Early adolescence, typically defined as the developmental stage between 10 and 14 years of age (Robards & Bennett,
2013), is characterized by hormonal, neural, and other bodily changes that occur with the onset of puberty (Berenbaum et al.,
2015; Blakemore,
2012). This period is also marked by significant psychosocial shifts including increased autonomy from caregivers (Branje et al.,
2021) and the initial development of self-identity (Steensma et al.,
2013). Notably, the interaction of these pubertal and psychosocial shifts can be further compounded by increases in emotional intensity and the emergence of adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies (Cracco et al.,
2017; Silvers,
2022). For example, adolescents high in emotional reactivity to stressful events exhibit stronger relations between interpersonal stress and depression (Charbonneau et al.,
2009), and the use of maladaptive strategies to cope with negative emotional experiences is linked to greater adolescent emotional and behavioral problems (Schäfer et al.,
2017; Silk et al.,
2003). The biopsychosocial changes that emerge during early adolescence underscore the importance of effective regulation to successfully navigate this transitional period (Cracco et al.,
2017; Silvers,
Emotion regulation reflects conscious and unconscious strategies that an individual uses to modulate their emotional experience (Gross,
2002), whereby effective emotion regulation can facilitate adaptive responding to changing situational demands (Gratz & Roemer,
2004; Tamir,
2011). In contrast, deficits in emotion regulation have been linked to increased anxiety and depression among early adolescents (Gonçalves et al.,
2019; Mathews et al.,
2014; Schäfer et al.,
2017), as well as greater emotional problems during subsequent developmental stages. For example, longitudinal work has shown that difficulties in emotion regulation among early adolescents predicted depressive symptoms both cross-sectionally and 2-years later (Gonçalves et al.,
2019). Relatedly, emotion dysregulation, characterized by diminished emotional understanding, disproportionate expressions of sadness and anger, and ruminative responses to distress at baseline are prospectively associated with a range of psychopathology (e.g., increases in anxiety, aggression, and eating pathology) among adolescents 7-months later (McLaughlin et al.,
2011). Ecological momentary assessment data has further found that youth exhibiting greater emotional intensity, lability, and difficulty regulating negative affect in response to real time events report greater depressive symptoms and behavioral problems (Boemo et al.,
2022; Silk et al.,
2003). Such findings highlight the proximal and distal effects of both global and individual facets of emotion regulation throughout this developmental period (Beauchaine,
2015; McLaughlin et al.,
2011; Silk et al.,
Given the implications of emotion regulation on adolescent health, assessments of emotion regulation deficits among early adolescents are warranted. The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) is a widely used, 36-item, self-report measure designed to assess multiple aspects of emotion regulation difficulties in adults (Gratz & Roemer,
2004). The original development and validity tests of the DERS identified that the items reflected six facets of emotion regulation: (1) Non-acceptance of emotional responses; (2) Difficulties engaging in goal directed behaviors when experiencing emotional distress; (3) Difficulties with impulse control; (4) Lack of emotional awareness; (5) Limited access to emotion regulation strategies; and (6) Lack of emotional clarity (Gratz & Roemer,
2004). Multiple investigations have supported the psychometric properties of the six-factor DERS across clinical and non-clinical adult samples (Burton et al.,
2022; Hallion et al.,
2018; Ritschel et al.,
2015). While a global DERS factor was not tested during the development of the DERS measure, a single index (total score) of difficulties in emotion regulation remains of great clinical interest and is widely used in empirical research. Relatedly, there is evidence for a bifactor model in various clinical samples (Hallion et al.,
2018), and among individuals from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds (Mekawi et al.,
2021; Xu et al.,
2021), often yielding five subscales in addition to a global factor (Bardeen et al.,
2012). Taken together, the heterogeneity of the factor structures across varying adult samples necessitates further examination among adolescents prior to widespread use.
