Uitgave 3/2013
Military Service, War, and Families: Considerations for Child Development, Prevention and Intervention, and Public Health Policy -Part One
Inhoudsopgave (10 Artikelen)
Military Service, War, and Families: Considerations for Child Development, Prevention and Intervention, and Public Health Policy
Patricia Lester, Blair Paley, William Saltzman
The Promotional Role of School and Community Contexts for Military Students
Ron Avi Astor, Kris Tunac De Pedro, Tamika D. Gilreath, Monica C. Esqueda, Rami Benbenishty
Family Systems and Ecological Perspectives on the Impact of Deployment on Military Families
Blair Paley, Patricia Lester, Catherine Mogil
Adolescents in Wartime US Military Families: A Developmental Perspective on Challenges and Resources
Norweeta G. Milburn, Marguerita Lightfoot
Infants and Young Children in Military Families: A Conceptual Model for Intervention
Alicia F. Lieberman, Patricia Van Horn
Enhancing Family Resilience Through Family Narrative Co-construction
William R. Saltzman, Robert S. Pynoos, Patricia Lester, Christopher M. Layne, William R. Beardslee
Family-Centered Care for Military and Veteran Families Affected by Combat Injury
Stephen J. Cozza, Allison K. Holmes, Susan L. Van Ost
Using Multidimensional Grief Theory to Explore the Effects of Deployment, Reintegration, and Death on Military Youth and Families
Julie B. Kaplow, Christopher M. Layne, William R. Saltzman, Stephen J. Cozza, Robert S. Pynoos