Oral Presentation
O1 Lower leg and foot contributions to turnout in university-level female ballet dancers: a preliminary investigation
Sarah Carter1,2, Alan Bryant1, Luke Hopper2
1Podiatric Medicine Unit, School Of Surgery, The University Of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia; 2Western Australian Academy Of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University, Mt Lawley, Western Australia, Australia
Correspondence: Sarah Carter
O2 Kinematic repeatability of a multi-segment foot model for dance
Sarah Carter1,2, Nahoko Sato3, Luke Hopper2
1Podiatric Medicine Unit, School Of Surgery, The University Of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia, Australia; 2Western Australian Academy Of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University, Mt Lawley, Western Australia, Australia, 3Nagoya Gakuin University, Seto, Aichi, Japan
Correspondence: Sarah Carter
O3 The relationship of fear of falling with falls in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective longitudinal study
Angela Brenton-Rule1, Nicola Dalbeth2, Hylton B. Menz3, Keith Rome1
1AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; 2University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 3La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Correspondence: Angela Brenton-Rule
O4 Exploring musculoskeletal injuries in the podiatry profession: an international cross sectional study
Cylie Williams1,2, Stefania Penkala3, Peter Smith4,5, Terry Haines1,6, Kelly-Ann Bowles1
1Monash University, Frankston, VIC, Australia; 2Peninsula Health, Frankston, VIC, Australia; 3Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia; 4Monash University, Prahran, VIC, Australia; 5University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; 6Monash Health, Cheltenham, VIC, Australia
Correspondence: Cylie Williams
O5 Health related quality of life of children with calcaneal apophysitis: child and parent perceptions
Alicia James1,2, Cylie Williams1,2, Terry Haines2,3
1Peninsula Health, Frankston, Victoria, Australia; 2Monash University, Peninsula Campus, Frankston, Victoria, Australia; 3Monash Health, Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia
Correspondence: Alicia James
O6 Does a non-weight bearing foot position replicate the neutral calcaneal stance position in an adult population?
Hayley Walker, Rolf Scharfbillig, Sara Jones
University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Correspondence: Hayley Walker
O7 Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of foot orthoses for people with established rheumatoid arthritis: an exploratory clinical trial
Keith Rome1, Heidi Clark2, Joanna Gray3, Peter McMeekin3, Michael Plant4, John Dixon5
1AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; 2Podiatry Department, South Tees Hospitals NHS; Foundation Trust, Middlesbrough, UK; 3Department of Public Health and Wellbeing, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK; 4Rheumatology Department, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Middlesbrough, UK; 5Health and Social Care Institute, Teesside University, Middlesbrough, UK
Correspondence: Keith Rome
O8 Does the addition of exercise improve the diagnostic accuracy of the ankle-brachial index in people with and without diabetes?
