In bullying research, the lived experiences of parents have typically been overlooked. Parents have been referred to as ‘the missing voice’ in bullying literature (Sawyer et al.
2011), as well as ‘secondary victims’ (Sullivan et al.
2004). A review of studies using qualitative methodology demonstrated that only a limited number had examined parents’ perspectives on school bullying (Harcourt et al.
2014). Consequently, little is known about how parents feel when their child is bullied, how they react, and their experiences of helping their child.
Prevalence rates for bullying vary across studies, but a recent review of literature identified that between 10 and 33% of students reported being the victims of bullying (Hymel and Swearer
2015). Bullying involves repeated aggression towards someone who cannot defend themselves, with the intention of causing them harm (Olweus
2013). Behaviours can include physical, verbal, relational and electronic forms, and be further subdivided into covert and overt actions. These forms of bullying can be experienced simultaneously, and research has indicated that verbal bullying often accompanies relational and/or physical forms (Bradshaw et al.
2015). Indeed, it is important to recognise the complex patterns of behaviour that characterise bullying incidences. For example, Ging and O’Higgins Norman (
2016) found that online victimisation amongst girls were often reflective of ongoing and public tensions in the school environment.
The form of bullying experienced by children is likely to have an impact on their parents. For example, evidence has suggested that some parents viewed different forms of bullying as more serious than others and were more likely to respond to their child’s victimisation if it escalated into physical forms (Harcourt et al.
2015; Sawyer et al.
2011). Parents may also be unaware that their child is being bullied. A recent study by O’Higgins Norman and McGuire (
2016) found that 16.5% of parents never or rarely spoke to their children about cyberbullying and Tokunaga (
2010) noted that young people were reluctant to tell their parents about online victimisation because of fear that their access to the Internet would be removed.
Where research has looked at parents’ emotional responses, findings have revealed how distressing this experience is for them. Parents have reported their ongoing distress in tandem with their child’s continued victimisation (Rigby
2008), their own anger and their concern about the impact of the bullying on their child (Sawyer et al.
2011). A study by Brown et al. (
2013) found that parents felt helpless when their child was bullied, especially when they thought the school was not responding in a way that would protect their child or prevent the problem from reoccurring. Other studies have also reported parental frustration at the limited response of the school when their child is bullied. Holt et al. (
2009) found that 81% of parents thought that schools should be more responsive to bullying problems, Greeff and Van den Berg (
2013) found that parents were often dissatisfied with the school’s response and Harcourt et al. (
2015) reported that parents typically did not experience positive or active responses from their child’s school.
Research indicates a number of reasons why parents do not always think schools do enough. Atlas and Pepler (
1998) found that teachers did not intervene in bullying incidents because they had not seen them occur. This was because students often engaged in bullying when the teacher was not looking. Research has also suggested that teachers are reluctant to respond to reports of school bullying unless they can be confident of what really happened, for example by witnessing it themselves (Hein
2016). Additionally, evidence suggests that complaints of physical and verbal bullying are likely to be taken more seriously than relational bullying because teachers do not always view social exclusion as a form of bullying behaviour (Naylor et al.
2006; Yoon et al.
2016). This could influence the extent that teachers intervene in more covert types of bullying.
Studies have also indicated that schools differed in the implementation (and thus, effectiveness) of anti-bullying policies (Smith et al.
2012). A content analysis of anti-bullying policies by Smith et al. (
2008) found that only half of participating secondary schools had policies that discussed when or how parents would be informed of bullying. A follow-up study 6 years later suggested an improving picture with 91.7% of secondary school anti-bullying policies referring to this action (Smith et al.
2012). However, they found little change in the proportion of policies which included advice for parents about bullying, with 51.9% of secondary schools in the 2008 study doing this compared to 52.1% in the 2012 study. Evidence has also suggested a lack of congruence between the content of anti-bullying policies and the actual actions taken by the school, including statements in student handbooks that said parents would be notified during episodes of school bullying, though this often did not occur (Brown et al.
Even if schools take parental complaints seriously, parents can encounter a number of difficulties that influence partnerships with the school when tackling the bullying problems. Parents have reported problems in contacting teachers (or head teachers) directly, instead having to report their complaint to the school secretary (Brown et al.
