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01-12-2009 | Original Paper

Comparison of Scores on the Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and Gilliam Asperger’s Disorder Scale for Children with Low Functioning Autism, High Functioning Autism, Asperger’s Disorder, ADHD, and Typical Development

Auteurs: Susan Dickerson Mayes, Susan L. Calhoun, Michael J. Murray, Jill D. Morrow, Kirsten K. L. Yurich, Fauzia Mahr, Shiyoko Cothren, Heather Purichia, James N. Bouder, Christopher Petersen

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Uitgave 12/2009

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Reliability and validity for three autism instruments were compared for 190 children with low functioning autism (LFA), 190 children with high functioning autism or Asperger’s disorder (HFA), 76 children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and 64 typical children. The instruments were the Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder (designed for children with LFA and HFA), Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) for children with LFA, and Gilliam Asperger’s Disorder Scale (GADS). For children with LFA or ADHD, classification accuracy was 100% for the Checklist and 98% for the CARS clinician scores. For children with HFA or ADHD, classification accuracy was 99% for the Checklist and 93% for the GADS clinician scores. Clinician–parent diagnostic agreement was high (90% Checklist, 90% CARS, and 84% GADS).
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Comparison of Scores on the Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and Gilliam Asperger’s Disorder Scale for Children with Low Functioning Autism, High Functioning Autism, Asperger’s Disorder, ADHD, and Typical Development
Susan Dickerson Mayes
Susan L. Calhoun
Michael J. Murray
Jill D. Morrow
Kirsten K. L. Yurich
Fauzia Mahr
Shiyoko Cothren
Heather Purichia
James N. Bouder
Christopher Petersen
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders / Uitgave 12/2009
Print ISSN: 0162-3257
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3432