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Anxiety sensitivity and modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors: the role of pain intensity among individuals with chronic pain

Auteurs: Brooke Y. Kauffman, Ryan Kroeger, Andrew H. Rogers, Lorra Garey, Joseph W. Ditre, Michael J. Zvolensky

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Behavioral Medicine | Uitgave 2/2022

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Chronic pain is often comorbid with modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as obesity and tobacco use. Among individuals with chronic pain, psychological risk factors may increase pain which, in turn, may increase risk for modifiable cardiovascular disease correlates. Thus, the current study examined the explanatory role of pain intensity in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and two well-documented modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors. Participants included 396 adults with chronic pain who completed an online survey from a larger study examining chronic pain-mental health relations. Results revealed that higher levels of anxiety sensitivity were related to higher levels of body mass index (BMI) through greater levels of pain intensity. Bi-directional relations were observed between anxiety sensitivity and pain intensity for tobacco risk. The current study highlights a potential transdiagnostic cognitive vulnerability factor, anxiety sensitivity, which may be an important treatment target to reduce modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors via reductions in pain intensity.
Model was run for alcohol risk across the entire sample (N = 396) and anxiety sensitivity was not indirectly associated with alcohol risk through pain intensity. However, pain intensity was indirectly associated with alcohol risk through anxiety sensitivity (a*b = 0.13, SE = 0.04, CI95% = 0.054, 0.217, CSE = 0.06). Sample size was insufficient (n = 33) to examine these relationships among daily or almost daily drinkers.
Among daily or almost daily smokers (n = 163) anxiety sensitivity was not indirectly associated with tobacco risk through pain intensity.
Among daily or almost daily smokers (n = 163) pain intensity was indirectly associated with tobacco risk through anxiety sensitivity (a*b = 0.11, SE = 0.05, CI95% = 0.030, 0.278, CSE = 0.07).
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Anxiety sensitivity and modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors: the role of pain intensity among individuals with chronic pain
Brooke Y. Kauffman
Ryan Kroeger
Andrew H. Rogers
Lorra Garey
Joseph W. Ditre
Michael J. Zvolensky
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Behavioral Medicine / Uitgave 2/2022
Print ISSN: 0160-7715
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-3521

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