2013). In these circumstances, it can be unclear if messages have been passed on to relevant school staff. Indeed, lack of communication from the school has emerged as a significant issue in parents’ experiences when supporting their bullied child. For example, requests to teachers for more transparency and regular updates about their child’s wellbeing following a bullying incident have been met with reluctance (Hein
2014). Research has indicated that it is more usual for the parent to contact the school for information rather than the other way around (Harcourt et al.
Another concern is the formality of schools (especially secondary schools) and the position of power that teachers can adopt during interactions with parents. Observations of parents’ consultation evenings showed that teachers gave an uninterrupted ‘diagnosis’ about the child’s progress, achievements and behaviour. If the parent contradicted the teacher’s account of their child’s progress, a process referred to by the authors as “extended blaming negotiations” sometimes took place (MacLure and Walker
2000). Recently, Pillet-Shore (
2015) reported similar findings after observing 41 parent–teacher consultations. The study found that the parents endeavoured to present themselves as ‘good parents’ during these interactions by asserting their prior knowledge of their child and explaining their efforts to address any issues the teacher raised. Pillet-Shore argued that parents took this approach to highlight their child’s problems were not due to parental negligence.
As Crozier and Reay (
2005) point out, interactions of this nature are likely to foster distrust in the parent–teacher relationship because teachers seek to maintain authority and can feel that their professional expertise is being questioned; whereas parents become frustrated that their expertise as the parent of the child is being overlooked by the teacher. Indeed, studies have shown that parents who questioned teachers’ approaches were viewed negatively by teachers, who became frustrated with the parents and avoided interacting with them (Graue and Brown
2003; Ribbens McCarthy and Kirkpatrick
2005; Walker and MacLure
2005). Moreover, teachers’ descriptions of ‘ideal’ and ‘good’ parents referred to those who refrained from challenging a teacher’s professional expertise and instead supported the work of the school (Bæck
2010; Graue and Brown
Studies have shown that a common parental response to their child’s peer victimisation is to contact teachers (Greeff and Van den Berg
2013; Harcourt et al.
2015; Holt et al.
2009; Sawyer et al.
2011). Consequently, it is likely that these issues play out in school bullying situations. That is, the teacher takes the lead in how to address the problem and where a parent is perceived to be intervening too often, there is a risk that the teacher will seek to reduce contact with the parent. Recent research has suggested that this may be the case. Hein (
2014) found that parents initially endeavoured to work with the school and followed their direction in tackling bullying problems. However, they became increasingly frustrated with the school when their child continued to be bullied. During this process they were keenly aware that they might be regarded by the school as ‘troublemakers’ for doubting the school’s approach and signalling this doubt by instigating ongoing interactions with the school. Although Hein’s study focused on the experiences of a small number of parents, it does provide some insight into the concerns of parents in relation to how they are perceived by the teachers. Harcourt et al. (
2015) also found that parents of bullied children were worried that teachers would label them as ‘complainers’ and/or perceive they were trying to dictate to teachers how they should do their job.
The situation outlined is likely to be further exacerbated because parents and teachers are approaching it from different perspectives. Roffey (
2004) found that parents believed the role of parents was to protect their child and believed the role of teachers was to also do this by acting
in loco parentis. This expectation influenced the nature of parent–teacher interactions such that teachers who tried to understand a child were perceived far more favourably than teachers who viewed the child negatively. Addi-Raccah and Arviv-Elyashiv (
2008) found that teachers considered their role to be an educator imparting knowledge to students, whereas parents viewed a teacher’s role as caring for their child and acting like a mother.
These considerations are likely to be significant when school bullying occurs because the victimised child’s safety is threatened and the parent will strive to protect their child (Brown et al.
2013; Hein
2014, Harcourt et al.
