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15-03-2018 | Original Paper

Dimensionality and Measurement Invariance of a Brief Form of the Young Schema Questionnaire for Adolescents

Auteurs: Laura Santos, Paula Vagos, Daniel Rijo

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Child and Family Studies | Uitgave 7/2018

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The current work aims to develop and examine the psychometric properties of the Brief form of the Young Schema Questionnaire for Adolescents (B-YSQ-A), so that Early Maladaptive Schemas can be accurately measured in younger populations. Early Maladaptive Schemas are self-defeating core themes underlying maladaptive cognition, affect, and behavior. A community sample of 877 adolescents, aged 12–18 years old, filled out self-report instruments on maladaptive schemas, anger management, and internalizing and externalizing symptoms. The items composing the B-YSQ-A were selected based on statistical and content analyses criteria. Its internal structure, reliability, age- and gender-based invariance, and between-gender mean differences were examined, as well as its relationship with external variables. Results indicated a satisfying fit for the 18 original schema factors through confirmatory factor analysis. These schemas also showed adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability, with the exception of the entitlement/grandiosity and self-sacrifice schemas. The B-YSQ-A was found to be age and gender invariant. Concerning gender differences, boys scored higher on the entitlement/grandiosity, insufficient self-control/discipline, approval/recognition seeking, unrelenting standards/hyper-criticalness and punitiveness schemas, whereas girls scored higher on the abandonment/instability, mistrust/abuse, and self-sacrifice schemas. Furthermore, evidence was found for construct validity in relation to measures of internalizing and externalizing symptomatology and of anger expression. Findings offer support for the use of the B-YSQ-A with adolescents, both for research and intervention purposes.
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Dimensionality and Measurement Invariance of a Brief Form of the Young Schema Questionnaire for Adolescents
Laura Santos
Paula Vagos
Daniel Rijo
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Child and Family Studies / Uitgave 7/2018
Print ISSN: 1062-1024
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2843