), 81-88. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Szymanski, L., & King, B. H. (1999). Practice parameters for the assessment and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with mental retardation and comorbid mental disorders.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 38(12,Suppl), 5S-31S. Exclusion reason: Review
Taffe, J. R., Tonge, B. J., Gray, K. M., & Einfeld, S. L. (2008). Extracting more information from behaviour checklists by using components of mean based scores.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 17(4), 232-240. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Thompson, R. J., Jr., & Curry, J. F. (1985). Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist profiles with developmentally disabled children: construct validity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41(4), 556-564. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Thompson, R. J., Curry, J. F., Sturner, R. A., Green, J. A., & Funk, S. G. (1982). Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist ratings of preschool children as a function of risk status for developmental and learning problems.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 7(3), 307-316. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Thompson, R. J., Kronenberger, W., & Curry, J. F. (1989). Behavior classification system for children with developmental, psychiatric, and chronic medical problems.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 14(4), 559-575. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Thompson, R. J., Merritt, K. A., Keith, B. R., Murphy, L. B., & Johndrow, D. A. (1992). The Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist behavioral classification system: A construct validity study with nonreferred children.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48(6), 739-743.;2-1. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Tonge, B., & Einfeld, S. (2000). The trajectory of psychiatric disorders in young people with intellectual disabilities.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34(1), 80-84. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Tonge, B. J., Einfeld, S. L., Krupinski, J., Mackenzie, A., McLaughlin, M., Florio, T., & Nunn, R. J. (1996). The use of factor analysis for ascertaining patterns of psychopathology in children with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 40(Pt 3), 198-207. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Toro, K. T., Miklosi, M., Horanyi, E., Kovacs, G. P., & Balazs, J. (2018). Reading disability spectrum: Early and late recognition, subthreshold, and full comorbidity.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(2), 158-167. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Tosi, B., Maestro, S., & Marcheschi, M. (1995). Cognitive and affective characteristics of children with malformation syndrome. [Italian]. Minerva Pediatrica, 47(10), 385-392. Exclusion reason: Article in foreign language/not accessible language
Tosi, B., Maestro, S., & Marcheschi, M. (1995). [Cognitive and affective characteristics of children with malformation syndrome]. Minerva Pediatrica, 47(10), 385-392. Exclusion reason: Duplicate reference
Tremblay, K. N., Richer, L., Lachance, L., & Cote, A. (2010). Psychopathological manifestations of children with intellectual disabilities according to their cognitive and adaptive behavior profile.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(1), 57-69. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Trillingsgaard, A., Damm, D., Sommer, S., Jepsen, J. R. M., Ostergaard, O., Frydenberg, M., & Thomsen, P. H. (2004). Developmental profiles on the basis of the FTF (Five to Fifteen) questionnaire: Clinical validity and utility of the FTF in a child psychiatric sample.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 13(SUPPL.), iii39-iii49. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Tsiouris, J. A., Cohen, I. L., Patti, P. J., & Korosh, W. M. (2003). Treatment of Previously Undiagnosed Psychiatric Disorders in Persons With Developmental Disabilities Decreased or Eliminated Self-Injurious Behavior.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 64(9), 1081-1090. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Tucker, M. A., & Fox, R. A. (1995). Assessment of families with mildly handicapped and nonhandicapped preschoolers.
Journal of School Psychology, 33(1), 29-37. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Tureck, K., Matson, J. L., Cervantes, P., & Konst, M. J. (2014). An examination of the relationship between autism spectrum disorder, intellectual functioning, and comorbid symptoms in children.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(7), 1766-1772. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Turin, E., Grados, M. A., Tierney, E., Ferenc, L. M., Zabel, A., & Comi, A. M. (2010). Behavioral and psychiatric features of Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198(12), 905-913. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Turky, A., Beavis, J. M., Thapar, A. K., & Kerr, M. P. (2008). Psychopathology in children and adolescents with epilepsy: An investigation of predictive variables.
Epilepsy & Behavior, 12(1), 136-144. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Turner, S., Sloper, P., & Knussen, C. (1991). The validity and applicability of the ADIECAS classroom rating scale in a sample of children with Down's syndrome. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, 35(Pt 4), 384-391. Exclusion reason: Not relevant measurement tool
Tustin, R., Kent, P. A., Haskell, S., & Bond, M. J. (1991). Measuring severity of challenging behaviours: A behaviour disorder scale. Australia & New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 17(3), 285-302. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Valdovinos, M. G., Zarcone, J., Hellings, J., Kim, G., & Schroeder, S. (2004). Using the Diagnostic Assessment of the Severely Handicapped-II (DASH-II) to measure the therapeutic effects of risperidone.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 48(1), 53-59. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
van den Heuvel, M., Jansen, D. E. M. C., Reijneveld, S. A., Flapper, B. C. T., & Smits-Engelsman, B. C. M. (2016). Identification of emotional and behavioral problems by teachers in children with developmental coordination disorder in the school community.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 51-52, 40-48. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
van der Vaart, T., Rietman, A. B., Plasschaert, E., Legius, E., Elgersma, Y., & Moll, H. A. (2016). Behavioral and cognitive outcomes for clinical trials in children with neurofibromatosis type 1.