2015). However, this can be challenging for parents when working with schools to tackle the problem. Roffey’s research highlights the importance of not only examining parents’ experiences when their children are bullied, but also considering how these experiences are subsumed by their broader beliefs about the role of parents (and the role of teachers). Hein’s (
2014) research also points to the importance of doing this. Hein found that parents reflected on their actions, doubted their own judgment when their child was bullied, and looked inwards at themselves as parents and what they could have done differently to have prevented this from happening to their child. Thus, it appears that an important element of the parent’s experience when their child is bullied is to reflect on what
kind of parent they will be perceived to be (Herne
2016; Pillet-Shore
Parents’ perceptions of the parenting role, especially in situations where their children have been experiencing problems, have highlighted a ubiquitous discourse that is prevalent in society: the good parent and the bad parent. For example, a ‘good’ parent feeds their child the ‘right’ food (Perrier
2010), consults with contemporary parenting research (Pedersen
2016), uses effective discipline strategies without resorting to authoritarian measures (Perrier
2010), and cultivates opportunities for their child to engage in extra-curricular activities (Vincent and Maxwell
2016). Thus, expectations of parents are both abundant and diverse. However, parents will often find themselves confronted with unanticipated and complex problems which hinder their efforts to perform this role and trigger concerns that they are a ‘bad’ parent.
Representations of the parental role are embedded in society and have given rise to judgements that parenting is something that parents either get right or wrong (Gillies
2010), and that professionals can monitor this process and intervene if necessary (Phoenix and Woollett
1991). This has contributed to the dichotomised discourse whereby parents are viewed as either ‘good’ parents or ‘bad’ parents (Reay
2010). This has also impacted on how parents perceive themselves. For example, Henderson et al. (
2016) found that mothers who experienced pressure to be perfect expressed guilt for not meeting parenting expectations and reported stress, anxiety, and a low self-efficacy. Research in the UK has also suggested that episodes of media attention on ‘good’ parenting (e.g. a television programme on this topic) can trigger parental self-scrutiny (Pedersen
2016). Consequently, the parental perspective in school bullying situations will be embedded in the broader context of what it means to be a parent.
In summary, research has suggested that when parents approach the school/teachers about bullying they can encounter some difficulties including teachers not always taking parental complaints seriously, the formality of interactions with teachers, and approaching school bullying from a different viewpoint to the teachers. It is likely that a parent’s principal concern is to protect their child. However, research to specifically explore parents’ experiences when their child has been bullied, including how they felt, the nature of interactions with the school, and their views on their own role in tackling the problem have been lacking. The aim of this research was to conduct an exploratory study to find out more about parents’ experiences and gain insight into school bullying from their perspective. The data collected in this study will be interpreted within the theoretical framework of parents’ perceptions of their parenting role.
The focus groups and interviews revealed the complex experiences of parents when their children are bullied. All of the parents contacted their child’s school, and evidence has suggested that parents want to work collaboratively with teachers and in a way that does not signal doubt in the teacher and/or leads to the parents being perceived negatively (Harcourt et al.
2015; Hein
2014). The parents in this research explained that they struggled to be good parents and were frustrated by perceived institutional factors as they sought to work with the school to tackle bullying. For example, the parents often did not trust the teachers, they believed they needed to support their complaint of bullying with some form of evidence, they suspected the school already knew about the bullying and crucially they did not trust the school/teachers to protect their child. So while the school may have been struggling to address the issue of bullying, this was not how it was perceived by parents who felt they were being kept at a distance. This is problematic because evidence has suggested that teachers sometimes avoid interacting with parents who make complaints, and these parents can be perceived by schools as bad parents, when in fact the parents are endeavouring to be the opposite of this. Research has also shown that parents’ perceptions of invitations from children and teachers to be involved in school are the most consistent predictors of their involvement (Walker et al.
2010). Collectively these issues highlight the risk of an impasse emerging in parent–teacher collaboration in school bullying situations.
The data revealed some differences in the concerns of parents depending on whether their child was in primary or secondary school. Secondary school parents felt that they were more external to the school in comparison to experiences at primary school. Parents of secondary school children also reflected on the difficulties in protecting their child as they progressed through adolescence and the expectation that they would have to support their child to cope with these sorts of problems more independently. However, despite these age specific considerations, there were significant commonalities in parents’ experiences including their frustrations with schools/teachers when the problem was not tackled, their drive to protect their child, self-scrutiny about their role as a parent, and feeling powerless to help their child.
The sense of helplessness felt by parents in this study was exacerbated when teachers failed to keep in contact with them and/or referred them to an anti-bullying policy document without appearing to follow the guidelines it contained. Previous research has also demonstrated that parents often feel that school staff are unable or unwilling to enforce their policies (Brown et al.
2013; Harcourt et al.
2015). However, it should be noted that in this study three parents talked about positive experiences with their child’s new school/teachers. The key difference in their experiences was the level of communication between parents and teachers. Good communication meant they had trust in their child’s teachers to address the problem.
