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01-05-2009 | Original Paper

Assessment of Physical Self-Concept in Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: Content and Factor Validity of the Very Short Form of the Physical Self-Inventory

Auteurs: Christophe Maïano, Jérôme Bégarie, Alexandre J. S. Morin, Grégory Ninot

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | Uitgave 5/2009

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The purpose of this study was to test the factor validity and reliability of the Very Short Form of the Physical Self-Inventory- (PSI-VSF) within a sample of adolescents with mild to moderate Intellectual Disability (ID). A total of 362 ID adolescents were involved in two studies. In Study 1, the content and format scale response of the PSI-VSF were adapted for adolescents with ID. This instrument was thus renamed PSI-VSF-ID and two versions with two alternative responses scales format, were developed: Likert and graphical. In Study 2, results provided support for: (1) the factorial validity and reliability; and (2) factorial invariance across gender, age, type of school placement and ID level of the PSI-VSF-ID associated with a graphical response scale format.
In the present investigation, global self-concept and global self-esteem are considered as synonyms since their distinction has not yet been clearly established (Byrne 1996).
Indeed, according to Streiner (2003), these coefficients increase and decrease as a function of the number of items included in the scale and consequently this acceptability levels must be adjusted to this very short form scale.
Details about the analyses are available upon request from the first author.
Additional results available from the first author suggest that this might not be the case.
The authors which to thank an anonymous reviewer for bringing this issue to our attention.
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Assessment of Physical Self-Concept in Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: Content and Factor Validity of the Very Short Form of the Physical Self-Inventory
Christophe Maïano
Jérôme Bégarie
Alexandre J. S. Morin
Grégory Ninot
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders / Uitgave 5/2009
Print ISSN: 0162-3257
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3432

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