Meta-analytic reviews have found that between 10 and 20% of children and young people (CYP) will develop PTSD after exposure to traumatic events (Alisic et al.
2014; Hiller et al.
2016). The first 6 months post-trauma may be particularly important, as a period during which initial distress may remit spontaneously or become entrenched (Hiller et al.
2016). Since PTSD is known to have serious and persistent negative consequences for future adjustment (Salmon and Bryant
2002; Bolton et al.
2000), it is important to establish at the earliest possible stage which young people are at risk of persistent symptoms following trauma exposure, and to understand the processes via which risk is conferred. One way of achieving this is to identify biomarkers that are associated with the onset and progression of the disorder (Beauchaine and Thayer
Heart rate (HR) measures have been proposed to be potentially useful PTSD biomarkers, as they are relatively easy to obtain (Mayeux
2004; Olsson et al.
2008). Mechanistically, it has been hypothesized that HR elevations commonly found after trauma exposure may reflect the adrenergic response at the time of the event, as well as ongoing physiological stress reactions (Bryant
2006). As such, they are believed to influence key PTSD-relevant processes, such as initial fear conditioning and trauma memory consolidation, and to be related to ongoing symptoms including heightened distress in response to trauma reminders and generalised hyperarousal.
In adults, there is consistent evidence that elevated basal HR and heightened HR reactivity, particularly to trauma cues, are concurrently associated with PTSD, suggesting heightened sympathetic activation (Buckley and Kaloupek
2001). In addition, elevated basal HR assessed shortly after exposure to a range of traumatic events relatively consistently predicts higher PTSS up to 24 months later (meta-analytic weighted
r = 0.13) (Morris et al.
2016). Studies of adult PTSD have also examined HR variability (HRV), which assesses changes in inter-beat intervals over time, and has been proposed to provide a more sensitive index of the autonomic stress response than mean HR (e.g. Appelhans and Luecken
Generally, higher HRV is believed to reflect a wider repertoire of responses to stress, while lower variability may reflect a diminished capacity to cope (Kim et al.
2018). Consequently, reduced HRV has been associated with decreased self-regulation and motivation for social interactions (Kemp and Quintana
2013), with psychological disorders including anxiety and depression (Bassett
2016; Chalmers et al.
2014), and with long term consequences such as higher cardiovascular disease and increased mortality (Thayer et al.
2010). One measure which is considered to be a reliable and interpretable index of HRV is Fourier-derived high frequency band power (HFBP, 0.15–0.4 Hz) (Billman
2013). HFBP is believed to reflect vagally-modulated functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system (PSN), with a higher HFBP indicating higher HRV, and thus a more adaptive stress response (De Bellis and Putnam
1994; Shaffer and Ginsberg
2017). A second, but less frequently studied measure of HRV, is low-frequency band power (LFBP, 0.04–0.15 Hz). While its interpretability is still debated due to a mix of sympathetic and parasympathetic influences, as basal LFBP is often reduced after trauma exposure, subsequent increases have been proposed to reflect the restoration of the sympatho-vagal balance (Nagpal et al.
2013; Reyes del Paso et al.
2013; Shaffer and Ginsberg
2017). A recent meta-analysis showed that in adults with PTSD relative to controls, there is consistent evidence for decreased basal HFBP, and for small, but significant reductions in basal LFBP (Nagpal et al.
2013), indicating HRV as a promising risk marker for PTSD.
In contrast to robust evidence of persistent cardiovascular alterations in association with PTSD in the adult field, studies of CYP have yielded less consistent findings. To date, the evidence has focused primarily on investigating mean HR. A number of cross-sectional studies have compared basal HR between PTSD and non-PTSD samples of CYP, recruited months to years after the original incident (for a review, see Kirsch et al.
2011). However, unlike the relatively consistent pattern of elevated basal autonomic activation found in adult PTSD, there is little evidence of equivalent changes in CYP. Across studies examining a range of age groups and trauma types, all but one (Scheeringa et al.
2004) found no difference in resting HR between CYP with PTSD and trauma-exposed and non-exposed controls (Gray et al.
2018; Jones-Alexander et al.
2005; Kirsch et al.
2015). Although much of this research has been limited by modest sample sizes, one study of 247 very young children aged 3–6 years also found no basal HR elevations in association with PTSD (Gray et al.
2018). Given the challenges of measuring PTSD in younger children, replication of the latter result in older children is desirable.
Other studies have focused on HR reactivity, rather than basal HR, as a PTSD marker in CYP. Using a range of non-trauma related provocations, no differences in HR reactivity were found between trauma-exposed young people with and without PTSD across diverse tasks (Grasso and Simons
2012; Gray et al.
2018; Jones-Alexander et al.
2005; Saltzman et al.
2005; Scheeringa et al.
2004; MacMillan et al.
2009). However, research focused on trauma-specific provocations has yielded more mixed findings. Thus, the aforementioned study of children aged 3–6 years found a significantly stronger decline in respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) during trauma recall in those who suffered from PTSD, as compared to trauma-exposed and non-exposed controls (Gray et al.
