Mode of delivery dimensions
| |
Duration | Total duration of the intervention |
Session number | Total number of sessions over which the intervention was delivered |
School setting | Delivered in a school, classroom or educational setting |
Clinic setting | Delivered in a clinic or health care setting |
Community setting | Delivered in a community setting |
Group delivery | Delivered in a group setting rather than to individuals |
Communicator dimensions
| |
Peer delivery | Delivered by a peer or involved peer group discussion/education |
Expert delivery | Delivered by an expert (including health care providers/counselors) |
Matched ethnicity | Delivered by a person of the same ethnicity as the recipient |
Matched gender | Delivered by a person of the same gender as the recipient |
Similar age | Delivered by a person of a similar age as the recipient |
Content dimensions
| |
Group targeting/tailoring | Intervention targeted at a specific group or intervention tailored to enhance its applicability and acceptability to a particular group. Groups may be based on characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, culture, sexuality or age. |
Individual tailoring | The materials used for the intervention were tailored to each individual recipient |
Formative research | The intervention was underpinned by previously conducted (formative) research |
Theory-based | The intervention was underpinned by a theory of health behavior |
Information | Provided information about the mechanisms of HIV, STI/HIV transmission or disease prevention methods (e.g., condom use) |
Motivational enhancement | Included a motivational enhancement component or training |
Threat/fear induction | Included threat/fear-inducing arguments or addressed perceptions or risk |
Attitudinal arguments | The intervention included arguments aimed to change people’s attitudes towards risky sexual behavior and using condoms |
Normative arguments | Included normative arguments which addressed social norms towards safer sex and/or peer influence |
Address barriers | Addressed barriers to condom use |
Address self-efficacy | Addressed self-efficacy beliefs about safer sex and/or protective behavior |
Behavioral skills arguments | Included behavioral skills arguments |
Skills (mixed) | Included various types of skills training or included skills training without specifying the exact skills that were addressed |
Condom skills | Included condom use skills training |
Intrapersonal skills | Included intrapersonal skills training not restricted to condom use (including self-management, self-control, decision making) |
Interpersonal skills | Included interpersonal skills training (including communication/condom use negotiation) |
Eligibility criteria
Information sources, search strategy and study selection
Data extraction and analysis
Authors (year) | Types of interventions/populations included and excluded (latest search year) | Positive (+), negative (−) and non-significant (ns) effects Moderators found to be significant in multivariate tests are italicized
| |
Moderator analysis (k) | Condom use/unprotected sex | STI/HIV incidence | |
Albarracin et al. (2005) | HIV prevention interventions. Studies must include a pre-test and post-test. (2003) Univariate analyses were conducted for all moderators apart from the use of formative research. For some moderators analyses were conducted separately for active (k = 123) and passive (k = 77) interventions. The results were the same for both types of interventions unless otherwise indicated | (+) Information (active), Gender group targeting/tailoring, Attitudinal arguments, Behavioral skills arguments, Intrapersonal skills, Theory-based (−) Threat/fear induction (active), Normative arguments (active), Interpersonal skills, Formative research (ns) Duration, School setting, Clinic setting, Community setting, Group delivery, Ethnic group targeting/tailoring, Information (passive), Threat/fear induction (passive), Normative arguments (passive), Condom skills | Not tested |
Albarracin et al. (2003) | Condom use communications (verbal, written or visual). Excluded studies in which recipients engaged in behaviors (e.g., role playing). Studies must include a pre-test and post-test. (1998). Multivariate analyses were only conducted for communication arguments (e.g., attitudinal arguments/behavioral skills arguments) controlling for methodological features (k = 40) | (+) Formative research, Attitudinal arguments, Behavioral skills arguments
(−) Information, School setting (ns) Duration, Threat/fear induction, Normative arguments | Not tested |
