Development of cognitive and affective ToM: the role of age, gender, and complexity of ToM tasks
Group comparisons showed significant differences between the youngest adolescence group (13- to 14-year-olds) and the elder adolescence groups (15- to 16-year-olds and 17- to 18-year-olds) with respect to cognitive and affective ToM total scores. Results indicate a prominent increase between ages 13–14 and 15–16 regarding both types of ToM whilst no significant increase was shown between ages 15–16 and 17–18. This developmental step is supported by neurodevelopmental studies which show great changes regarding cortical gray and white matter volumes (e.g., Brain Development Cooperative Group,
2012), white matter tracts (Lebel & Beaulieu,
2011), cortical thickness (Shaw et al.,
2008) and functional brain connectivity (e.g., Sato et al.,
2014) in the form of a shift from local networks to more distributed networks and an increased number of connections within these network hubs (Sato et al.,
Furthermore, literature shows specific changes regarding the whole brain as well as specific brain regions with respect to the age groups investigated in this study (e.g., Brain Development Cooperative Group,
2012; Krogsrud et al.,
2014; Hu et al.,
2013). In this context, it was shown that whole brain gray matter volumes decrease drastically until children reach approx. 15 or 16 years with a subsequent slower decrease (e.g., Brain Development Cooperative Group,
2012), indicating a great synaptic reorganization (e.g., Blakemore,
2008), presumably due to synaptic pruning processes (e.g., Huttenlocher,
1994). Furthermore, whole brain white matter volume (Brain Development Cooperative Group,
2012) and gray matter volume in different hippocampal subfields (e.g., Krogsrud et al.,
2014) increase until children are approx. 15 with a subsequent slower increase. These white matter changes contribute to the synaptic reorganization in this age span (e.g., Jetha & Segalowitz,
2012) and are presumably induced by proceeding myelination and an increase in axon diameter (e.g., De Bellis et al.,
2001; Perrin et al.,
2008). Additionally, peaks in temporal gray matter and superior temporal lobe cortical thickness can be seen in ages 15–16 (Shaw et al.,
2008) whereas a greater synaptic reorganization in the cingulate cortex presumably starts when adolescents approx. reach age 13 (Shaw et al.,
2008). Besides great changes in subcortical gray matter volume between ages 14 and 16 (Brain Development Cooperative Group,
2012), it was shown that girls reach an amygdala peak volume at approx. 14 years with a slight decrease afterwards whereas boys show an ongoing rapid increase in amygdala volume until age 12 with a slowing increase afterwards (Hu et al.,
These ongoing structural and functional changes in the adolescent brain as well as the specific neuronal changes within these age groups support the results regarding ToM development shown in the current study and comply with neurobiological models of ToM processing (e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011). In this way, the developmental step in ToM processing shown in this study can be associated with ongoing changes in ToM-specific brain regions like for example the protracted development of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), specifically the medial PFC (e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011; Blakemore,
2008, Konrad et al.,
2013), and age-specific maturation of the cingulate cortex (e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011; Schlaffke et al.,
2015; Shaw et al.,
2008), temporal regions (e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011; Blakemore,
2008; Shaw et al.,
2008), subcortical regions (Brain Development Cooperative Group,
2012), and the amygdala (Hu et al.,
2013). Furthermore, it can be associated with changes in general brain connectivity (e.g., Sato et al.,
2014) and ToM-specific connectivity between prefrontal, temporal, and temporo-parietal regions (Blakemore,
2008). These changes in ToM-specific regions and networks can be further related to the associated neuropsychological variables shown in the current study, as will be discussed later. Besides these structural and functional developments, great changes with respect to the serotonergic as well as the dopaminergic system occur throughout adolescence (see e.g., Steinberg,
2016) whereas these neurotransmitters were shown to greatly influence ToM processing (see e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
With respect to basic cognitive ToM (1st order), the current study showed an age-related increase across adolescence whereas only 13- to 14-year-olds and 17- to 18-year-olds differed significantly. This result is somewhat surprising, given the low level of complexity in this order (see also e.g., Wimmer & Perner,
1983). This result could be possibly explained by differences in the allocation of attentional resources in the form of younger adolescents being overhasty in answering these easy questions without questioning their first choice. With respect to higher order ToM (2nd and 3rd order), a developmental step between ages 13–14 and 15–16 was shown. Whereas second-order ToM has already been thoroughly investigated (e.g., Brune & Brune-Cohrs,
2006; Perner & Wimmer,
1985), research on even more complex orders is still scarce, leaving unknown the developmental course of third-order ToM in adolescence. In this context, the current paper showed that the development of second- and third-order ToM is very similar across adolescence whereby these results get support from the previously mentioned neurodevelopmental changes in this age span.
