Uitgave 4/2012
Inhoudsopgave (5 Artikelen)
Co-occurring Mental Health Problems and Peer Functioning Among Youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Review and Recommendations for Future Research
Stephen P. Becker, Aaron M. Luebbe, Joshua M. Langberg
Developmental Context and Treatment Principles for ADHD Among College Students
Andrew P. Fleming, Robert J. McMahon
Development of an Intervention for Foster Parents of Young Foster Children with Externalizing Behavior: Theoretical Basis and Program Description
Femke Vanschoonlandt, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Skrällan De Maeyer
Involving Parents in Indicated Early Intervention for Childhood PTSD Following Accidental Injury
Vanessa E. Cobham, Sonja March, Alexandra De Young, Fiona Leeson, Reginald Nixon, Brett McDermott, Justin Kenardy
The Effect of Praise, Positive Nonverbal Response, Reprimand, and Negative Nonverbal Response on Child Compliance: A Systematic Review
Daniela J. Owen, Amy M. S. Slep, Richard E. Heyman