Coronary artery disease: Assessing the development and treatment of coronary atherosclerosis
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Although animal models increased our understanding of CAD development and treatment, the pathophysiology of CAD, especially in the context of diabetes mellitus (DM), remains incompletely understood. Diabetes mellitus patients have a 2–6-fold higher risk to encounter adverse events associated with CAD than patients without diabetes mellitus, and with the increasing prevalence of diabetes, further studies into CAD development and treatment are mandatory. For this purpose, swine are an excellent model as they can be rendered diabetic, mimicking the human situation of multiple co-morbidities, develop atherosclerotic lesions at anatomical locations similar to humans and allow for coronary stent-implantation and invasive assessment of the coronary vasculature in vivo.
This thesis evaluated CAD development and treatment by bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS), while focusing on coronary pathology associated with diabetes mellitus, using intracoronary imaging techniques such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) to obtain highly detailed imaging of the coronary morphology and the vascular response to stent implantation.
First, we used OCT to demonstrate a low incidence of imaging-related complications (0.6%) in an unselected patient population of 1,142 patients with varying indications for imaging. These complications were self-limiting after retrieval of the imaging catheter or easily treatable in the catheterisation laboratory, indicating that OCT is safe to use with a very low event rate. In an experimental setting, we examined the impact of longitudinal catheter displacement on the quantitative assessment of BVS and demonstrated that serial evaluation of matched cross-sections was hampered. This suggested that dedicated analysis methods with per-frame analysis or using software allowing for synchronised evaluation of matched segments, could be more suitable for serial analysis in specific scaffold regions.
Second, OCT and intravascular ultrasound enabled plaque characterisation in vivo in diabetic and non-diabetic swine that were fed a high-fat diet and proved to be complementary for the evaluation of CAD development. Using in vivo OCT, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and coronary computed tomography angiography and ex vivo vascular function testing and histology, no differences in early atherosclerotic development were observed between diabetic and non-diabetic swine up to 15 months, suggesting that macroscopic atherosclerosis development was not influenced by hyperglycaemia. Additionally, ex vivo vascular function testing demonstrated a shift in balance of different contributors to vascular tone of small coronary arteries during the progression of atherosclerosis, emphasising the importance of longitudinal studies of vascular function in diabetes mellitus and CAD.
Third, we used OCT to evaluate the vascular healing response 5 year after first-in-man BVS implantation and demonstrated development of a stable plaque covered by a signal-rich tissue layer, potentially shielding the plaque, in a majority of patients. However, this favourable response was not universal. Additionally, the vascular healing response to BVS implantation was investigated in swine with and without DM using in vivo OCT, polarisation-sensitive OCT and NIRS 3 and 6 months after BVS implantation. A highly heterogeneous neointima was observed, suggestive of neoatherosclerosis formation. Importantly, the considerable neoatherosclerosis development under diet-induced dyslipidaemia may point at neoatherosclerosis as an important contributor to BVS failure at long-term.
In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that 1) OCT is safe to use in clinical practice, 2) dyslipidaemic swine represent an excellent model to evaluate ‘human-like’ CAD development using in vivo intracoronary imaging and 3) intracoronary imaging enhances our understanding of the distinct vascular healing patterns after BVS implantation.
N. van Ditzhuijzen
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands