It has been proposed that psychiatric symptoms, such as autism, lie on a continuum with normality (Constantino and Todd
2003). Several studies have reported that autistic traits are common in the general population (Ronald and Hoekstra
2011; Skuse et al.
2005). In addition, several authors have suggested that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be conceptualized as arising in individuals found at the extreme end of a normal distribution of autistic-like traits (Constantino and Todd
2003). One strategy to investigate this theoretical continuum is the use of endophenotypes. Although criteria for the validity of endophenotypic markers differ across studies, there is overall consensus that endophenotypes are quantitative, heritable, trait-related deficits typically assessed by laboratory-based methods rather than clinical observation (for overview see Bearden and Freimer
2006). The search for endophenotypes is based on the assumption that behavioral symptoms can be linked to neurobiological (and genetic) underpinnings both in the clinical population and the general population. Neuroimaging measurements have potential interest as endophenotypes for ASD, because these methods are typically repeatable, provide quantitative data, and may be more sensitive than behavioral observations to subtle brain changes. Indeed, several lines of evidence coming from twin and sibling studies, do suggest that structural brain abnormalities are present in unaffected co-twins and siblings though to a lesser degree than in people with ASD (Barnea-Goraly et al.
2010; Kates et al.
2004; Mitchell et al.
2009) which is in line with the endophenotypic view of ASD.
In the past few years an increasing number of neuroimaging studies have also investigated potential associations between autistic traits and (typically developing) controls in brain structure, using cross-sectional neuroimaging designs. Here we focus specifically on those studies using the autism-spectrum quotient AQ; (Baron-Cohen et al.
2001) as this instrument was designed specifically to measure variation in autistic traits in non-clinical samples, and has demonstrated good internal consistency and test–retest reliability in the Dutch population (Hoekstra et al.
2008). An overview of studies reporting associations between autistic traits, as measured with the AQ, and brain structure and function is presented in Table
1. Generally, these studies have reported relatively small associations with gray matter indices and AQ-scores in healthy subjects (larger and smaller volumes: Geurts et al.
2013; Saito et al.
2014) or no differences (Kosaka et al.
2010; Watanabe et al.
2014). With minor exceptions [smaller left inferior parietal lobule (Geurts et al.
2013); smaller insula (Saito et al.
2014)] these findings do not converge compared to meta-analytical findings of gray matter abnormalities in ASD (Cauda et al.
2011; Duerden et al.
2012; Nickl-Jockschat et al.
2012; Stanfield et al.
2008; Via et al.
2011). These discrepancies may be accounted for by participants’ age, because the studies presented in Table
1 all concern young adults while the meta-analyses in ASD report findings from childhood to adulthood. This argument is further supported by structural brain differences between children and adults with ASD, generally showing larger brain abnormalities in childhood compared to adulthood (Duerden et al.
2012). If brain abnordonemalities in ASD lessen with age (see also Raznahan et al.
2010), it might be that autistic traits in the healthy adult population may show only moderate associations with structural brain indices.
Table 1
Structural neuroimaging studies on autistic traits limited to autism-spectrum quotient in controls
| 32 PDD-NOS 40 | 100 | 23.8 (4.2) | 18–34 | 32.0 (5.7) | Full | VBM | Higher AQ score ⇒ smaller GM volumes of R insula and R IFG for whole group, but not in NC separately |
| NC | 100 | 22.5 (4.3) | 17–32 | 17.1 (5.8) | | | |
Von dem Hagen et al. ( 2011) | 91 NC | 41.8 | 25 (5) | 18–42 | 16 (7) | Full | VBM/fMRI | Higher AQ scores ⇒ smaller WM volume in pSTS; AQ was correlated with extent of cortical deactivation near pSTS for contrast stroop > rest |
| 85 NC | 62.4 | 21.5 (2.4) | 18–29 | 55.3 (17.2) | Fulla
| VBM | Higher AQ score ⇒ larger GM volume of L middle frontal gyrus; and smaller GM volume in L IFG; L central gyrus; PCC; and L inferior and superior parietal lobe. |
| 79 M NC | | 29.4 (4.2) | 21–40 | 59.4 (11.4) | Fulla
| VBM | Lower AQ prosociality score ⇒ smaller R insula in males, and lower prosociality scores ⇒ reduced structural coupling of R insula with ventral ACC in males
| 56 F NC | | 28.1 (4.4) | 22–40 | 57.0 (13.6) | | | |
| 51 ASD | 100 | 30.9 (8.2) | 19–51 | 35.5 (5.3) | Full | SulcoGyral pattern | No association between sulcal subtype and AQ score |
| 55 NC | 100 | 32 (7.1) | 19–49 | 14.3 (5.8) | | | |
| 30 | 46.7 | 22.5 (3.0) | n.a. | 21.2 (6.2) | Full | DTI/fMRI | Higher AQ score ⇒ larger volume of connectivity between the STS and AMG, and with imagination sub-scale |
So far only one study reported autistic traits in a non-clinical sample and the association with white matter as measured with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI; Iidaka et al.
2012). Here the authors examined an a priori defined white matter fiber bundle associated with face-processing and reported increased white matter connectivity volume (between superior temporal sulcus and amygdala) with higher AQ-scores. Although it is difficult to embed this result in the current literature due to the specific fiber selection, the results do not overlap with volumetric white matter findings in ASD (Radua et al.
2011). Furthermore, it is important to note that the relationship between ASD symptomatology and white matter integrity in ASD is rather mixed, with equaling numbers of studies reporting associations or a lack thereof (Ameis and Catani
2014). These variable results have been related to the heterogeneity of the disorder, small sample sizes, and different methodologies (Ameis and Catani
The purpose of the current study was to examine the association between autistic traits in young non-autistic adults with a variety of structural brain indices: gray matter volume, cortical thickness, surface area, structural coupling and DTI parameters. To this end, we used an exploration-validation design in two large independent samples (Exploration N = 204; Validation N = 304), stratified for age, sex, and level of education. The exploration strategy allowed us to explore brain-behavior relationships without the need to correct for multiple comparisons. The Validation study evaluated these brain-behavior relationships with appropriate statistical measures to account for multiple comparisons. A (significant) confirmation of these brain-behavior relationships in the independent sample indicates replication of these findings. If brain-behavior associations were not confirmed in the Validation study, this suggests that there’s no association between autistic traits and our structural brain indices.
The first goal of this study was, therefore, to elucidate the relationship between autistic traits and a number of gray matter indices. First, we aimed to replicate our VBM findings from an earlier independent study (Geurts et al.
2013) (Table
1). Second, we aimed to extend these findings to associations in cortical thickness, surface area and structural coupling. Cortical thickness findings in ASD generally show atypical brain maturation (Raznahan et al.
2010), thinner cortical regions (Scheel et al.
2011; Wallace et al.
2010), and increased frontal lobe thickness has also been reported in adults with ASD (Ecker et al.
2013). In addition, positive associations between scores on the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R; Lord et al.
1994) and frontal and parietal thickness have been reported (Ecker et al.
2013). Based on these findings in ASD, we expected associations between autistic traits and cortical thickness in neurotypicals regardless of the direction. Reports on surface area (SA) in young adults measures have revealed reduced SA, primarily in orbito-frontal cortex and posterior cingulum (Ecker et al.
2013), or no differences between ASD and controls (Haar et al.
2014; Raznahan et al.
2010; Richter et al.
2015; Wallace et al.
2013). Here we didn’t expect SA differences to be related to autistic traits.
Finally, structural coupling was assessed to look at gray matter networks. A large number of studies have postulated that autism is associated with abnormal brain wiring (Kana et al.
2011; Vissers et al.
2012). Although most studies have used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) or resting-state fMRI to assess structural and functional connectivity (Vissers et al.
2012), both structural covariance and structural coupling measures have also been used investigate brain networks. The biological nature of gray matter morphological networks remains unclear, but it has been suggested that covarying brain regions indicate synchronized maturation (Alexander-Bloch et al.
2013) or common experience-related plasticity (Mechelli et al.
2005). In ASD, the salience network appears to be undersized, whereas the default mode network (DMN) demonstrates both under- as well as over-connected components, some outstretching typical DMN network topology (Zielinski et al.
2012). Graph-theoretical methods have also been applied to gray matter networks in ASD. Reduced modularity (highly connected nodes within modules compared to between modules) has been reported in autistic children compared to controls. Furthermore, enlarged frontal correlation strength (within module) has been found, while long distance connections between frontal and other lobes demonstrated reduced correlation strength (Shi et al.
2013). Here we explored structural covariance based on cortical thickness and gray matter volume in neurotypical adults and the association with autistic traits.