With respect to affective ToM, no gender differences could be found. These results are consistent with previous behavioral findings (Vetter et al.,
2013) which suggest that affective ToM is strongly influenced by age. This result could be possibly explained by converging levels of amygdala re-organization across adolescence (see e.g., Hu et al.,
2013). In this context, Connolly, Lefevre, Young and Lewis (
2018) showed only modest as well as very specific differences in emotion recognition between males and females.
Regarding cognitive ToM, female participants showed superior performance. Besides gender differences regarding structural brain development (Blakemore,
2008), functional differences regarding cognitive ToM could be found in the form of greater activation in the left mPFC and greater deactivation in the vmPFC/orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in females (Frank et al.,
2015) which possibly explains these differences. These differences could possibly be further explained by lasting effects of female children’s play behavior as it potentially promotes verbal communication abilities (Devine & Hughes,
2013). This would be supported by another result of the current study as it was shown that language comprehension was significantly correlated with cognitive ToM. Increased language comprehension ability potentially provides participants with greater resources to represent and communicate about mistaken beliefs (Milligan, Astington, & Dack,
Neuropsychological variables associated with cognitive and affective ToM
In this study, the regression analyses showed that age was significantly associated with both cognitive and affective ToM processing across adolescence. This result further highlights the importance of age regarding ToM performance and is supported by studies on neurodevelopment in this age span (as discussed above). Besides age, a number of neuropsychological abilities were shown to be associated with ToM processing across adolescence whereby for these analyses age-adjusted (the effect of age was extracted by preceding analyses) values were used.
In this context, it was shown that affective intelligence and attention were significantly correlated with cognitive and affective ToM in adolescence. This result is supported by studies which show a bidirectional influence of many cognitive and emotional processes (e.g., Okon-Singer, Hendler, Pessoa, & Shackman,
2015), whereby regarding this influence, shared underlying neural networks were shown (e.g., Okon-Singer et al.,
2015; Pessoa,
2008). Key regions and hubs for this cognition–emotion integration are for example the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala (e.g., Pessoa,
2008) which are central regions in the ToM network (e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011). In this context, in their neurobiological model, Abu-Akel and Shamay-Tsoory (
2011) show that cognitive and affective aspects of ToM processing rely on overlapping and linked brain regions which further supports the results of the current study.
With respect to affective ToM, the association with affective intelligence in terms of recognizing and understanding emotions was not surprising as it is in line with the definition of Mayer and Salovey (
1997). Regarding cognitive ToM, the association with affective intelligence is less obvious. Nevertheless, on closer inspection of the cognitive ToM paradigm used in this study (a false belief task), several connecting factors for affective intelligence can be seen. While performing the cognitive ToM task, the participants witness a lot of false beliefs as well as erroneous actions and decisions done either by persons that represent themselves in the role of children in a family or by other important people in an adolescent’s family life like parents or siblings. One explanation could therefore be that children with a greater affective intelligence are more able to empathize with the protagonists and to understand the feelings that result from such mistakes, and therefore dedicate more attentional resources to the “rectification” of these situations, in the form of the answers given in the task. The result regarding affective intelligence is further in line with previous research that shows that affective intelligence seemingly develops before mental states are understood and predicts ToM at a later age (Mier et al.,
2010; O’Brien et al.,
2011). Given this developmental aspect as well as research on general or ToM-specific integration of cognitive and affective processes, it can be hypothesized that individuals who are aware of their own and other people’s emotions are more alert to social cues and therefore more likely to notice discrepancies between their own and other’s experiences.
In this study, attention in the form of selective attention and response inhibition were significantly correlated with affective and cognitive ToM performance. It is not surprising that the ability to continuously focus on relevant stimuli whilst inhibiting distracting irrelevant stimuli (see e.g., Koziol et al.,
2014) facilitates the formation of basic and higher order mental constructs like ToM. Furthermore, research increasingly indicates a strong link between attentional processes and the processing of emotional stimuli (e.g., Okon-Singer et al.,
2015). In this context, it can be seen that attention networks in the brain which still evolve throughout adolescence (for an overview see e.g., Koziol et al.,
2014) share regions with the ToM network (see e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011). In their neurobiological model, Abu-Akel and Shamay-Tsoory (
2011) specifically note that the relevance of stimuli to self or other mental states is assigned through the dorsal as well as the ventral attention system. In this context, white matter maturation was shown to be associated with increases in attentional resources (for an overview, see e.g., Jetha & Segalowitz,
Whilst affective ToM was exclusively associated with the neuropsychological variables attention and affective intelligence, it was shown that cognitive ToM performance in adolescence also correlated with working memory, figural intelligence, and language comprehension. This result could be due to methodological reasons as the affective ToM task requires inferring affective states on basis of given pictorial stimuli, whereas the cognitive ToM task measures basic and higher order ToM requiring to build complex mental constructs, as will be discussed below.
