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28-10-2015 | Original Article

Adolescent Substance Use & Psychopathology: Interactive Effects of Cortisol Reactivity and Emotion Regulation

Auteurs: Jennifer A. Poon, Caitlin C. Turpyn, Amysue Hansen, Juliana Jacangelo, Tara M. Chaplin

Gepubliceerd in: Cognitive Therapy and Research | Uitgave 3/2016

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How are emotional processes associated with the increased rates of substance use and psychological disorders commonly observed during adolescence? An index of emotion-related physiological arousal—cortisol reactivity—and subjective emotion regulation have both been independently linked to substance use and psychological difficulties among youth. The current study (N = 134 adolescents) sought to elucidate the interactive effects of cortisol reactivity following a stressful parent–child interaction task and self-reported emotion regulation ability on adolescents’ substance use and externalizing and internalizing behavior problems. Results revealed that adolescents with low levels of cortisol reactivity and high emotion regulation difficulties were more likely to use substances, and also had the highest parent-reported symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder. With respect to internalizing symptoms, high emotion-related physiological reactivity coupled with high emotion regulation difficulties were associated with higher self-reported major depression symptoms among youth. Findings reveal that different profiles of HPA axis arousal and emotion regulation are associated with substance use and symptoms of psychopathology among adolescents.
An additional post hoc analysis was performed to assess whether cortisol moderated the association between emotion regulation difficulties and substance use. This resulted in a similar pattern of results; the simple slope for adolescents with low levels of cortisol reactivity (−1 SD: b = 0.14, SE = 0.03, p < 0.001) was significantly different than zero, indicating that higher emotion regulation difficulties were more associated with substance use for youth with lower cortisol reactivity.
Given that there are two emotion-regulation specific symptoms of ODD on the Child Symptom Inventory, we also reran analyses without these items, and the cortisol reactivity × DERS interaction results remained significant, t = −3.13, p = 0.002.
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Adolescent Substance Use & Psychopathology: Interactive Effects of Cortisol Reactivity and Emotion Regulation
Jennifer A. Poon
Caitlin C. Turpyn
Amysue Hansen
Juliana Jacangelo
Tara M. Chaplin
Springer US
Gepubliceerd in
Cognitive Therapy and Research / Uitgave 3/2016
Print ISSN: 0147-5916
Elektronisch ISSN: 1573-2819