Autism was first described in the 1940s as a childhood psychiatric disorder characterized by early expressed impairment in social interaction and communication and repetitive or circumscribed interests or behavior (Kanner
1943). Kanner’s original term for the condition was
early infantile autism or
infantile autism. While originally attributed by some to bad parenting (i.e., “refrigerator mothers”) (Bettelheim
1967), today autism is widely recognized as a complex developmental disorder triggered by environmental factors acting on a genetically-susceptible population, in which inflammation may interfere with early brain synapse formation and pruning (Pardo et al.
2005; Goines and Ashwood
2012; Bilbo et al.
2015). Autism frequently co-occurs with other neurological and behavioral conditions (Van Der Meer et al.
2012) and is often accompanied by elevated levels of cellular oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and/or immune and gastrointestinal disorder (James et al.
2009; Chaidez et al.
2013; Frye and James
Autism is diagnosed by confirmation of behaviors by experts, as there are no valid biomarkers or determinative tests. Autism diagnostic criteria were formalized for the first time in the 3rd Edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (
1980) to clarify the difference between
infantile autism and childhood schizophrenia. In a subsequent revision to
DSM-IV, published in 1994 (APA
1994), three autism subtypes were described:
autistic disorder (
pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (
PDD-NOS) and
Asperger’s syndrome. These latter subtypes represent milder, variant forms, while
AD is the most severe expression of autism. By definition,
AD is in place by age 3, although it typically is not diagnosed until a median age of 4 years (MacFarlane and Kanaya
2009; CDC
DSM-5, published in November, 2013, formally defined the term
autism spectrum disorder (
ASD), which encompasses but no longer distinguishes between
Asperger’s syndrome, based on the rationale that the clinical distinction between the subtypes is not well defined (APA
2013). Indeed the CDC Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network reports a wide range of variability among individual states in the proportion of ASD cases assigned to each subtype. Among 8 year-olds surveyed across 11 states in 2012, AD accounted for 26–74% (46% on average) of ASD cases, PDD-NOS accounted for 15–58% (44% on average) and Asperger’s for 2–19% (10% on average) (CDC
2016). Under DSM-5, in place of the old subtypes, clinicians rate the severity of deficits in two principal domains of (1) social communication and interaction and (2) restrictive and repetitive patterns of behavior (Gibbs et al.
2012; Volkmar and Reichow
Epidemiologic estimates of autism prevalence in the United States were in the range of 1 in 2500 prior to 1985, but increased to 1/150 among 8 year-olds born in 1992 and again to 1/68 for 8 year-olds born in 2002 (McDonald and Paul
2010; CDC
2016). Despite the rapid and broad rise in the reported ASD prevalence, a number of analyses have concluded that much of the apparent rise may not reflect a real increase in ASD cases. Rather, these studies have argued that diagnostic substitution for intellectual disability, the expansion of diagnostic criteria, and improved awareness of the condition have played an important role in explaining the increase in ASD (Croen et al.
2002; Gurney et al.
2003; Fombonne
2009; Keyes et al.
2012; Polyak et al.
2015). The epidemiologic literature also has suggested that the large variation in reported ASD prevalence from different geographic regions (e.g., the more than threefold differences among states in ADDM surveys) indicates a level of inconsistency in the data that precludes drawing conclusions about time trends (Fombonne
A recent analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Education Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) offered a different view, finding that the large majority (75–80%) of the increase in ASD prevalence, over the period from 1988 to 2002, was due to a true increase in the condition rather than to better and expanded diagnosis (Nevison
2014). That investigation, which focused on IDEA data, compared two independent methods for calculating the trend slope of ASD prevalence versus birth year and found that both methods gave largely consistent results. The methods involved (1) tracking prevalence at a constant age over multiple, successive years of reports, and (2) examining an age-resolved snapshot from the most recent individual year’s report. The conceptual distinction between methods 1 and 2 was also important in demonstrating that diagnostic substitution for intellectual disability is an unsatisfactory explanation for the rise in ASD in most states, including California (Blaxill et al.
2003; Croen and Grether
2003; Nevison and Blaxill
The “constant-age tracking” method is the approach adopted by the ADDM network, which tracks ASD prevalence among 8 year-olds in successive biannual reports (CDC
2016). Two other data systems compile successive annual reports with separate counts for each age from early childhood to adulthood. These include IDEA and the California Department of Developmental Services (CDDS). The successive annual reports from these networks not only allow for constant-age tracking of any age cohort, but also effectively provide the opportunity to compute a prevalence snapshot, resolved by age, for any given report year. Using simple algebra, a prevalence versus birth year curve can be constructed from any of the individual age-resolved reports, thereby providing an independent, alternative approach to constant-age tracking for estimating the time trend in autism prevalence.