The cognitive ToM measure that was used in the current study seemingly presents all relevant information the whole time a story is executed. As working memory is associated with cognitive ToM processing, it could be hypothesized that performance depends on the willingness to take up and update the information in an adequate way. In this way, weak ToM performance could be explained by overestimating one’s own memory performance and not use the presented information successfully like, e.g., going back in the story to re-analyze information (see e.g., meta-memory, Dunlosky & Thiede,
2013; the memory illusion phenomena, Chabris & Simons,
2010; Shaw,
2016). Another logic explanation would be that ToM performance does not only depend on the willingness to process information adequately, but additionally on the capacity to keep information in mind and to process it. In order to process basic and higher order cognitive ToM, one needs to take up information, process it, and to continuously update it so as to produce a mental image and to keep the current status in mind. In this way, higher order ToM requires to use more information to impute mental states to oneself or others (e.g., X knows that Y knows that Z does not know) than basic ToM and therefore requires higher working memory capacity involving the ability to inhibit uneconomic processing of irrelevant information. This would be supported by an ongoing maturation of the hippocampus (Krogsrud et al.,
2014), the prefrontal cortex (see e.g., Blakemore,
2008; D’Esposito & Postle,
2014) and whole brain white matter (e.g., Jetha & Segalowitz,
2012), and would be in line with information processing procedures as depicted in the “Predication Model” by Kintsch (
Another neuropsychological variable that was associated with cognitive ToM processing is figural intelligence in the form of nonverbal, fluid reasoning (see e.g., Amthauer et al.,
2001; Flanagan & Kaufman,
2009; Wechsler,
2014). This result is supported by shared neural brain regions between reasoning and ToM like, for example the prefrontal cortex (e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011; Donoso et al.,
2014), the developmental aspects of this region (e.g., Blakemore,
2008) as well as white matter maturation (e.g., Jetha & Segalowitz,
2012). This factor further measures processing of figural material, building logical relations between single aspects and the whole, simultaneous processing, understanding proportions, as well as classification ability (see e.g., Amthauer et al.,
2001; Flanagan & Kaufman,
2009; Wechsler,
2014). These aspects could facilitate cognitive ToM processing as similar approaches have to be taken to solve a problem (e.g., analysis of structured information, comparison of solutions, inclusion or exclusion of solutions, coming to a clear conclusion) as well as by facilitating these processes by enabling visual–spatial mentalization of the described actions in the stories. In this context, a close link between visual perspective taking and ToM performance was previously shown as both tasks require understanding and switching of perspective as well as show shared neuronal activation (see e.g., Schurz et al.,
The last significant neuropsychological variable correlated with cognitive ToM is language comprehension. This result is not surprising since verbally presented contents need to be understood before mental constructs can be built and the right multiple-choice answer can be chosen. This result is supported by previous behavioral studies (e.g., Ahmed & Miller,
2011; Astington & Jenkins,
1999; Frank et al.,
2015) as well as by studies showing shared neural brain regions between language processing and ToM like for example the temporal lobes (e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011; Szaflarski et al.,
2012), its neurodevelopmental aspects (e.g., Shaw et al.,
2008) as well as white matter maturation (e.g., Jetha & Segalowitz,
The regression analyses within age groups in the current study give a more detailed view on the relation between ToM processing and neuropsychological abilities in different parts of adolescence. As preceding results of the current study showed that 13- to 14-year-olds exhibit significantly lower ToM scores than 15- to 16- and 17- to 18-year-olds, and that the later age groups did not differ, regression analyses were performed in age group 13–14 years and a combined age group (15–16 and 17–18 years). As analyses were performed within distinct age groups, the neuropsychological variables were not age-adjusted.
The results yield that the separate age groups show (mainly) different associated neuropsychological variables, whereas the age-specific increase or decrease regarding the number of predicting variables differs between cognitive and affective ToM (see Fig.
1). In this context, it can be seen that the neuropsychological variables attention and affective intelligence which were previously shown to be associated with both cognitive and affective ToM across adolescence, show differences between age groups.
