Uitgave 1/2011
Inhoudsopgave (5 Artikelen)
Maternal Depression and Child Psychopathology: A Meta-Analytic Review
Sherryl H. Goodman, Matthew H. Rouse, Arin M. Connell, Michelle Robbins Broth, Christine M. Hall, Devin Heyward
Parents’ Grief in the Context of Adult Child Mental Illness: A Qualitative Review
Meg Richardson, Vanessa Cobham, Judith Murray, Brett McDermott
A Model of Therapist Competencies for the Empirically Supported Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Child and Adolescent Anxiety and Depressive Disorders
Elizabeth S. Sburlati, Carolyn A. Schniering, Heidi J. Lyneham, Ronald M. Rapee