This study examined the ability of the CAST MFM and OFM models to detect changes in the hindfoot and forefoot kinematics. It is important to emphasize that this study cannot and does not attempt to say which of the models is correct. The SnPM explored the effect of the medial heel bar on foot kinematics during stance phase in both models and the results were used to compare the ability to detect a change. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time SnPM has been used to identify how two multi-segment foot models detect similar or opposing kinematic changes under orthoses conditions. The CAST MFM and the OFM were chosen for the comparison because they represent two different concepts in multi-segment foot modelling and both have been previously used to investigate the effect of foot orthoses. Our findings demonstrate that there was good agreement/similar detectable kinematic changes between the two foot models in the coronal plane hindfoot and forefoot kinematics, but there were considerable differences in kinematics between foot models for the forefoot in the sagittal and transverse planes.
At the hindfoot, the overall agreement of both models across all planes over the entire stance phase was very good, potentially due to the similarities in the markers used to track the hindfoot segment, despite the subtle differences in the segment coordinate system definitions. Also the use of the same biomechanical conventions could contribute to the good agreement of the models as it was suggested to be more crucial than the design of relevant marker sets in the comparison of different gait protocols [
25]. Both models were in very good agreement in detecting the reduction of hindfoot eversion, which is consistent with past research on the effect of medial heel bars on foot [
26] and hindfoot [
5] kinematics, and rearfoot posting [
29]. The CAST MFM detected slightly more (~ 2% of cases) unique kinematic changes than the OFM. No opposite effect was present. The small differences between models could be explained by an extra tracking marker in the CAST MFM which may improve the precision of the measures of that segment, however the effect of the differences in the segment coordinate system definitions cannot be ruled out.
In the transverse plane, both models were in very good agreement in detecting increased hindfoot abduction, which was reported to be the effect of medial heel bar on hindfoot [
5] and foot [
26], across all the phases. The CAST MFM was able to detect a unique change in more cases (approximately ~ 8%) across all stance sub-phases, while the OFM was able to detect a unique kinematic change (~ 3% of cases) and only in SS phase. In the sagittal plane, there was reasonable overall agreement in the ability of both models to detect increased dorsiflexion (~ 77%), which was previously identified as the effect of a medial heel bar on the hindfoot [
5] and the foot [
26], across all phases, however the OFM detected a unique kinematic change in approximately twice as many number of cases (~ 14%, see Table
2) across all the phases than the CAST MFM. Hindfoot results imply a minor shift between hindfoot local coordinate system axes of both models leading to a different distribution of the three dimensional joint rotations across the anatomical planes, which could potentially explain the subtle differences in the sensitivity of the models to be able to detect kinematic changes in a given plane across all phases.
At the forefoot there was a marked difference in overall agreement of both foot models across all planes over the entire stance phase (approximately 50% of cases), whilst there was a marked increase (~ 23% of all cases) in opposing kinematic change between the MFM. However, this measurement of response due to the foot orthosis differed significantly across anatomical planes. The highest level of agreement of both models was observed in the coronal plane, where previous findings demonstrated the medial heel bar increased inversion of the forefoot during the entire stance phase [
5]. On the contrary, the level of agreement between the CAST MFM and the OFM was rather poor in the sagittal and transverse planes (~ 45% and ~ 25% of cases, respectively) with the opposite effect detected in approximately a third of the cases in both planes. These differences could be explained by the different number and position of tracking markers with the OFM using an extra tracking marker. While the three CAST MFM tracking markers are positioned above the base of the metatarsals, two out of the four OFM tracking markers are positioned in a more anterior position (mid-point between 2
nd and 3
rd metatarsal heads and 5
th metatarsal head), which could possibly explain the difference in detected kinematic change as the OFM is partially tracking a more distal part of the foot. In the transverse plane, the median medial heel bar effect on the peak abduction of the forefoot was reported to be less than 0.3º degrees [
5], which together with different tracking marker placements could contribute to the high percentage of disagreement between the two models.
In foot orthoses research it is common practice to report the material, density, shape and inclination of foot orthoses’ elements [
28] in order to explore a particular prescription and its variations [
29]. Knowing the features of various MFMs is no different. The medial heel bar used in this study has been shown to decrease eversion of the hindfoot in healthy adults, which may benefit patients with abnormal hindfoot pronation [
5]. Both the CAST MFM and the OFM showed very good agreement in the ability to detect kinematic changes as a result of the medial heel bar in the coronal plane (90.6% in the hindfoot, 83.6% in the forefoot), which implies both models could be used interchangeably. However, recent work has shown that the effect of foot orthoses [
30] and specifically designed shoes [
31] is not necessarily universal and responders and non-responders can be identified from biomechanical data. In the coronal plane of the hindfoot, the CAST MFM and the OFM detected unique kinematic changes in 5.7% and 3.6% of the cases, respectively, which shows a level of disagreement between the models in the identification of possible biomechanical responders and non-responders in 9.3% of the cases. The level of disagreement in the identification of possible biomechanical responders and non-responders in the coronal plane of the forefoot was 11.5% of cases with the CAST MFM and the OFM being able to detect a unique kinematic change in 7.3% and 4.2% of cases, respectively. This level of difference could potentially have an impact on the identification of biomechanical responders and non-responders to the hindfoot medial posting intervention. This is an important area for future work which is required to explore the ability of two models to identify responders and to determine the most appropriate model, if any. As there are different versions of the OFM producing slightly different kinematic outputs [
20], the level of disagreement may change depending on the version used.
This study had some limitations. All the participants were healthy individuals therefore the magnitude of the effect and potentially the ability of both models to detect kinematic change may differ for people requiring orthotic interventions. Previous comparisons of the OFM and Rizzoli Foot Model have shown differences present in kinematic outputs which also depended on gait type [
20]. Due to its position, the motion of the markers placed on the midpoint between the 2
nd and 3
rd metatarsal heads and on the 5
th metatarsal head could be susceptible to the deformation of the shoe, especially during the heel rise, which could have an effect on the OFM forefoot kinematics.