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10-06-2024 | ORIGINAL PAPER

Effects of a Virtual Mindful Self-Compassion Training on Mindfulness, Self-compassion, Empathy, Well-being, and Stress in Uruguayan Primary School Teachers During COVID-19 Times

Auteurs: Tamara Liberman, Martín Bidegain, Andrea Berriel, Francisco M. López, Alexander Ibarra, Mikaela Pisani, Sol Polero, Gonzalo Brito, Ana C. Pereira, Silvana López, María E. Castelló

Gepubliceerd in: Mindfulness | Uitgave 6/2024

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This study aimed to assess the effects of a virtual Mindful Self-compassion (MSC) intervention on mindfulness and self-compassion, empathy, stress, and well-being in Uruguayan primary school teachers, during COVID-19 times.


A quasi-experimental, longitudinal study was conducted with an active control intervention that involved practicing Kundalini yoga (KY). Uruguayan volunteer female teachers were randomly assigned to MSC or KY 9-week virtual training. They completed self-reported psychometric tests and an empathy for pain task (EPT) at pre- and post-training, and follow-up (3 months).


At post-MSC training, mindfulness (observing, non-reactivity, and total mindfulness) and self-compassion (self-kindness, common humanity, mindfulness, and self-judgment) increased. The empathy dimensions perspective-taking increased and personal distress decreased. Stress decreased and well-being increased. Concerning EPT, the accuracy in attributing intentionality to the harm inflicted, i.e., the intentionality comprehension accuracy, increased. At follow-up, observing and total mindfulness remained elevated, and non-judging increased. Common humanity remained elevated and personal distress remained decreased. Comparing MSC with KY trainings at post-training, the psychometric tests showed that personal distress was lower in the MSC group. At follow-up, observing and total mindfulness were higher in the MSC group. No differences between groups were found for the EPT at post-training and follow-up.


Virtual MSC training increased mindfulness and self-compassion, associated with higher well-being, reduced stress, and increased empathy in primary school teachers in Uruguay.


This study is not preregistered.
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Effects of a Virtual Mindful Self-Compassion Training on Mindfulness, Self-compassion, Empathy, Well-being, and Stress in Uruguayan Primary School Teachers During COVID-19 Times
Tamara Liberman
Martín Bidegain
Andrea Berriel
Francisco M. López
Alexander Ibarra
Mikaela Pisani
Sol Polero
Gonzalo Brito
Ana C. Pereira
Silvana López
María E. Castelló
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Mindfulness / Uitgave 6/2024
Print ISSN: 1868-8527
Elektronisch ISSN: 1868-8535

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