This alternative approach is referred to here as the “age-resolved snapshot” method. A key advantage is that the time trend derived from an age-resolved snapshot is substantially insulated from the biasing influences of better and/or expanded diagnosis, since these influences potentially may affect all age cohorts in the snapshot equally, provided the cohorts are old enough to be full ascertained. The age of full ascertainment for ASD commonly (although perhaps inappropriately) has been assumed to be about 8 (CDC
2016). Thus, in principle if ASD is truly a constant prevalence condition, a snapshot-based prevalence versus birth year plot, beginning around age 8 and extending back in time to older birth cohorts, should be a flat line with a slope of 0. In practice, children of different ages are not necessarily equally likely to be evaluated for ASD in a given year, and adults are even less likely to be evaluated. However, the IDEA law includes the Child Find mandate, which requires that all U.S. school districts locate and evaluate all children with disabilities from birth through age 21, suggesting there is an ongoing legal mandate to identify children with ASD throughout their school years (Wright and Wright
Earlier studies using “age-period-cohort” approaches to understand the interaction of age, cohort and report year effects (Gurney et al.
2003; Newschaffer et al.
2007; Keyes et al.
2012) have employed some of the same concepts involved in the age-resolved snapshot versus constant-age tracking method. Those studies have focused largely on following specific birth cohorts as they age and have noted a tendency toward an ongoing increase in prevalence within a given cohort well beyond age 8, as well as an overall increase in prevalence among younger versus older birth cohorts. However, the previous studies generally have not plotted or defined the time trend in autism per se, visualized as a simple graph of prevalence versus birth year.
In this paper, we apply the age-resolved snapshot and constant-age tracking method to a set of 13 CDDS annual reports, which date as far back as birth year 1931 and extend through birth year 2014. The DSM-IV definitions were used for most of these reports, although the two most recent reports were transitioning to DSM-5. For the older data, we use the DSM-5 term ASD to refer to the sum of AD, PDD-NOS and Asperger’s syndrome. We compare the CDDS trends to trends in ASD from the California IDEA dataset. In addition, we calculate the IDEA ASD trend slopes in the 15 states surveyed by the ADDM Network, which allows for comparison of 8 year-old constant-age tracking trends between IDEA and ADDM. Our primary goal is to quantify and characterize the time trend in U.S. autism prevalence as well as possible using the best available data. Two secondary goals are (1) to test the hypothesis that the trend slopes derived from the most recently available age-resolved snapshots for the CDDS and IDEA datasets are significantly greater than zero (i.e., not flat lines), and (2) to examine reasons for the large variations in reported ASD prevalence among different states and data networks.
CDDS autism prevalence has risen dramatically over the last 35 years, increasing from ~ 0.05% in birth year 1970 to nearly 1.2% in birth year 2012. The available data extending back to 1931 show a prevalence of only 0.001% in that birth cohort. Prevalence slowly increased from ~ 1940 to 1980, at which time the first of several change points occurred, in ~ 1980, ~1990, and ~ 2007, each associated with a new uptick in the rate of growth. The CDDS dataset suggests that prevalence has increased by a factor of 25 from birth year 1970–2012 and by as much as a factor of 1000 from birth year 1931–2012.
CDDS continues to exclude most milder cases of autism, despite two different changes to its diagnostic criteria in the last decade. As a result, IDEA autism prevalence in California is substantially higher than CDDS prevalence. ADDM ASD prevalence in turn is substantially higher than IDEA prevalence in 11 out of 15 overlapping states, likely due to a combination of factors, including inclusion of all forms of ASD, access to health and education-based records, and disproportionate sampling of urban over rural areas in some states. While about half of ADDM states have non-significant 8 year-old tracking trend slopes, this is attributable in part to discontinuous or inconsistent data records and differences in completeness, suggesting the need for more consistent sampling strategies when evaluating time trends in overall ASD prevalence. The ADDM network states with the most consistent access to information from multiple (health and education) sources show the most strongly increasing ASD trends. Metropolitan New Jersey, for example, has been the leading indicator of autism prevalence in the ADDM network across the decade, with the most recent prevalence estimate showing ASD prevalence as high as 2.5% among 8 year-olds of the 2004 birth cohort (Zahorodny et al.
2014; CDC