In 13- to 14-year-olds, attention was shown to be predictive of both cognitive and affective ToM whilst this effect was not shown in the older age groups. In this context, it can be hypothesized that younger adolescents need to focus their cognitive resources more heavily on processing relevant stimuli and inhibiting distracting stimuli (see, e.g., Koziol et al.,
2014) whilst this effort presumably decreases with age. This interpretation would be supported by studies on still evolving attention and ToM networks in the adolescent brain (see, e.g., Abu-Akel & Shamay-Tsoory,
2011; Jetha & Segalowitz,
2012; Koziol et al.,
Cognitive ToM in 13- to 14-year-olds was further associated with language comprehension. In this context, it can be hypothesized that young adolescents additionally focus their cognitive resources on processing and understanding verbally presented contents. This would be supported by studies which show an association between verbal abilities like pragmatic language processing or syntax processing, and ToM performance (Astington & Jenkins,
1999; Frank et al.,
2015). As younger adolescents show lower cognitive ToM scores than elder adolescents, it can be hypothesized that they show lower cognitive resources which limits their possibilities to process the information in a more efficient and logical way. This would be supported by the results of the elder adolescents group (see discussion below and Fig.
Affective ToM performance in 13- to 14-year-olds was, additionally to its association with attention, further associated with verbal intelligence, verbal fluency, and verbal flexibility. It can therefore be hypothesized that at this age, adolescents who have a greater vocabulary, know more word meanings and attributions, and can compare these verbal contents more flexibly (for properties of the tasks see, e.g., Amthauer et al.,
2001; Aschenbrenner et al.,
2000; Flanagan & Kaufman,
2009; Wechsler,
2014) show an advantage in processing the emotion words of the current affective ToM task. Nevertheless, given that affective intelligence was not associated with affective ToM in this age group, the results indicate that younger adolescents show a greater variability in their ability to integrate different emotional stimuli (pictures, words) into a representation of another person’s mental state. This interpretation would be supported by studies on affective intelligence development across childhood and adolescence (see, e.g., Williams et al.,
In the combined group (15–16 and 17–18 years), affective intelligence was shown to be predictive of both cognitive and affective ToM. In this context, it can be hypothesized that elder adolescents are increasingly able to empathize with other individuals with regard to feelings that arise from mistakes and as a consequence dedicate more attentional resources to distinguish between mental states of one self and others (cognitive ToM, false belief task). Based on studies on increasing affective intelligence across adolescence and its association with affective ToM (see, e.g., Mier et al.,
2010; O’Brien et al.,
2011; Williams et al.,
2009), it can be further hypothesized that elder adolescents are more perceptive of social cues of one self and others and therefore show better affective ToM performances.
Cognitive ToM in the combined age group (15–16 and 17–18 years) was further associated with working memory, figural intelligence, and language comprehension. Similar to age group 13–14 years, also in the combined age group (15–16 and 17–18 years) an association between cognitive ToM and language comprehension was shown which indicates that the previously mentioned verbal abilities build a basis for ToM performance in the current task. Nevertheless, based on studies on general brain development (e.g., Blakemore,
2008; Brain Development Cooperative Group,
2012; Shaw et al.,
2008), it can be hypothesized that greater cognitive resources enable elder adolescents to use additional cognitive abilities in the course of ToM processing. As the cognitive ToM task is clearly structured and requires clear structured processing procedures, it can be assumed that elder adolescents are increasingly capable of processing ToM-specific information. In this way, they could benefit from an increased motivation and/or capacity to take up and update information in an adequate way and to inhibit processing of irrelevant information. This would be supported by studies on hippocampus, PFC, and white matter maturation (Blakemore,
2008; D’Esposito & Postle,
2014; Jetha & Segalowitz,
2012; Krogsrud et al.,
2014). Elder adolescents presumably benefit additionally from an increased logical thinking ability such as analyzing structured information, comparing as well as including or excluding solutions, or reaching a clear conclusion (for a aspects of figural intelligence in terms of nonverbal, fluid reasoning see, e.g., Amthauer et al.,
2001; Flanagan & Kaufman,
2009; Wechsler,
Numerical intelligence was not shown to be associated with either cognitive or affective ToM. At least with respect to cognitive ToM, this is somehow surprising, given that the subtests measure the ability to detect logical relations between numbers involving reasoning processing procedures (see Amthauer et al.,
2001) that would be suitable for the processing of cognitive ToM in this study, as discussed above. On the other hand, it requires numeracy involving crystalline knowledge about mathematical operations (see e.g., Amthauer et al.,
2001). In this context, imaging studies suggest that children’s numeracy is strongly associated with activation in ToM-specific regions such as the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and the hippocampus which indicates that children require more attentional as well as working memory resources (Rivera, Reiss, Eckert, & Menon,
2005). This pattern, though, changes across adolescence involving a decrease in activation in these regions (Rivera et al.,
2005), indicating that in this age span numerical intelligence increasingly relies on other resources that are not shared with those regarding cognitive ToM processing. Another explanation could be, although not controlled for in this study, that mathematics anxiety mediated the performance on these subtests as studies show that even medium levels of mathematics anxiety influence numeracy significantly and negatively (e.g., Ashcraft & Faust,