Peta Tehan1,2, Vivienne Chuter1,2, Alex Barwick3, Mathew Sebastian4
1Hunter Medical Research Institute, New Lambton, Australia; 2University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, Australia; 3Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Australia; 4Vascular Health Care, Gateshead, Australia
Correspondence: Peta Tehan
O9 First metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) mobility assessment - consistency between subjective ‘feel’ and quantitative quasi-stiffness
Marabelle Heng1, Pui Wah Kong2
1Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore; 2Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore, Singapore
Correspondence: Marabelle Heng
O10 Are ultrasound features at the first metatarsophalangeal joint associated with clinically- assessed structure and function? A study of people with gout, asymptomatic hyperuricaemia and normouricaemia
Sarah Stewart1, Nicola Dalbeth2,5, Alain C. Vandal1,3, Bruce Allen4, Rhian Miranda5, Keith Rome1
1Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; 2The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 3Counties Manukau Health, Auckland, New Zealand; 4Horizon Radiology, Auckland, New Zealand; 5Auckland District Health Board, Auckland, New Zealand
Correspondence: Sarah Stewart
O11 The effect of a cadence retraining protocol on lower limb sagittal plane kinematics and EMG activity in a normal population of social runners
Christopher Maher, Luke Donnan, Paul Tinley
Charles Sturt University, Albury, Australia
Correspondence: Christopher Maher
O12 The identification and appraisal of assessment tools used to evaluate metatarsus adductus: a systematic review
Nicole Marshall1, Emily Ward1, Cylie Williams2
1University of South Australia, South Australia, Australia; 2Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Correspondence: Nicole Marshall
O13 Relationships among neuropathies, vascular reactivity and bone in the diabetic foot
Alex Barwick1, John Tessier2, Xanne Janse de Jonge2, Vivienne Chuter2
1Southern Cross University, QLD, Australia; 2University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Correspondence: Alex Barwick
O14 Clinical characteristics of foot ulceration in people with chronic gout
Keith Rome1, Kathyrn Erickson2, Cynthia Otene2, Hazra Sahid2, Karyn Sangster2, Peter Gow2
1AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; 2Counties Manukau District Health Board, Auckland, New Zealand
Correspondence: Keith Rome
O15 Flip-flop footwear with a moulded foot-bed for the treatment of foot pain: a randomised controlled trial
Vivienne Chuter, Angela Searle, Martin Spink
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia
Correspondence: Martin Spink
O16 Growth trajectories of the paediatric foot: relationships with obesity
Stewart Morrison1, David McCarthy2, Ryan Mahaffey3
1University of Brighton, Brighton, UK; 2London Metropolitan University, London, U; 3St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London, UK
Correspondence: Stewart Morrison
O17 A multi-faceted investigation of non-invasive vascular assessment in people with diabetes
Vivienne Chuter1, Peta Tehan1,3, Jennifer Sonter2, Sean Lanting1
1University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, NSW, Australia; 2Western Sydney University, Campelltown, NSW, Australia; 3Priority Research Centre for Generational Ageing, Hunter Medical Research Institute, New Lambton, NSW, Australia
Correspondence: Peta Tehan
O18 Foot and ankle characteristics associated with falls in people with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective longitudinal study
Angela Brenton-Rule1, Nicola Dalbeth2, Hylton B. Menz3, Sandra Bassett1, Keith Rome1
1AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; 2Univeristy of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 3La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Correspondence: Angela Brenton-Rule
O19 Maximising falls related injury prevention opportunities for our older clients
Kristy Robson1, Julia Coyle1, Rodney Pope2
1Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW, Australia; 2Bond University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Correspondence: Kristy Robson
O20 Repeatability and feasibility of plantar pressure analysis in people following stroke
Stewart Morrison1, Alison Rogers2,3, Terry Gorst4, Joanne Paton4, Jenny Freeman4, Jon Marsden4, Mary Cramp5
1University of Brighton, Brighton, UK; 2University of East London, London, UK; 3Keele University, Keele, UK; 4Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK; 5University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
Correspondence: Stewart Morrison
O21 Dealing with the death of a long term patient; what is the impact and how do podiatrists cope?