Albarracin et al. (2008) | HIV prevention interventions with focus on condom-use. Studies must include a pre-test and post-test and provide information about the percent of Latinos in the sample. (2005) Multivariate moderator analysis was conducted separately on studies according to whether they included a high % (k = 33) or low % of Latinos (k = 317). The results were the same for both groups of studies unless otherwise indicated | (+) Clinic setting (Low % Latino), Group delivery (Low % Latino), Expert delivery (Low % Latino), Matched ethnicity (Low % Latino), Matched gender (Low % Latino), Similar age (Low % Latino), Information (Low % Latino), Threat/fear induction (High % Latino), Attitudinal argument (Low % Latino), Behavioral skills arguments (Low % Latino), Condom skills (Low % Latino), Intrapersonal skills (Low % Latino)
(−) Clinic setting (High % Latino), Community setting (Low % Latino), Threat/fear induction (Low % Latino), Attitudinal arguments (High % Latino), Normative arguments, Behavioral skills arguments (High % Latino), Condom skills (High % Latino), Intrapersonal skills (High % Latino), Interpersonal skills (High % Latino)
(ns) Community setting (High % Latino), Group delivery (High % Latino), Expert delivery (High % Latino), Matched ethnicity (High % Latino), Matched gender (High % Latino), Similar age (High % Latino), Interpersonal skills (Low % Latino) | Not tested |
Chin et al. (2012) | Group-based HIV/STI and comprehensive risk reduction interventionsa conducted on adolescents (10–19 years) in school or community settings. (2007) This meta-analysis reported effect sizes for a range of sexual risk behaviors including condom use (k = 48), unprotected sexual activity (k = 29) and STI incidence (k = 8). Univariate moderator analysis was conducted on all of these measures with no significant moderator effects reported | (+) None reported (−) None reported (ns) Duration, School setting, Community setting, Peer delivery, Group targeting/tailoring | (+) None reported (−) None reported (ns) Duration, School setting, Community setting, Peer delivery, Group targeting/tailoring, |
Crepaz et al. (2007) | Behavioral STI/HIV prevention interventions conducted on STI clinic patients with at least 50 % Black/Hispanics USA only. (2004) Univariate moderator analysis on condom use/unprotected sex (k = 14) and STI incidence (k = 13) | (+) Matched ethnicity (−) Expert delivery (ns) Duration, Session number, Clinic setting, Group delivery, Group targeting/tailoring, Formative research, Threat/fear induction, Attitudinal arguments, Address self-efficacy, Condom skills, Intrapersonal skills, Interpersonal skills | (+) Matched ethnicity, Theory-based (−) Threat/fear induction, Attitudinal arguments (ns) Duration, Session number, Clinic setting, Expert delivery, Group targeting/tailoring, Formative research, Address self-efficacy, Condom skills, Intrapersonal skills, Interpersonal skills |
Crepaz et al. (2009) | Behavioral STI/HIV prevention interventions conducted on female populations with at least 50 % African Americans USA only. (2007) Univariate moderator analysis on condom use/unprotected sex (k = 33) and STI incidence (k = 17) | (+) Matched gender, Group targeting/tailoring, Address self-efficacy, Condom skills (−) None reported (ns) Duration, Session number, Clinic setting, Community setting, Group delivery, Peer delivery, Matched ethnicity, Formative research, Motivation enhancement, Normative arguments | (+) Duration, Peer delivery, Formative research, Address self-efficacy (−) None reported (ns) Session number, Clinic setting, Community setting, Group delivery, Group targeting/tailoring, Motivation enhancement, Normative arguments, Condom skills |
Darbes et al. (2008) | Individual-level and group-level interventions conducted on heterosexual populations with at least 80 % African Americans USA only. (2005) Univariate moderator analysis on condom use/unprotected sex (k = 35) and STI incidence (k = 10) | (+) Peer delivery, Normative arguments (−) None reported (ns) Duration, Session number, Clinic setting, Community setting, Group delivery, Matched ethnicity, Group targeting/tailoring, Theory-based, Motivation enhancement, Attitudinal arguments, Address self-efficacy, Skills (mixed) | (+) None reported (−) None reported (ns) Duration, Session number, Clinic setting, Community setting, Group delivery, Peer delivery, Matched ethnicity, Group tailoring/targeting, Theory-based, Motivation enhancement, Attitudinal arguments, Normative arguments, Address self-efficacy, Skills mixed |
Durantini et al. (2006) | HIV prevention interventions with focus on condom use. Studies must include a pre-test and post-test and provide information about the interventionist. (2003) For some moderators analyses were reported separately according to whether the recipients were predominantly male or female, African or European, and <21 or >21. The results were the same for all groups unless otherwise indicated. Univariate analyses were conducted for all moderators apart from the use of formative research. (k = 166) | (+) Clinic setting, Group delivery, Expert delivery (African, >21), Matched ethnicity (African), Matched gender (female), Similar age (European, <21), Gender group targeting/tailoring, Information, Theory-based, Behavioral skills arguments, Condom skills, Interpersonal skills, Intrapersonal skills (−) School setting, Community setting, Formative research, Threat/fear induction, Attitudinal arguments, Normative arguments (ns) Duration, Expert delivery (European;, <21), Matched ethnicity (European), Matched gender (male), Similar age (African, >21), Ethnic group targeting/tailoring | Not tested |
