Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are complex neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, accompanying restricted repetitive and stereotyped interests and behaviors presenting before three years of age. Autism is the most common among these disorders with current incidence estimates above 1 per 1,000 children and a male to female ratio of about 4:1 (Zhao et al.
2007). Approximately 70% of individuals with autism show mental retardation (Schellenberg et al.
2006). Family and twin studies have demonstrated that autism has a strong heritable component, estimated to be at least 90% (Zhao et al.
2007). The concordance rate in monozygotic twins is 60–90%, and the autism rate in siblings of the affected proband is 2–8%, much higher than expected from the general population (Zhao et al.
Although linkage and association studies have indicated several different chromosomal regions, none of the approaches directly pinpointed autism susceptibility genes, and replication of findings has proven difficult in both research types (Yang and Gill
2007). Cytogenetic abnormalities, consisting of duplications, deletions, translocations, inversions and ring chromosomes have been detected in 5–10% of the patients with autism (Vorstman et al.
2006). Among the most frequently reported are abnormalities of chromosome 15, specifically the interval 15q11–q13 (Nurmi et al.
2003), 2q37, 5p14–15, several regions on chromosome 7, 11q25, 16q22.3, 18q21.1, 18q23, 22q11.2, 22q13.3 and Xp22.2–p22.3 (Vorstman et al.
2006). In addition, copy number variants (CNVs), ranging from a few kilobases to several megabases in size, have been detected in patients with autism (Jacquemont et al.
2006; Sebat et al.
2007; Hoyer et al.
2007; Marshall et al.
2008). Several candidate gene studies have been performed in patients with autism (Kalscheuer et al.
2007). Thus far, three reports on patients with autism and chromosome 8p duplications have been published (Kielinen et al.
2004; Demori et al.
2004; Papanikolaou et al.
2006). In these reports both the clinical diagnostic procedures and the precision of the molecular cytogenetic analyses are highly variable.
Here, we describe clinical and molecular cytogenetic findings in a patient with postnatal growth retardation, autism and self mutilation. Using GTG banding, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC-based array comparative chromosome hybridization (array-CGH) we identified a 6.14 Mb de novo duplication at band 8p21.2–8p21.3 in our patient. This relatively small duplication allows us to identify several gene-dosage sensitive positional candidate genes for his phenotype.
Diagnosing autism in children with a very low developmental age is challenging. The ADI-R, although widely used in research, is not well validated for diagnosis in children with developmental ages below 24 months. According to the ADI-R manual, the instrument can to some extent be used in children with mental ages below 24 months (Rutter et al.
2003). In addition a recent study by Gotham et al. (
2007) shows that the module 1 version of the ADOS, as used in this case, is appropriate in children with a mental age <15 months. In very young or low-functioning children, who are not able to use meaningful words, but with non-verbal mental ages of >15 months (as in our case) sensitivity and specificity of the ADOS classification is high: 97 and 91, respectively (Gotham et al.
2007). These findings support previous reports regarding the validity of the ADOS in children with profound mental retardation (Berument et al.
2005; de Bildt et al.
Patients with ASD often carry cytogenetically detectable abnormalities (Vorstman et al.
2006). Classical karyotyping and array-based genome-wide aneuploidy profiling revealed an extreme genetic heterogeneity in both syndromic and non-syndromic autism patients (Jacquemont et al.
2006; Sebat et al.
2007; Hoyer et al.
2007; Marshall et al.
2008). In particular, Jacquemont et al. (
2006) found 9 different imbalances in 29 patients with syndromic autism, only one of which corresponded to a known autism susceptibility locus. In addition, Sebat et al.
2007 found distinct gains and losses in another 17 patients. Marshall et al. (
2008) discovered 277 unbalanced CNVs in 44% of their ASD families, which were not present in 500 controls. None of these 26 imbalances or de novo copy number variants involved 8p21.3.
Here we report clinical and molecular cytogenetic findings of a male patient with delayed psychomotor development, facial dysmorphic features, autism and self mutilation. Our patient showed the smallest 8p21 microduplication so far reported. The molecular cytogenetic aberrations underlying these syndromes have specifically been excluded by our array-CGH data. The latter method did reveal a segmental trisomy of minimally 6.14 and maximally 6.58 Mb in chromosome 8p21, however. Recently, autism has been associated with partial trisomy of 8p21–8p23 (Kielinen et al.
2004; Demori et al.
2004; Papanikolaou et al.
2006). The non-specific facial dysmorphic findings in our patient were not found in any of the described cases with duplications of part of chromosome 8p (Kielinen et al.
2004; Demori et al.
