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26-07-2016 | Empirical Research

Family Financial Stress and Adolescent Sexual Risk-Taking: The Role of Self-Regulation

Auteurs: AliceAnn Crandall, Brianna M. Magnusson, M. Lelinneth B. Novilla, Lynneth Kirsten B. Novilla, W. Justin Dyer

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence | Uitgave 1/2017

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The ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors is known as self-regulation. Family stress and low adolescent self-regulation have been linked with increased engagement in risky sexual behaviors, which peak in late adolescence and early adulthood. The purpose of this study was to assess whether adolescent self-regulation, measured by parent and adolescent self-report and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, mediates or moderates the relationship between family financial stress and risky sexual behaviors. We assessed these relationships in a 4-year longitudinal sample of 450 adolescents (52 % female; 70 % white) and their parents using structural equation modeling. Results indicated that high family financial stress predicts engagement in risky sexual behaviors as mediated, but not moderated, by adolescent self-regulation. The results suggest that adolescent self-regulatory capacities are a mechanism through which proximal external forces influence adolescent risk-taking. Promoting adolescent self-regulation, especially in the face of external stressors, may be an important method to reduce risk-taking behaviors as adolescents transition to adulthood.
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Executive functioning and self-regulation are often used interchangeably, though executive functioning is thought to be subservient to self-regulation (Hofmann et al. 2012). Self-regulation includes both neurocognitive and socioemotional dimensions (Hughes et al. 2009; Rueda et al. 2005).
The current survey included these five items from the Sexual Risk Survey, items 8, 16, 17, 19 and 22.
We tested a model that also controlled for prior wave (wave 6) of risky sexual behavior. Because engagement in first sex was low in wave 6, the data was more heavily skewed and resulted in model instability. Thus, we decided not to include prior wave of risky sexual behaviors in the final models reported in this paper. However, model results with and without prior wave of risky sexual behavior were substantively similar.
Sex with a stranger, sex with somebody they were not in a relationship with, sex with a new partner before discussing sexual histories, and sex with a partner they didn’t trust.
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Family Financial Stress and Adolescent Sexual Risk-Taking: The Role of Self-Regulation
AliceAnn Crandall
Brianna M. Magnusson
M. Lelinneth B. Novilla
Lynneth Kirsten B. Novilla
W. Justin Dyer
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Youth and Adolescence / Uitgave 1/2017
Print ISSN: 0047-2891
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-6601

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