The second goal of this study was to examine the relationship between white matter, i.e. fractional anisotropy (FA; white matter integrity and the directional dependency of water diffusion in the brain), and autistic traits. Prior studies in ASD generally indicate reduced FA-values most consistently found in regions such as the corpus callosum, cingulum, and parts of the temporal lobe (Travers et al.
2012). Although autistic symptom severity has been associated with FA-values, there’s no consensus on directionality and further interpretation is also hampered by (relatively) small samples (Travers et al.
2012). This led us to hypothesize that only weak or no associations were to be expected between autistic traits and FA-values.
In this large exploration-validation study, we investigated if autistic traits in neurotypical adults were associated with a comprehensive series of structural brain indices. In contrast to our hypotheses, no evidence was found for any relationships between individual differences in behavior and brain anatomy. This was further demonstrated by lack of brain-behavior associations in the combined sample of N = 508. Accordingly, these results do not provide evidence for the presumed continuum of autistic traits and associated morphological differences in the general population.
Although most initial reports found significant associations between autistic traits and regional brain volumes (see Table
1), we failed to show such an association in the largest study to date on autistic traits and brain structure. Our results are in part consistent with one study demonstrating AQ-brain volume associations in a sample consisting of people with PDD-NOS, but not in the control group (Kosaka et al.
2010). Similarly, Von dem Hagen and colleagues didn’t report associations between gray matter volume and autistic traits after correction for multiple comparisons (von dem Hagen et al.
2011). There are also a number of differences between our assessment and those reported in Table
1. First, we used an exhaustive assessment of structural brain indices comprising VBM, and also cortical thickness, cortical volume, surface area, gray matter coupling and FA-values. Direct comparisons between studies are limited to VBM results only, because the other measures were not taken into account and thus warrant replication. Second, we used the short version of the AQ (28 items) whereas the other studies used the full version (50 items). However, the short version has proven to demonstrate high sensitivity and specificity in the Dutch and British population, with high correlations with the full-scale version (
s between 0.93 and 0.95) and the age-range on which the questionnaire was validated matches those from our sample (Hoekstra et al.
There are several possible interpretations for the absence of our findings. Our participants had relatively low scores on the AQ-28, despite similar variance in AQ-scores compared to earlier studies reporting brain-behavior associations (full AQ; Geurts et al.
2013; Saito et al.
2014), and to the validation study of the abbreviated AQ (Hoekstra et al.
An alternative interpretation is that gray and white matter abnormalities are only present in ASD and relatives, but are not associated with autistic traits in the general population (Kates et al.
2009; Segovia et al.
2014). This would suggest that clinical phenomena associated with ASD do not lie on a continuum with normality. Such a conclusion may be an oversimplification and warrants a detailed assessment. A (statistical) relationship between specific brain measures and autistic traits depends upon (1) sample size; and (2) the measure being studied. In case of the first, we believe that our approach, using an exploration-validation design with two large independent samples, provided sufficient power to detect possible brain-behavior associations if these were present. In case of the latter, there are a number of issues that need to be discussed.
We should separate the term “measure” as mentioned above into our neuroimaging measures and the autistic traits measure. In various neuroscience research fields, including psychiatric disorders, neuroimaging is considered to be a useful tool for the discovery of neuroimaging endophenotypes (e.g. Prasad and Keshavan
2008; Rijsdijk et al.
2010). Furthermore, this technique has proven the ability to allow identification of abnormal brain morphometry or activity in vivo that are predictive or associated with the development of a disorder/condition (Bearden and Freimer
2006; Glahn et al.
2007). By combining different modalities of structural neuroimaging, we believe that our approach employing standard, validated and accepted methodology (FSLVBM, FreeSurfer and TBSS) yielded reliable results.
As discussed previously, the AQ was developed to examine autistic traits in non-autistic individuals (Baron-Cohen et al.
2001). It is possible that the correspondence of autistic symptoms measured with the AQ(-28) in ASD and neurotypicals is not one-to-one. This was recently demonstrated in a study examining the AQ-28 in both individuals with ASD and controls. The authors showed that variables of the short AQ measure the same latent traits across ASD and control groups, but lack of scalar invariance (Murray et al.
2014). This means that equal observed scores on the AQ-28 do not necessarily imply equal levels of autistic traits (or severity) in an individual drawn from an ASD versus a non-autistic population. This has implications in the generalizability of AQ-related neuroimaging findings in the general population to those in ASD, and hence, lacks in the current practice the potential as an endophenotype.
Continuing along this line, the relationship between AQ and diagnosis instruments in ASD, such as the ADI-R (Lord et al.