Previous research has shown that schools do not always take parents’ complaints seriously, especially if their complaint pertains to verbal or indirect forms of bullying (Naylor et al.
2006; Yoon et al.
2016). Schools can also be intimidating for parents, appearing not to value their input and maintaining control during parent-teacher interactions (MacLure and Walker
2000). Researchers have suggested that parent-teacher relationships are often characterised by tension, and in particular this is because of the different perspectives that teachers and parents hold about their own role, and each other’s role. In this study, the parents saw their main role as protecting their child, and they expected teachers to do the same. Frustration, anger and upset were directed towards teachers/schools that appeared not to be protecting their child, because the bullying persisted. As shown in Brown et al. (
2013) study, if parents believed that the school was not tackling the problem, they would intervene and take measures to protect their child including moving their child to another school.
Roffey (
2004) also found that parents believed the parental role was to protect their child, and they expected teachers to do this on their behalf. Whereas teachers highlighted that it was their responsibility to balance the needs of one child against the needs of other children and deliver good quality education (Ribbens McCarthy and Kirkpatrick
2005). Additionally, teachers viewed ‘good’ parents as those who support teachers and do not question their decisions, and ‘bad’ parents as those who do the opposite to this (Graue and Brown
2003). However, from the parental perspective, a good parent did challenge teachers if they thought that teachers were not acting in their child’s best interests (Roffey
2004). From this it becomes understandable how the tricky parent-teacher relationships that parents in this study talked about, might have emerged.
The concept of the good parent, and what constitutes being a good parent was an important theme in this research. For the parents in this study, protecting their child was viewed as their main role as a parent; it was instinctual and fundamental to the parental role. In the focus groups/interviews, a number of processes in relation to this concept could be noted: (a) the parents (in general) viewed themselves as good parents and could provide examples to support these self-appraisals; (b) according to the parents, a good parent protected their child, instilled good values (thus, preventing bad behaviour) and prepared their child for adulthood by granting increasing autonomy; (c) when their child was bullied, the parent needed to protect their child however; (d) protecting their child was often not possible for these parents, especially if they perceived institutional factors were hindering their efforts; (e) this created dissonance because the parent recognised themselves to be a good parent, yet their inability to protect their child meant they sometimes doubted themselves and finally; (f) this led to a number of responses, including frustration towards the school, challenging the school’s handling of the problem, and self-blaming/guilt for their child’s experiences.
Research has suggested that parents, professionals and society position parents in one of two polarised groups: ‘good’ and ‘bad’ (McCormick
2010; Pedersen
2016; Phoenix and Woollett
1991). Evidence has also shown the impact of parents’ self-scrutiny, including guilt, anxiety, and a lowered self efficacy in mothers who put pressure on themselves to be the perfect parent (Henderson et al.
2016). Thus, it is perhaps unsurprising that parents who deemed themselves to have not protected their child came to doubt themselves as being good parents. Notions about what it means to act as a good parent in a school bullying situation have emerged in other studies and signalled the importance of examining parents’ experiences within the context of their perceptions of the parental role. For example, Hein (
2014) found that parents engage in a process of looking inwards at themselves to determine how they might have contributed to their child’s victimisation experiences. In this situation parents can doubt their actions and feel powerless to help their child. Parents in the research by Harcourt et al. (
2015) also expressed a sense of failure and guilt at not being able to protect their child.
According to Treharne and Riggs (
2013, p. 63) analytical generalisation is “the process of generalising from some data to an extant theory rather than generalising from some data to the population, as is attempted in statistical generalisation”. The themes that emerged in this study parallel the findings of other research in this area and the broader theory of the perceived role of a good parent. In this way, the findings from this research appear to resonate with the experiences of other parents. Even so, it is important to note that the experiences of parents who participated in the focus groups/interviews may not be representative of the experiences of all parents whose children are being bullied. In cases where teachers assisted with recruitment, some parents may not have been considered, for example those who had tricky relationships with the school or those who found interactions with teachers intimidating. There will also be bias in the parents who volunteered. This is because the participants shared a common endeavour to protect their child, and this may have contributed to their decision to participate in the study. Moreover, those who had an especially negative experience may have been more motivated to participate in the research to flag up the problems they experienced (especially problems in relation to the school). Accordingly, this sample is unlikely to be representative of all parents of bullied children. Similarly, the experiences they had when working with their child’s school only showed what they encountered and are not necessarily the norm.
