Uitgave 3/2014
Inhoudsopgave (6 Artikelen)
Why So Many Arrows? Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling for the Novitiate User
Olga V. Berkout, Alan M. Gross, John Young
Establishing Treatment Fidelity in Evidence-Based Parent Training Programs for Externalizing Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Lauren L. Garbacz, Dawn M. Brown, Grace A. Spee, Antonio J. Polo, Karen S. Budd
Callous-Unemotional Traits and the Treatment of Conduct Problems in Childhood and Adolescence: A Comprehensive Review
David J. Hawes, Matthew J. Price, Mark R. Dadds
Identifying the Common Elements of Treatment Engagement Interventions in Children’s Mental Health Services
Michael A. Lindsey, Nicole E. Brandt, Kimberly D. Becker, Bethany R. Lee, Richard P. Barth, Eric L. Daleiden, Bruce F. Chorpita
Perfectionism in Pediatric Anxiety and Depressive Disorders
Nicholas W. Affrunti, Janet Woodruff-Borden