2004; Papanikolaou et al.
2006). Although the patient reported by Papanikolaou et al. (
2006) has received a thorough psychiatric evaluation, the molecular cytogenetic analyses reported in these three studies are not precise enough to permit identification of possible positional candidate genes for autism.
Several studies have identified numerous candidate genes for ASD (Persico and Bourgeron
2006). Thus far, alterations in genes involved in pathways such as chromatin remodeling and gene regulation, cytoskeleton dynamics and synaptic scaffolding, cell adhesion, second-messenger systems, and genes encoding secreted proteins, receptors and transporters have been associated with ASD (Persico and Bourgeron
2006). This by no means excludes the possibility that other genetic pathways may be involved in ASD. Yet, all genes of relevance to ASD share expression in the central nervous system as a common feature. Therefore, out of the 36 genes with known function in the duplicated region in our patient we consider those which show clear transcript expression in the central nervous system and with apparent functions in the pathways mentioned (Persico and Bourgeron
2006) as primary candidates for ASD. Based on this criterion the genes encoding stathmin 4 (
STMN4) and dihydropyrimidinase-like 2 (
DPYSL2) represent the most plausible gene-dosage sensitive candidate genes for development of ASD in our patient. No polymorphisms or pathogenic aberration similar to the duplication in our patient have been found ( We also did not find any evidence for protein-protein interactions with proteins previously implicated in autism (
NEF3 gene encodes a transcription factor which shows strong expression in the hippocampal region, the dentate gyrus and the olfactory bulb where this protein undergoes O-glycosylation of its tail domain (Lüdemann et al.
2005). Although
NEF3 has been identified as a potential risk factor for neurodegenerative disorders (e.g. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) this gene has never before been implicated in ASD or related neurodevelopmental disorders (Lüdemann et al.
Defects in the neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha-2 polypeptide (CHRNA2) are the cause of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy type 4 (ENFL4) (MIM: 610353). Autosomal dominant frontal lobe epilepsy is characterized by nocturnal seizures with hyperkinetic automatisms and poorly organized stereotyped movements. None of these features were found in our patient or in his family. At this point it is unclear whether or how a duplication of this gene might contribute to the severe autism spectrum disorder, including self-mutilation in our patient.
The STMN4 protein is able to sequester and to interact directly with microtubules, thus causing a switch of tubulin from its straight conformation to a curved one (Holmfeldt et al.
2003; Ravelli et al.
2004). These changes correlate with the loss of lateral contacts and may lead to rapid microtubule depolymerization (Ravelli et al.
2004). Thus, altered gene dosage and consequential elevated expression levels of
STMN4 may interfere with cytoskeleton dynamics and synaptic scaffolding, a pathway related to ASD (Lüdemann et al.
DPYSL2 plays an important role in axonal formation and pathfinding of growing axons to reach their target during brain development.
DPYSL2 participates in breakdown of pyrimidines.
DPYSL2 shares this feature with
HGPRT, the gene involved in the self mutilation disorder Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (OMIM: 300322). Therefore, we hypothesize that dysfunction of
DPYSL2 may contribute to the self mutilation phenotype of our patient (Myers et al.
No specific information relating to brain development or any psychiatric disorder exists for the other brain-expressed genes, Rho-related BTB (RHOBTB2), the mitochondrial solute carrier SLC25A37 (MSCP), paraneoplastic antigen Ma2 (onconeuronal Ag MA2) (AB020690), Adrenergic receptor a-1a (ADRA1A), PTK2B protein tyrosine kinase 2 b (PTK2B), prepronociceptin (PNAOC) and the frizzled homolog 3 (FZD3) contained within the duplicated region in our patient. Therefore, STMN4 and DPYSL2, are the most likely candidate genes to be involved in neuronal development. As found in our patient altered dosage of these genes may be involved in ASD.
In summary, we report here on a boy with postnatal growth retardation and autism who carries a de novo duplication at 8p21.2p21.3 of minimally 6.14 and maximally 6.58 Mb. To the best of our knowledge our patient represents the first case in which autism has been associated with a duplication in 8p21.3 mapped at the molecular level. This proved to be valuable in pinpointing disease genes, thus improving our understanding of genotype–phenotype correlations. This report highlights both the diagnostic value of Array-CGH in children with complex clinical phenotypes and emphasizes the usefulness of the thus generated precise molecular cytogenetic information for identifying candidate genes for ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Screening of larger population of patients with autism together with healthy controls, as well as functional studies and resequencing of the STMN4 and DPYSL genes, may aid to elucidate the possible involvement of these genes in autism.