1994) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS; Lord et al.
1989) has shown to be relatively low (Brugha et al.
2012; Ketelaars et al.
2008) compared to, for example, the SRS (social responsiveness scale) (Bolte et al.
2011). Moreover, it has been suggested that despite the fact that the AQ is a reasonably valid self-report measure, the SRS (Constantino et al.
2003) and the Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ; Hurley et al.
2007) may be more useful to assess autistic traits in the general population (Ingersoll et al.
2011). It should be noted that in a recent comprehensive comparative study on autistic trait questionnaires both the AQ and SRS (for adults) showed poor internal consistency and discriminant validity (Nishiyama et al.
2014). Thus, use of the AQ-28 for autistic traits and structural neuroimaging endophenotypes may not be beneficial in search of a valid imaging endophenotype.
To date, no studies have examined autistic traits measured by different questionnaires or self-reports and combined these with neuroimaging measures. So far, only two reports from one group have used the SRS in relation with brain morphometric measures. Wallace and colleagues described in a longitudinal study of typically developing children and young adults [age-range: 3.3–29.5], cortical thinning with greater autistic traits primarily in the bilateral superior and middle temporal regions (Wallace et al.
2012). In part of the same sample, higher SRS scores in areas associated with variation in the MET-gene, were related to reductions in cortical thickness in the same temporal regions, and pre- and post-central gyri, and bilateral anterior cingulate cortex, and right fronto-polar cortex (Hedrick et al.
2012). These findings showed considerable overlap with cortical thinning reported in ASD, but show almost no overlap with AQ-related brain associations as presented in Table
1. It should be noted that direct comparisons and interpretations between these studies is hampered by design (cross-sectional vs. longitudinal) and methodology (brain volumes vs. cortical thickness).
Finally, a number of various functional neuroimaging studies (fMRI, MEG, and NIRS) have associated autistic traits to task-related responses. Here too, findings are not in full accord with those in the ASD population. For instance, three studies reported positive associations between increased brain activity in posterior superior temporal sulcus and autistic traits [Stroop: (von dem Hagen et al.
2011); eye-gaze studies: fMRI (Nummenmaa et al.
2012), MEG (Hasegawa et al.
2013)], while in ASD inverse relationships for eye-gaze are reported (e.g. Pelphrey et al.
2005). Hence, also with functional neuroimaging no clear evidence is found for AQ-related associations with brain activity. For future studies it would be interesting to combine functional and structural neuroimaging (similar to von dem Hagen et al.
2011), as AQ-related brain associations may be easier to detect in task-relevant brain regions, as these may approximate behavior more closely, than whole brain structural neuroimaging studies. The most obvious approach would then be to examine the association between autistic traits and functional brain activity (during a task), and investigate whether brain structure (measured in terms of volume or cortical thickness) is associated with (1) functional brain activity; (2) autistic traits; and (3) mediates the relationship between those two.
The current study has a number of important strengths. First, the exploration-validation approach allowed us to examine brain-behavior relationships in two independent samples, both larger than those reported in the current literature. Second, we were able to integrate a large number of structural brain indices to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the associations between autistic traits and brain morphometry in the general population. Despite these strengths, our findings should be considered in light of some methodological considerations.
Our interpretations of the current study are limited to our narrow age-range. Similar to prior studies examining the association between AQ and brain structure, the AQ has been used solely in adults, no information is available for children and adolescents or elderly. Furthermore, we acknowledge the well-known issues of reliance on a self-report measure (see also Nishiyama et al.
Some might argue that individuals with a self-reported ASD-diagnosis (N = 10, N = 6 in Exploration and Validation sample respectively), and individuals with AQ-scores above the clinical cut-off (N = 12, N = 21 in Exploration and Validation sample respectively) should be excluded from analyses because this may bias our interpretation. However, excluding those individuals didn’t change our results, and given that including these individuals should, at least theoretically, increase the chance of finding an association between autistic traits and brain structure (which we do not report), we feel confident that our current findings are not due to inclusion of (possible) ASD-related diagnoses.
We recommend future studies to include a wider age-range to examine trait-related brain associations with age. In addition, we believe that autistic traits should be assessed by multiple measures, to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of trait-related associations reported in ASD and non-autistic populations. Furthermore, we believe that, similar to standards in genetic research (e.g. Hirschhorn et al.
2002), declaring a brain structure-behavior association requires an exploration-validation (i.e. replication) design.