Neurology, 86(2), 154-160. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
van Gameren-Oosterom, H. B., Fekkes, M., van Wouwe, J. P., Detmar, S. B., Oudesluys-Murphy, A. M., & Verkerk, P. H. (2013). Problem behavior of individuals with Down syndrome in a nationwide cohort assessed in late adolescence.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 163(5), 1396-1401. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Vaughn, S., Zaragoza, N., Hogan, A., & Walker, J. (1993). A four-year longitudinal investigation of the social skills and behavior problems of students with learning disabilities.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 26(6), 404-412. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Verheij, C., Louwerse, A., Ende, J., Eussen, M., Gool, A., Verheij, F., . . . Greaves-Lord, K. (2015). The Stability of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders: A 7 Year Follow Up of Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified.
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 45(12), 3939-3948. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Viola, L., Garrido, G., & Rescorla, L. (2011). Testing multicultural robustness of the Child Behavior Checklist in a national epidemiological sample in Uruguay.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39(6), 897-908. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Vitiello, B., Spreat, S., & Behar, D. (1989). Obsessive-compulsive disorder in mentally retarded patients.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177(4), 232-236. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Vlissides, N., Beail, N., Jackson, T., Williams, K., & Golding, L. (2017). Development and psychometric properties of the Psychological Therapies Outcome Scale - Intellectual Disabilities (PTOS-ID).
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61(6), 549-559. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Vorstman, J. A. S., Morcus, M. E. J., Duijff, S. N., Klaassen, P. W. J., Heineman-De Boer, J. A., Beemer, F. A., . . . Van Engeland, H. (2006). The 22q11.2 deletion in children: High rate of autistic disorders and early onset of psychotic symptoms.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 45(9), 1104-1113. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Walz, N. C. (2000). Patterns of emotional and behavioral difficulties in children and adolescents with neurogenetic mental retardation syndromes. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 60(12-B), 6388. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Warner, G., Moss, J., Smith, P., & Howlin, P. (2014). Autism characteristics and behavioural disturbances in ~ 500 children with Down's syndrome in England and Wales.
Autism Research, 7(4), 433-441. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Weisbrot, D. M., Gadow, K. D., DeVincent, C. J., & Pomeroy, J. (2005). The Presentation of Anxiety in Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 15(3), 477-496. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Wheeler, A., Raspa, M., Bann, C., Bishop, E., Hessl, D., Sacco, P., & Bailey, D. B., Jr. (2014). Anxiety, attention problems, hyperactivity, and the Aberrant Behavior Checklist in fragile X syndrome.
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 164A(1), 141-155. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Wieland, J., & Zitman, F. G. (2016). Brief Symptom Inventory symptom profiles of outpatients with borderline intellectual functioning and major depressive disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder: Comparison with patients from regular mental health care and patients with Mild Intellectual Disabilities.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 51-52, 153-159. Exclusion reason: Results not reported separately for children and adolescents
Will, M. N., & Wilson, B. J. (2014). A longitudinal analysis of parent and teacher ratings of problem behavior in boys with and without developmental delays.
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 18(2), 176-187. Exclusion reason: No psychometric information
Williams, J. K. (1994). Behavioral characteristics of children with Turner syndrome and children with learning disabilities. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 16(1), 26-35; discussion 35. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Williams, J. K. (1994). Behavioral characteristics of children with Turner syndrome and children with learning disabilities... including commentary by Schepp KG and Tiedeman ME with author response. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 16(1), 26-39. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Wilson, J. M., & Kiessling, L. S. (1988). What is measured by the Conners' Teacher Behavior Rating Scale? Replication of factor analysis.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 9(5), 271-278. Exclusion reason: Wrong patient population
Witwer, A. N., Lecavalier, L., & Norris, M. (2012). Reliability and Validity of the Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes-Parent Version in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(9), 1949-1958. Exclusion reason: No intellectual disability information
Wolf, T. M., & Wenzl, P. A. (1982). Assessment of relationship among measures of social competence and cognition in educable mentally retarded-emotionally disturbed students.
Psychological Reports, 50(3, Pt 1), 695-700. Exclusion reason: Not relevant outcome
Zeilinger, E. L., Weber, G., & Haveman, M. J. (2011). Psychometric properties and norms of the German ABC-Community and PAS-ADD Checklist.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2431-2440. Exclusion reason: Adult population