Earl and Albarracin (2007) | HIV prevention interventions with focus on condom use. Studies must include a pre-test and post-test and include measures of change at both an immediate and delayed follow-up. (2005) Multivariate moderator analysis (k = 180) | (+) None reported (−) Threat/fear induction
(ns) None reported | Not tested |
Eaton et al. (2012) | Single-session behavioral interventions for STI prevention. (2011) Univariate moderator analysis on STI incidence (k = 29) | Not tested | (+) Duration (−) None reported (ns) None reported |
Henny et al. (2012) | HIV prevention interventions conducted on male populations with at least 50 % African Americans and at least 50 % heterosexuals -community-level interventions excluded USA only. (2008) Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model (k = 40) | (+) Matched gender (−) None reported (ns) Duration, Session number, Matched ethnicity, Information, Group targeting/tailoring, Formative research, Motivation enhancement, Attitudinal arguments, Normative arguments, Condom skills, Interpersonal skills, Intrapersonal skills | Not tested |
Herbst et al. (2007) | HIV/STI behavioral interventions conducted on populations with at least 50 % Hispanics USA or Puerto Rico only. (2005) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 19) | (+) Session number, Normative arguments, Address barriers (−) Peer delivery (ns) Clinic setting, Community setting, Group delivery, Matched ethnicity, Formative research, Theory-based, Address self-efficacy, Condom skills, Interpersonal skills, Intrapersonal skills | Not tested |
Herbst et al. (2005) | HIV/STI behavioral interventions conducted on populations with at least 85 % MSM (2003) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 19) | (+) Theory-based (−) None reported (ns) None reported | Not tested |
Higa et al. (2013) | HIV prevention interventions specifically designed for MSM USA only (2011) Univariate analysisb
| (+) Peer delivery, Interpersonal skills (−) None reported (ns) Duration, Session number, Group delivery | Not tested |
Huedo-Medina et al. (2010) | HIV/AIDS behavioral interventions involving face-to-face interactions Latin America and Caribbean only (2009) Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model (k = 32). Bonferroni corrected significance values used (p = .01) | (+) None reported (−) School setting, Group delivery, Group targeting/tailoring (ns) Duration, Individual tailoring, Address barriers, Interpersonal skills | Not tested |
Johnson et al. (2003) | HIV sexual risk-reduction interventions in pre-college adolescents—excluded pamphlet studies (2000) Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model (k = 42) | (+) Theory-based, Condom skills
(−) None reported (ns) School setting, Group delivery, Peer delivery, Matched ethnicity, Matched gender, Individual tailoring | Not tested |
Johnson et al. (2011) | HIV sexual risk-reduction interventions in pre-University adolescents 11–19 years—excluded pamphlet studies (2008) Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model (k = 91). Only motivation enhancement and condom skills were significant in the multivariate model | (+) Motivation enhancement, Condom skills
(−) None reported (ns) Session number, Individual tailoring, Interpersonal skills | Not tested |
Johnson et al. (2009) | HIV risk reduction interventions conducted in populations with at least 50 % African Americans USA only (2006) Moderator analysis was conducted separately for condom use in the short-term (k = 68), intermediate (k = 59) and long-term (k = 28). The results were the same at all follow-ups unless otherwise indicated. Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model. Only duration (intermediate, long-term) and intrapersonal skills (short-term) were significant in the multivariate model | (+) Duration (intermediate, long-term), Individual tailoring (long-term), Interpersonal skills (intermediate, long-term), Intrapersonal skills (short-term)
(−) None reported (ns) Duration (short-term), Individual tailoring (short-term), Interpersonal skills (short-term), Intrapersonal skills (intermediate, long-term) | Not tested |