2018). RSA is proposed to comprise a measure of parasympathetic tone that relates to emotional regulation (Beauchaine
2015). A second study of 124 pre-school children found higher HR reactivity to a trauma stimulus in trauma-exposed as compared to non-exposed children, but no differences between those with and without PTSD (Scheeringa et al.
2004). In contrast, two small studies that used trauma scripts as a provocation found that HR reactivity in CYP aged 7–18 with PTSD did not differ from either trauma exposed or non-exposed controls (Jones-Alexander et al.
2005; Kirsch et al.
In addition to cross-sectional evidence, key longitudinal studies have looked at the predictive value of HR in relation to PTSD in CYP (Kassam-Adams et al.
2005). There is relatively consistent evidence that elevated basal HR obtained within 24 h of emergency department (ED) admission following trauma-exposure is a positive predictor of short and long-term PTSS in CYP, with a meta-analysis of six studies yielding a small but reliable effect (
weighted r = 0.18) (Alisic et al.
2011). However, there has been little longitudinal study of HR assessments taken more than 24 h after ED admission. One study found that HR indices assessed at hospital discharge after accidental trauma did not predict 6 month PTSS in CYP (Nugent et al.
2006). Learning more about the predictive value of HR measured more distal to the trauma is potentially important, as measures obtained early after trauma exposure could be confounded by factors such as pain and injury severity, and may not be available for all CYP.
In sum, while longitudinal studies indicate that elevated HR immediately following injury can predict later PTSS, evidence of more persistent changes is limited. In contrast to the adult literature, generally elevated autonomic activity has not been found in CYP with PTSD, and evidence as to whether or not there is greater reactivity to trauma stimuli is mixed. In addition, HRV may provide a more sensitive marker of the autonomic stress response but has been little investigated in CYP. In order to address gaps in the extant literature, we examined whether HR indices obtained 1 month after child trauma exposure were associated with PTSS observed concurrently, and whether they were predictive of persistent PTSS 3 and 6 months later, in a sample of 76 children aged 6–13 years. We examined both mean HR and HRV (HFBP, LFBP) indices, obtained at rest and while the children provided narratives of the traumatic experience a) alone and b) together with their parents. We hypothesized that child mean HR, both at rest and during the narratives, would positively predict PTSS at 1, 3 and 6 months, while HRV indices would be negatively associated. Furthermore, we expected HR measures taken during the trauma narratives to be a stronger predictor of PTSD symptoms than baseline indices.
We examined whether mean HR and HRV measures taken 1 month after exposure to a traumatic event are reliable predictors of child PTSS, both concurrently and at 3 and 6 months follow-ups. We found that baseline HR at 1 month was not correlated with PTSS cross-sectionally or longitudinally. By contrast, indices of HR reactivity in response to trauma provocation (either child only or joint narrative) showed a relatively reliable pattern of correlations with symptoms cross-sectionally, and longitudinally at 3 month follow-up, with less robust prediction of 6 month outcomes.
We found no evidence that baseline HR parameters measured at 1 month post-trauma are associated with concurrent levels of PTSS in CYP. This is consistent with previously reported null findings in relation to basal HR and child PTSS in children (Jones-Alexander et al.
2005; Kirsch et al.
2015), but is in contrast to the adult literature where basal elevations in sympathetic activity have commonly been reported (Pole
2007). It is conceivable that mental health linked lifestyle factors (e.g., increase tobacco and alcohol use) partially explain PTSD related changes in basal HR in the adult literature. Moreover, the adult field has disproportionately reported on veteran samples, where chronic stress and trauma exposure are more typical (Pole
2007), whereas we focused on children exposed to acute, single incident trauma. It will be important to conduct more long term studies of resting HR in relation to child PTSD, in order to examine whether changes emerge over time and could contribute to evidence of increased risk of cardiovascular disease in association with adverse childhood experiences (Danese and McEwen
2012; Suglia et al.
We also found no evidence that baseline HR as measured at 1 month post-trauma was predictive of PTSS 3 and 6 months later. This contrasts with evidence that mean HR shortly following ED admission positively predicts long-term PTSS (Kassam-Adams et al.
2005; Alisic et al.
2011). The current null findings should be treated cautiously, as our study was not well powered to detect longitudinal effects of the magnitude previously reported in the literature (
r = 0.18, a small effect, based on meta-analysis by Alisic et al.
2011). However, the greater elapsed time since trauma exposure is one likely explanation for the lack of prediction in the current study. Theoretical accounts of longitudinal associations between elevated post-trauma HR and later PTSS highlight the potential for adrenergic activation to augment memory consolidation/conditioning for trauma stimuli as the putative underlying mechanism (Bryant
2006), but the same account cannot easily be applied to HR parameters 1 month following trauma. Future studies that complete HR assessments longitudinally, starting from ED presentation, can help to address such questions relating to underlying mechanisms, and can identify optimal time-points at which risk marker assessments for PTSS should be conducted (Olsson et al.