Published work on the factor structure of the DERS in adolescent samples has yielded equivocal findings. This inconsistency may be due, in part, to differences across clinical samples and in the emotional development that occurs during early, mid, and late adolescent stages. For example, while some studies have retained all 36 items and the original six factors with adequate fit (Neumann et al.,
N = 870, Netherlands-based community sample, aged 11–17 years; Charak et al.,
N = 636, U.S. clinical sample, aged 12–17 years; Perez et al.,
N = 218, clinical sample, aged 12–17 years), other studies have made notable modifications. In some cases, several items have been removed (Gómez-Simón et al.,
N = 642, Spain-based community sample; aged 12–18 years) or been permitted to cross-load to support a six-factor solution (McVey et al.,
N = 156 autistic adolescents and adults, aged 12–32 years). In other cases, subscales have been completely removed resulting in a five-factor solution (Monell et al.,
N = 581, Sweden-based clinical sample, aged 13–17) and a four-factor solution (Marín Tejeda et al.,
N = 455, Mexico-based community sample, average age 13.1 years). To our knowledge, there is only one study that has examined the DERS factor structure among a community sample of older adolescents from a northeastern city in the United States (Weinberg & Klonsky,
N = 428, aged 13–17 years). The authors opted to retain a six-factor solution with cross-loading items, but explicitly noted the structure may be different or suboptimal in younger adolescents (Weinberg & Klonsky,
2009). Yet, no studies have examined an early adolescent community sample. These discrepant findings illustrate the need to assess the factor structure in early adolescents, as differences in structure may reflect developmental considerations unique to this age group. Moreover, much of the extant work focuses on samples that are primarily comprised of White and/or non-Hispanic youths (Charak et al.,
2019; McVey et al.,
2022; Perez et al.,
2012; Weinberg & Klonsky,
2009) and are predominantly female (Charak et al.,
2019; Gómez-Simón et al.,
2014; Perez et al.,
2012; Weinberg & Klonsky,
2009), underscoring a need for investigations with more racially and ethnically diverse samples.
Thus, the current study was designed to address this gap in the literature by evaluating the factor structure of the DERS items in a large, community cohort of early adolescents. The specific aims were to provide support for the DERS original six-factor structure, and pending model fit, explore alternative factor structures in early adolescents. The resulting outcomes of this work have implications for theoretical models of emotional development in early adolescents, and ultimately could inform early-stage interventions that buffer against later adolescent mental health consequences (Compas et al.,
Development of adaptive emotion regulation strategies is critical for navigating the diverse array of biological and psychosocial changes that occur during early adolescence (Beauchaine,
2015; Cracco et al.,
2017; Silvers,
2022). Appropriate assessment of emotion regulation abilities, or lack thereof, is therefore equally as critical for identifying at-risk youth and developing tailored interventions. Examination of the factor structure and subsequent psychometric properties of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), a commonly used and well-studied measure among adults, has yielded inconsistent findings in adolescent samples. Further, a total factor reflecting global deficits in emotion regulation has not been supported among early adolescents in the U.S., despite its ubiquitous use. This study was the first to evaluate the factor structure of the DERS in a large cohort of early adolescents in the U.S. Findings revealed both a five-factor solution (with 26 items) and a bi-factor model to be better fits to the data than the original six-factor structure. Items from the original Awareness and Clarity subscales were combined. Omitted items were primarily from the original Strategies subscale. These findings support the use of a five-factor model to examine the granularity of emotion regulation deficits.
Several studies have yielded a five-factor model of the DERS in clinical and non-clinical samples among adults and late adolescents (Bardeen et al.,
2016; Lee et al.,
2016; Monell et al.,
2022). Across investigations this change in factor structure often reflects the removal of the measure’s original Awareness subscale due to its lower internal consistency, weaker intercorrelations, and composition of reverse coded items (Bardeen et al.,
2012; Lee et al.,
2016). However, in the current sample all items from the Awareness subscale were retained and combined with two items from the original Clarity subscale to form a factor referred to here, and previously, as Identification (Bardeen et al.,
2016). The Identification factor here appears to tap into the ability, or lack thereof, to attend to emotional states (i.e., “I am attentive to my feelings”), including the ability to identify the content (i.e.,“I know exactly how I am feeling”) and the utility of emotional recognition and understanding (i.e., “When I’m upset, I take time to figure out what I’m really feeling”). Notably, the authors of the original measure conceptualized four distinctive facets of emotion regulation including “Awareness and Understanding of Emotions” (Gratz & Roemer,
2004). When this facet produced items that loaded onto two separate factors (i.e. Awareness and Clarity), the orignal developers reasoned it was due to differences in being aware of emotional responses and having a clear understanding of them (Gratz & Roemer,
2004). Thus, it is plausible that the findings here illustrate that early adolescents have not yet developed the ability to distinguish between the two. Of note, all items belonging to the Identification subscale here are reverse coded. While some may argue that these items merely “hang” together due to their syntactical structure, this perspective has been challenged by prior work. Specifically, among a sample of adults, Bardeen et al. (
2016) modified the reverse-coded items to read as straight forward and still achieved a five-factor solution with a similar Identification factor combining the Awareness and Clarity items (Bardeen et al.,
2016). This finding suggests that the Identification subscale is not merely due to a method effect. Rather, Identification, as a broader factor of attending to and understanding emotions, is a more appropriate fit in this sample of early adolescents.