Johnson et al. (2005) | HIV prevention interventions in populations with a high MSM percentage (2005) Stepwise regression used to identify moderators associated with the most favorable effect sizes for individual (k = 18), community (k = 10) and group level (k = 10) interventions. | (+) Threat/fear induction (individual, group), Intrapersonal skill (community)
(−) None reported (ns) Threat/fear induction (community), Intrapersonal skills (individual, group) | Not tested |
LaCroix et al. (2013) | Heterosexual couple-based HIV prevention interventions on condom use (2013) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 28) | (+) Condom skills (−) Group delivery (ns) Duration | Not tested |
LaCroix et al. (2014) | Mass media HIV prevention interventions targeted on youth/general population in natural settings—excluded interventions on high-risk groups (2013) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 58) | (+) Duration, Group targeting/tailoring (−) None reported (ns) None reported | Not tested |
Lennon et al. (2012) | Face-to-face HIV prevention interventions that measured depression and reported separate results for women (2010) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 23) | (+) Information (−) None reported (ns) None reported | Not tested |
Liu et al. (2014) | HIV prevention interventions in floatingc populations in mainland China-excluded high risk groups such as MSM, sex workers and drug users excluded (2012) Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model | (+) None reported (−) None reported (ns) Peer delivery | Not tested |
Meader et al. (2013) | Multisession psychosocial interventions on drug users compared against educational interventions (2000) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 46) | (+) None reported (−) None reported (ns) Clinic setting, Motivation enhancement, Condom skills | Not tested |
Mullen et al. (2002) | HIV behavioral and social interventions on adolescents (13–19 years) conducted in school and out of school settings USA only (1998) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 16). Although Bonferroni corrected significance levels were used (p = .004) all the p values for the non-significant effects reported here were greater than the uncorrected significance level of p = .05 that was used in the majority of meta-analyses reported in this paper | (+) None reported (−) None reported (ns) Session number, School setting, Threat/fear induction, Interpersonal skills, Intrapersonal skills | Not tested |
Neumann et al. (2002) | HIV behavioral and social interventions on heterosexuals over 21 years USA only (1996) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 10) | (+) Group delivery (−) None reported (ns) Clinic setting, Skills mixed | Not tested |
Noar et al. (2009) | Computer-technology based HIV prevention interventions (2008) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 12) | (+) Session number, Individual tailoring (−) None reported (ns) Theory-based, Skills mixed | Not tested |
Prendergast et al. (2001) | HIV risk reduction interventions on drug abuse treatment clients USA and Canada only (1998) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 14) | (+) Peer delivery, Intrapersonal skills (−) None reported (ns) Duration, Skills mixed | Not tested |
Reid et al. (2014) | HIV prevention interventions on African Americans USA only (2006) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 99) conducted in communities where Whites had either a negative or positive attitude towards African Americans (k = 99) | (+) Group targeting/tailoring (Whites negative attitude) (−) None reported (ns) Group targeting/tailoring (Whites positive attitude) | Not tested |
Scott-Sheldon et al. (2010) | Individual or group-level behavioral interventions on STI clinic patients USA only (2009) Moderator analysis was conducted separately for condom use/STI incidence in the short-term (k = 31/k = 8), intermediate (k = 26/k = 21) and long-term (k = 13/k = 5). The results were the same at all follow-ups unless otherwise indicated. Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model | (+) Duration, Group targeting/tailoring
(−) Individual tailoring (intermediate, long-term) (ns) Individual tailoring (short-term), Motivation enhancement, Skills mixed | (+) Motivation enhancement (intermediate)
(−) Duration (short-term), Individual tailoring (short-term), Motivation enhancement (short-term), Skills mixed (short-term) (ns) Duration (intermediate, long term), Group targeting/tailoring (intermediate, long term), Individual tailoring (intermediate, long-term), Motivation enhancement (long-term), Skills mixed (intermediate, long-term) |
Scott-Sheldon et al. (2011) | STI/HIV behavioral interventions-excluded mass media/structural (2010) Moderator analysis conducted on condom use (k = 76), STI incidence (k = 62) and HIV incidence (k = 13), Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model | (+) Cultural group targeting/tailoring, Address barriers