It was disappointing that no fathers/male carers participated in the research despite the invitation to participate being open to both parents. The issue has been encountered in other studies targeted at parents (for example, Holt et al.
2009 and Sawyer et al.
2011). Research with fathers/male carers is essential because they are likely to play a crucial role in children’s experiences, especially in their sons’ experiences. Studies are also needed to explore the extent that fathers’ responses to children’s peer victimisation are different to mothers’ responses. Future research should also examine the experiences of parents whose children engage in bullying behaviours. The parents in this study were only asked about their child’s experiences of victimisation and were not asked to consider whether their child could have bullied others. However, learning about the experiences of parents of children in other roles such as ‘bully’ and ‘bully-victim’ should not be overlooked in future studies.
Implications for Research
It is important to acknowledge that while an overall negative account of interactions with schools/teachers is given in this paper, there were some examples of positive experiences. It is also essential to recognise the competing demands on teachers’ time and conflicting opinions about what should be their focus including tackling behaviour problems, completing education and administration tasks, and supporting students who have individual personal problems (Brown et al.
2002; Mulholland et al.
2013). Teachers have reported pressure from parents to achieve good results, say they are held entirely accountable for pupils’ examination grades, and are often met with disparaging parental opinions about the teaching profession (Brown et al.
2002; Brown and Manktelow
2016). This paper is not intended to add to the criticism aimed at teachers, but instead highlight the parental perspective and give insight into their responses. For instance, parents who regularly intervene in teachers’ handling of school bullying incidents are likely to be doing so out of concern to protect their child, rather than because they doubt the teachers’ expertise. Indeed, it is acknowledged that many teachers act strenuously to tackle bullying in their schools. This research emphasises the importance of schools communicating this to parents to prevent them from suspecting indifference in the teachers. Other studies have highlighted the perils of teachers not relaying their actions to parents. In this situation, parents will use their child’s reports of their experiences (for example, continued victimisation) as an indication of what the school has (or has not) done to tackle the problem (Hein
2014; Rigby
2013). These issues illustrate the need for research to explore school bullying from the teacher’s perspective, including the difficulties they may encounter when working with parents.
This was an exploratory study and provides direction for areas of future research in this field. Studies are needed to explore how parents’ experiences are influenced by the type of bullying that their child is subjected to. It should also be noted that previous research has examined a number of youth characteristics in relation to the prevalence of peer victimisation (Hong and Espelage
2012). This includes the experiences of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered youth (e.g. Almeida et al.
2009; Swearer et al.
2008), disabled young people (e.g. Bourke and Burgman
2010), and the association between race/ethnicity and peer victimisation (e.g. Graham
2006; Vervoort et al.
2010). The focus of this study was to explore parents’ experiences, and while youth characteristics were occasionally mentioned by the parents, for instance one parent referred to her child’s ethnicity, future research should explore these areas in relation to parental experiences.
The findings of this study showed how parents can struggle to view themselves as good parents, especially when they feel frustration towards perceived institutional factors. Schools will encounter numerous challenges addressing the issue of bullying, but this is not how it is perceived by the parents who feel they are being excluded from the process. This can result in parents being viewed by the school as bad parents when in fact their intentions are to be good parents. Therefore, schools need to enter into an alliance with parents if they are to develop a truly effective strategy. This is likely to be more achievable when each party has a better understanding of the other’s perspective. A positive starting point would be for teachers to understand and acknowledge the parents’ principal role as the ‘protector’ and ‘defender’ of their child (Roffey
2004). Similarly, parents do not always see the work that is being done by teachers to tackle the problem and can incorrectly deduce that no action has been taken. Thus, it is important that anti-bullying policies include clear information about how parents can contact the school, and when and how teachers will communicate with them. Crucially, both parties need to endeavour to meet their responsibilities stated in the policy. This is likely to be more feasible for parents if they have had an opportunity to contribute to the content of the anti-bullying policy including what they see as their responsibilities, their preferred method(s) of communication and advice for how to help their child. This research reminds us that while it can take time for schools to establish what happened and respond accordingly, parents’ accounts and viewpoints need to be heard and taken seriously (Rigby