In contrast to null findings for baseline HR, when we examined reactivity to trauma cues using two narrative tasks, relatively higher mean HR as compared to baseline was cross-sectionally associated with child/adolescent PTSS at 1 month post trauma with small to medium effect sizes, for both narratives. Effects were somewhat stronger for the “parent-child” than the “child only” narrative, and it is possible that the joint narrative resulted in higher emotional involvement of the child, and consequently a pattern of HR reactivity that more strongly associated with PTSS. However, the child narrative was always conducted first, meaning that order effects may equally account for the pattern of findings. Overall, our observations challenge previous studies which found no differences in mean HR between CYP with PTSD and trauma controls when listening to idiosyncratic trauma scripts (Jones-Alexander et al.
2005; Kirsch et al.
2015). The current findings are consistent with the observations of one previous study of pre-school children, which found higher autonomic responding (stronger reduction in RSA) to trauma cues in those with PTSD (Gray et al.
2018), and indicate that physiological reactivity to trauma cues in association with PTSD in CYP may show a profile more similar to that seen in adults than previously thought.
We also found evidence that indices of HRV are cross-sectionally associated with PTSS in young people with small to medium effect sizes, specifically HFBP as an indicator of the PNS response (De Bellis and Putnam
1994), and LFBP as a putative indicator of SNS-PNS balance (Nagpal et al.
2013). Relative reductions in HRV change scores from baseline during the narratives at 1 month post-trauma were negatively associated with PTSS. Lower HRV has been linked to a diminished self-regulation (Kim et al.
2018; Kemp and Quintana
2013), which makes our findings consistent with an overall dysregulated ANS response to trauma cues. The current study thus lays a promising basis for further explorations of the role of HRV as a child/ adolescent PTSD risk-marker. Importantly, while the results in the current study were upheld when correcting for multiple testing using the Benjamini Hochberg procedure, replication using larger samples and applying more stringent criteria to control for multiple testing is needed.
Analyses of longitudinal associations between physiological reactivity to each of our trauma narratives at T1 and PTSS at 3- and 6-month follow-up, showed patterns of associations that largely replicated cross-sectional findings, although effects were somewhat less robust for the longer follow-up. Despite these observations suggesting that altered physiological reactivity could be a marker for persistent distress, only HR reactivity during the joint narrative at T2 predicted later PTSS (medium effect size) once T1 symptom levels were controlled for. This is not entirely surprising, as PTSS at 1-month post-trauma are one of the strongest predictors of long-term PTSD risk in CYP (Trickey et al.
2012). Furthermore, according to our cross-sectional analyses, HR indices and PTSD symptom measures obtained at 1 month have a substantial amount of common variance, potentially leading to a decreased predictive validity of HR indices when these two potential risk-markers are combined. Thus, co-varying for concurrent symptoms in trying to predict later distress is a particularly stringent test of causality. Nonetheless, based on the current findings it is possible that physiological reactivity to trauma cues is a marker for concurrent distress, rather than a causal factor in the aetiology of PTSD.
Our study has several strengths, including a longitudinal design, the incorporation of both baseline and trauma reactivity measures, and sensitive measurement of HR and HRV. Nonetheless, findings must be considered in the light of several limitations. First, as the HR measurements were only introduced several months into the study, and a number of recordings had to be excluded due to high noise, the sample size was only moderately large, potentially limiting our power to detect long-term effects. Second, while the age range was smaller than in many previous studies, the sample still comprised mixed developmental stages. With mean resting HRs changing substantially over the course of development (Kassam-Adams et al.
2005), further studies are required to investigate age effects in more detail and derive reference values before HR assessments can be established as routine clinical markers. Third, the current study did not take into account child pre- and post-traumatic medical/physical health status, which could have potentially confounded heart-rate measures. Fourth, CYP in the current sample had all experienced single-incident traumas. This limits the generalizability of current findings to other populations, such as children exposed to repeated or prolonged traumas, or those living in high-risk contexts, who might exhibit different patterns of HR reactivity following trauma exposure (Cloitre et al.
2009). Relatedly, symptoms were generally low at T3, with few children showing clinically significant PTSS levels, which may have contributed to the lack of strong predictive effects. It may be of benefit to replicate the study in a clinical sample, investigating the association between HR indices and PTSD diagnoses, which was not possible here due to small numbers meeting diagnostic criteria. Finally, it is important to note that there was a slight over-representation of children with more severe injuries in our sample, as compared to the overall eligible sample, with findings requiring confirmation in a sample that does not show this bias.
In sum, the current study extended present research on HR indices as a risk-marker for child and adolescent PTSD in several directions, including an investigation of the predictive value of HRV assessments, which had not previously been studied in this population. Extending our knowledge on this matter may ultimately lead to improved routine assessments, as well as the targeted implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures, with the aim of buffering adverse outcomes following child and adolescent trauma exposure as effectively as possible.
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