(−) Intrapersonal skills (ns) Duration, Matched ethnicity, Matched gender, Gender group targeting/tailoring, Individual tailoring, Motivation enhancement, Condom skills, Interpersonal skills | (+) Gender targeting/tailoring (HIV incidence), Motivation enhancement (HIV incidence), Condom skills (HIV incidence) (−) Intrapersonal skills (STI incidence) (ns) Duration, Matched ethnicity (STI incidence), Matched gender, Cultural targeting/tailoring (STI incidence), Gender targeting/tailoring (STI incidence), Individual tailoring, Motivation enhancement (STI incidence), Address barriers, Condom skills (STI incidence), Intrapersonal skills (HIV incidence), Interpersonal skills (STI incidence) |
Scott-Sheldon et al. (2013) | Behavioral interventions to reduce sexual risk behaviors and the incidence of STIs in South African youth 9–26 years (2013) Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model (k = 10). Although Bonferroni corrected significance levels were used (p = .005) the p value for the non-significant effect of normative arguments reported here was greater than the uncorrected significance level of p = .05 that was used in the majority of meta-analyses reported in this paper | (+) Expert delivery, Condom skills (−) Duration, Session number (ns) Normative arguments | Not tested |
Swanton et al. (2015) | New-media-based sexual health interventions—e.g., social networking sites, smart phone apps (2014) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 12) | (+) None reported (−) None reported (ns) Duration | Not tested |
Tan et al. (2012) | HIV prevention interventions conducted in Asia (2010) Univariate moderator analysis of condom use (k = 52) and STI/HIV incidence (k = 20). Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model | (+) Group delivery, Motivation enhancement, Interpersonal skills (−) Duration, Individual tailoring (ns) Threat/fear induction, Attitudinal arguments, Condom skills | (+) Threat/fear induction (−) None reported (ns) Duration, Group delivery, Individual tailoring, Motivation enhancement, Attitudinal arguments, Condom skills, Interpersonal skills |
Tyson et al. (2014) | STI/HIV prevention interventions on heterosexuals informed by the Theory of Planned Behavior (2013) Moderators identified as significant in a univariate analysis were then tested in a multivariate model (k = 34) | (+) Attitudinal arguments (−) None reported (ns) Information, Motivation enhancement, Normative arguments, Address barriers, Skills mixed | Not tested |
Xiao et al. (2012) | HIV/sexual risk reduction interventions conducted in China (2011) Univariate moderator analysis (k = 25) | (+) Peer delivery, Formative research (−) Expert delivery (ns) Theory-based | Not tested |
Zheng and Zheng (2012) | HIV prevention interventions conducted on MSM in China (2011) Univariate moderator analysis was conducted separated for condom use at the most recent intercourse (k = 16) and within the last six months (k = 16). The results were the same for both measures unless indicated | (+) None reported (−) Peer delivery. Individual tailoring (6 months) (ns) Individual tailoring (most recent) | Not tested |
Moderator analysis
Condom use/unprotected sex | STI/HIV incidence | |||||
(+) | (−) | ns (k < 20, B)b
| (+) | (−) | ns (k < 20, B)b
| |
Mode of delivery dimensions
| ||||||
Duration | 6 | 2 | 15 (4, 1) | 2 | 1 | 8 (4, 0) |
Session number | 2 | 1 | 7 (3, 0) | 0 | 0 | 3 (3, 0) |
School setting | 0 | 3 | 4 (1, 0) | 0 | 0 | 1 (1, 0) |
Clinic setting | 2 | 1 | 7 (3, 0) | 0 | 0 | 3 (3, 0) |
Community setting | 0 | 2 | 6 (1, 0) | 0 | 0 | 3 (3, 0) |
Group delivery | 4 | 2 | 8 (3, 0) | 0 | 0 | 3 (2, 0) |
Communicator dimensions
| ||||||
Peer delivery | 4 | 3 | 4 (1, 0) | 1 | 0 | 2 (2, 0) |
Expert delivery | 6 | 2 | 3 (0, 0) | 0 | 0 | 1 (1, 0) |
Matched ethnicity | 6 | 1 | 7 (1, 0) | 1 | 0 | 3 (2, 0) |
Matched gender | 8 | 0 | 4 (0, 0) | 0 | 0 | 3 (2, 0) |
Similar age | 3 | 0 | 5 (0, 0) | – | – | – |
Content dimensions
| ||||||
Group targeting/tailoring | 9 | 1 | 9 (2, 0) | 1 | 0 | 8 (4, 0) |
Individual tailoring | 3 | 4 | 7 (1, 1) | 0 | 0 | 5 (1, 0) |
Formative research | 2 | 2 | 4 (2, 0) | 1 | 0 | 1 (1, 0) |
Theory-based | 4 | 0 | 4 (2, 0) | 1 | 0 | 1 (1, 0) |
Information | 4 | 1 | 3 (0, 0) | – | – | – |
Motivational enhancement | 2 | 0 | 9 (1, 0) | 2 | 1 | 5 (2, 0) |
Threat/fear induction | 3 | 4 | 6 (3, 1) | 1 | 0 | 1 (1, 0) |
Attitudinal arguments | 5 | 2 | 4 (1, 1) | 0 | 0 | 3 (2, 0) |
Normative arguments | 2 | 4 | 6 (1, 0) | 0 | 0 | 2 (2, 0) |
Address barriers | 2 | 0 | 2 (0, 1) | 0 | 0 | 2 (1, 0) |
Address self-efficacy | 1 | 0 | 3 (2, 0) | 1 | 0 | 2 (2, 0) |
Behavioral skills arguments | 5 | 1 | 0 (0, 0) | – | – | – |
Skills (mixed) | 0 | 0 | 8 (4, 0) | 0 | 1 | 3 (1, 0) |
Condom skills | 7 | 1 | 7 (2, 1) | 1 | 0 | 4 (2, 0) |
Intrapersonal skills | 7 | 2 | 7 (2, 0) | 0 | 1 | 2 (1, 0) |
Interpersonal skills | 5 | 2 | 9 (3, 1) | 1 | 0 | 3 (1, 0) |