Kristy Robson1, Cylie Williams2
1Charles Sturt University, Albury NSW, Australia; 2Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Correspondence: Kristy Robson
O22 The hidden risk factors for diabetes-related lower limb amputations
Adrian Singh1,2, Peter Lazzarini3,4, Lloyd Reed4, Gavin Turrell2,5
1Institute for Urban Indigenous Health, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 2School of Public Health and Social Work, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 3Allied Health Research Collaborative, Metro North Hospital & Health Service, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 4School of Clinical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 5Institute of Health and Ageing, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Correspondence: Adrian Singh
O23 Association between ankle equinus and plantar pressures in people with diabetes. A systematic review and meta-analysis
Angela Searle, Martin Spink, Alan Ho, Vivienne Chuter
University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Correspondence: Martin Spink
O24 Podiatry screening of the Orthopeadic Access Service (OAS) to reduce outpatient wait list, a 10 year retrospective
Nicole Spooner, Peter Schoch
Barwon Health, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Correspondence: Nicole Spooner
O25 Non-invasive lower limb small arterial measures co-segregate strongly with foot complications in people with diabetes
Sean Lanting1, Stephen Twigg2, Nathan Johnson2,3, Michael Baker4, Ian Caterson5, Vivienne Chuter1,6
1School of Health Sciences, University of Newcastle, Ourimbah, Australia; 2Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; 3Discipline of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Sydney, Lidcombe, Australia; 4School of Exercise Science, Australian Catholic University, Strathfield, Australia; 5Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; 6Priority Research Centre for Physical activity and Nutrition, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia
Correspondence: Sean Lanting
O26 Intentions to use “smart” insole technology in regionally-based adults with diabetes: a cross sectional study
Emma Macdonald1,2, Byron Perrin1, Michael Kingsley1
1La Trobe Rural Health School, College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Tobe University, Bendigo, Australia; 2Diabetes Centre, Goulburn Valley Health, Shepparton, Australia
Correspondence: Emma Macdonald
O27 A longitudinal evaluation of site specific plantar pressures in people with diabetes related foot ulcers and diabetes controls without ulcers
Malindu Fernando1,7, Robert Crowther2,8, Peter Lazzarini4,5, Saiumaeswar Yogakanthi10, Kunwarjit Sangla3, Petra Buttner9, Rhondda Jones11, Jonathan Golledge1,6
1Vascular Biology Unit, Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease, College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia; 2Sports and Exercise, School of Health and Wellbeing, University of Southern Queensland, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia; 3Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, The Townsville Hospital, Townsville, Queensland, Australia; 4Allied Health Research Collaborative, Metro North Hospital & Health Service, Queensland Health, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 5School of Clinical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 6Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, The Townsville Hospital, Townsville, Queensland, Australia; 7Podiatry Service, Townsville Community Health Service, Townsville, Queensland, Australia; 8Movement Analysis Laboratory, Sports and Exercise Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia; 9Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia; 10Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 11Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Correspondence: Malindu Fernando
O28 Depression, anxiety and stress in people with and without plantar heel pain: a cross-sectional observational study
Matthew Cotchett, Shannon Munteanu, Karl Landorf
La Trobe University, Bendigo, Australia
Correspondence: Matthew Cotchett
O29 Improving clinician access to prescribing scheduled medicines - what the evidence shows
Paul Bennett1,2, Anthony Short1,3, Antonio Cuesta-Vargas4,5
1Queensland University ofTechology, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 2Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 3The Podiatry Practice, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 4Universidad de Malaga, Andalucía, Spain; 5Instituto de Investigacion Biomédica de Malaga, Andalucia, Spain
Correspondence: Paul Bennett
O30 Application of ‘fast cast’ and ‘needle tenotomy’ protocols with the Ponseti method for improved clubfoot management in Bangladesh
Angela Evans1,3, Mamun Chowdhury1,2, Sohel Rana2, Abu Hena Mahboob2
1Walk for Life, Dhaka, Bangladesh; 2Orthopaedics, MMCH, Mymensingh, Bangladesh; 3La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Correspondence: Angela Evans
O31 An investigation of the relationships between footprints, foot strength, joint flexibility, vitamin D and iron levels in children with and without leg pains aged three to 12 years
Angela Evans2, Trupti Berde1, Prajakta Joshi1, Nehal Shah1, Raju Khubchandani1
1Department of Pediatrics, Jaslok Hospital and Research Center, Mumbai, India; 2La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Correspondence: Angela Evans
Waist girth | leg pain sub-type | 0.371** |
AI | −.0425** | |
Height | case vs control | −0.355* |
Weight | Ekbom feature | 0.381* |
GP feature | 0.366* | |
Eversion | Ekbom feature | 0.437** |
Plantarflexion | Ekbom feature | 0.313** |