Uitgave 1/2006
Inhoudsopgave (8 Artikelen)
- Original Paper
Aggression and Diagnosis in Psychiatrically Referred children
Daniel F. Connor, Thomas J. McLaughlin
- Original Paper
Demonizing in Children’s Television Cartoons and Disney Animated Films
Gregory Fouts, Mitchell Callan, Kelly Piasentin, Andrea Lawson
- Original Paper
Factor Structure of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents
Eric A. Storch, Carrie Masia-Warner, Amanda D. Heidgerken, Paige H. Fisher, Donna B. Pincus, Michael R. Liebowitz
- Original Paperr
Efficacy Profiles of Psychopharmacology: Divalproex Sodium in Conduct Disorder
Leena A. Khanzode, Kirti Saxena, Helena Kraemer, Kiki Chang, Hans Steiner
- Original Paper
Mental Representations of Attachment in Identical Female Twins with and without Conduct Problems
John N. Constantino, Laura M. Chackes, Ulrike G. Wartner, Maggie Gross, Susan L. Brophy, Josie Vitale, Andrew C. Heath
- Original Paper
Parental Intrusiveness and Children’s Separation Anxiety in a Clinical Sample
Jeffrey J. Wood
- Original Paper
Childrearing Style of Anxiety-Disordered Parents
Ingeborg Lindhout, Monica Markus, Thea Hoogendijk, Sophie Borst, Ragna Maingay, Philip Spinhoven, Richard van Dyck, Frits Boer