The former Strategies subscale was removed except for a single item (“When I’m upset, I know that I can find a way to eventually feel better”) which became a part of the Identification subscale. Unlike the Awareness subscale, the structure and composition of the original Strategies factor has received less debate in the literature. To our knowledge, one investigation examining the factor structure of the DERS Spanish version among Mexican community-dwelling adolescents removed both the Strategies and Impulse subscales (Marín Tejeda et al.,
2012). Similarly, only two reports in adult samples have discouraged its use due to redundancy with the measure’s general factor (Benfer et al.,
2019; Osborne et al.,
2017). One explanation for the absence of the Strategies subscale in the current sample of early adolescents may be due to age-specific developmental differences in emotional awareness and regulation more broadly. Initial theories on the development of emotional awareness have posited that it emerges in infancy, and related work has more recently demonstrated that the recognition of discrete emotions in others develops incrementally, reaching adult levels by the age of 11 (Chronaki et al.,
2015). It is plausible then that the awareness and identification of emotions occurs
prior to the development of the explicit strategies used to regulate emotional states.
We found evidence of both a five-factor (26-item) model and a bi-factor model. There are several reasons why the factor score model is preferable to using the bifactor model when interpreting scale responses. Indeed, prior research suggests that while a bifactor model may evidence better statistical “fit” to the data, there is a need to balance the statistical solution with both the conceptual and functional utility of the measure (Reise et al.,
2010). The degree to which the items load primarily onto the general factor, with low loadings on the specific factors, make little sense. Conversely, when items have sufficiently high loadings on both the general and specific factors, a researcher should consider computation of factor scores for all factors (Reise et al.,
2010). Our work suggests that the DERS measure provides evidence of sufficiently high loadings on both a general factor as well as the individual factor scores. Thus, is it recommended that researchers use factor scores. This approach to using factor scores versus a general factor score yields additional specificity in research. For example, DERS subscale scores may evidence differential associations with negative affect and substance use, which could inform more nuanced and targeted intervention development. Second, within a developmental context, examination of subscales can also provide meaningful information about how various aspects of emotion regulation
change throughout development. Lastly, the DERS subscale could be leveraged in a clinical setting to aid in identifying an adolescent’s specific strengths and deficits in emotion regulation to inform idiographic treatment planning.
Findings from the current work should be interpreted with the following limitations in mind. The early adolescent cohort recruited for this study were a subset of the broader ABCD study. Participants of this subset were recruited from 5 of the 21 ABCD sites which potentially limits the generalizability of these results. However, this is still the largest study to our knowledge to examine the factor structure of the DERS in a community sample of early adolescents. Future studies are needed to replicate and empirically evaluate the revised factor model among early adolescents, ideally with pubertal stage taken into consideration. Relatedly, the racial and ethnic composition in the current sample, although more diverse compared to other studies (Charak et al.,
2019; McVey et al.,
2022; Perez et al.,
2012), was still primarily comprised of adolescents who identified as White and/or Non-Hispanic. Thus, additional validation studies with more diverse samples are needed, including adolescents with minoritized racial, ethnic, and gender identities, as well as those with marginalized sexual orientations. In addition, we did not assess the relation of the DERS structure to other emotional and behavioral health outcomes that frequently correlate with emotion regulation ability, which remains an important area of future investigation. Future work would benefit from testing the convergent and discriminant validity, as well as the predictive validity, of both the original and alternative DERS structures with other metrics frequently implicated in early adolescent health. Lastly, we did not test for any sex differences in DERS scores in our modified five-factor model. Future work in this vein is especially important given the array of pubertal changes that occur during adolescence and may influence individual differences in emotion regulation abilities (Bailen et al.,
2019; Haas et al.,
Taken together, the findings from this investigation support the use of a 26-item, five-factor model of the DERS in this large sample of community-recruited early adolescents. Such factor solutions appear more developmentally appropriate for this sample of early adolescents and their growing emotion regulation capacities. Use of this modified factor structure could lead to improved specificity in empirical findings and subsequent tailored clinical interventions. Future research should also continue to examine the latent structure of the DERS, and other measures that purportedly tap into aspects of emotion regulation, among other populations of interest to ensure optimal psychometric functioning.
Data used in the preparation of this article were obtained from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study (, held in the NIMH Data Archive (NDA). This is a multisite, longitudinal study designed to recruit more than 10,000 children ages 9–10 and follow them over 10 years into early adulthood.
The ABCD Study is supported by the National Institutes of Health and additional federal partners under award numbers U01DA041022, U01DA041028, U01DA041048, U01DA041089, U01DA041106, U01DA041117, U01DA041120, U01DA041134, U01DA041148, U01DA041156, U01DA041174, U24DA041123, U24DA041147, U01DA041093, and U01DA041025. Additional support for this work was made possible from National Institute of Justice grant 2017-MU-CX-0044.
ABCD consortium investigators designed and implemented the study and/or provided data but did not necessarily participate in analysis or writing of this report. This manuscript reflects the views of the authors and may not reflect the opinions or views of the NIH or ABCD consortium investigators. The ABCD data repository grows and changes over time. The ABCD data used in this report came from DOI
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