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01-12-2009 | Original Paper

An International Assessment of the Emotional and Behavioral Strengths of Youth

Auteurs: Kristiina Lappalainen, Hannu Savolainen, Matti Kuorelahti, Michael H. Epstein

Gepubliceerd in: Journal of Child and Family Studies | Uitgave 6/2009

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The assessment of emotional and behavioral strengths has been identified as an important part of the assessment process for children referred for specialized services. The Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale-2 (BERS-2; Epstein, Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale: a strength-based approach to assessment. PRO-Ed, Austin, TX, 2004) was developed as a standardized, norm-referenced instrument to measure strengths of children and youth, and has been found to be a psychometrically sound instrument. We determined the psychometric characteristics of the BERS-2 with a Finnish sample. The BERS-2 was translated in Finnish and 608 Finnish 9th graders filled in the self-evaluation. Results showed that the five subscales of BERS-2 have good reliability and formed a strong strength index. In general, females scored higher than males and special education students scored lower than non-special education students. This study suggests that the translated version of BERS-2 is a valid and reliable instrument in Finland.
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An International Assessment of the Emotional and Behavioral Strengths of Youth
Kristiina Lappalainen
Hannu Savolainen
Matti Kuorelahti
Michael H. Epstein
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Journal of Child and Family Studies / Uitgave 6/2009
Print ISSN: 1062-1024
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2843