Uitgave 3/2007
Inhoudsopgave (6 Artikelen)
Introduction to Special Issue: Developments in the Etiology and Psychosocial Treatments of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Amie Grills-Taquechel, Thomas H. Ollendick
Genetic Influences on Anxiety in Children: What we’ve Learned and Where we’re Heading
Alice M. Gregory, Thalia C. Eley
Parental Modeling, Reinforcement, and Information Transfer: Risk Factors in the Development of Child Anxiety?
Brian Fisak Jr., Amie E. Grills-Taquechel
Family Treatment of Child Anxiety: Outcomes, Limitations and Future Directions
Cathy Creswell, Sam Cartwright-Hatton
The Role of Emotion Regulation in the Treatment of Child Anxiety Disorders
Dagmar Kristin Hannesdottir, Thomas H. Ollendick