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Psychological Research OnlineFirst articles

Open Access 11-05-2024 | Research

It’s not distance but similarity of distance: changing stimulus relations affect the control of action sequences

Interacting with our environment happens on different levels of complexity: While there are individual and simple actions like an isolated button press, most actions are more complex and involve sequences of simpler actions. The degree to which …

Silvia Selimi, Christian Frings, Alexander Münchau, Christian Beste, Birte Moeller

Open Access 11-05-2024 | Research

The temporal dynamics of task processing and choice in a novel multitasking paradigm

This study investigated the temporal dynamics of task performance and voluntary task choice within a multitasking paradigm in which the task-related processing outcomes themselves determined the to-be-performed task. In the novel forced-no-go …

Victor Mittelstädt, Ian Grant Mackenzie, Sebastian Heins, Jeff Miller

Open Access 09-05-2024 | Research

Simultaneous but independent spatial associations for pitch and loudness

For the auditory dimensions loudness and pitch a vertical SARC effect (Spatial Association of Response Codes) exists: When responding to loud (high) tones, participants are faster with top-sided responses compared to bottom-sided responses and …

Sarah Koch, Torsten Schubert, Sven Blankenberger

02-05-2024 | Research

Lifetime familiarity cue effects for autobiographical memory

Recollecting an autobiographical memory requires a cue to initiate processes related to accessing and then elaborating on a past personal experience. Prior work has shown that the familiarity of a cue can influence the autobiographical memory …

Lauri Gurguryan, Haopei Yang, Stefan Köhler, Signy Sheldon

29-04-2024 | Correction

Correction: Uncertainty salience reduces the accessibility of episodic future thoughts

Marianthi Terpini, Arnaud D’Argembeau

23-04-2024 | Research

Recurrent involuntary memories and mind wandering are related but distinct

Spontaneous thought is common in daily life, and includes recurrent involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs; memories retrieved unintentionally and repetitively) and mind wandering (MW). Both recurrent IAMs and MW are often unintentional or …

Ryan C. Yeung, Myra A. Fernandes

Open Access 23-04-2024 | Research

Music in the eye of the beholder: a pupillometric study on preferred background music, attentional state, and arousal

Although background music listening during attention-demanding tasks is common, there is little research on how it affects fluctuations in attentional state and how these fluctuations are linked to physiological arousal. The present study built on …

Luca Kiss, Bence Szikora, Karina J Linnell

18-04-2024 | Research

Impact of relative and absolute values on orienting attention in time

Reward has been known to render the reward-associated stimulus more salient to block effective attentional orienting in space. However, whether and how reward influences goal-directed attention in time remains unclear. Here, we used a modified …

Jingjing Zhao, Yunfei Gao, Sicen Zhou, Chi Yan, Xiaoqian Hu, Fangxing Song, Saisai Hu, Yonghui Wang, Feng Kong

17-04-2024 | Research

The lack of Aha! experience can be dependent on the problem difficulty

Previous research on how problem-difficulty affects solution-types of insight-problems has yielded contradictory findings. Thus, we aimed to examine the impact of problem-difficulty on solution-types in both inter- and intra-problem-difficulty …

Gaye Özen-Akın, Sevtap Cinan

16-04-2024 | Research

Interaction of motor practice and memory training in expressive piano performance: expanding the possibilities of improvisation

This paper aimed to investigate the influence of motor practice and music performance experiences on musicians’ auditory memory, the effect of auditory distinctiveness on melody recognition, and the differences in the working memory of classical …

Jing Hua

16-04-2024 | Research

The role of emotion recognition in reappraisal affordances

The ability to regulate emotions adaptively is important for well-being and mental health. As such, emotion regulation is at the focus of research of emotional disorders (Aldao et al., 2010 ). One of the most studied strategies to regulate emotions …

Natali Moyal, Ilona Glebov-Russinov, Avishai Henik, Gideon E. Anholt

Open Access 13-04-2024 | Research

Unpacking associations among children’s spatial skills, mathematics, and arithmetic strategies: decomposition matters

Several studies revealed links between mental rotation and mathematical tasks, but the intervening processes in this connection remain rather unexplored. Here, we aimed to investigate whether children’s mental rotation skills relate to their …

Wenke Möhring, Léonie Moll, Magdalena Szubielska

Open Access 13-04-2024 | Research

Controlling response order without relying on stimulus order – evidence for flexible representations of task order

In dual-task situations, both component tasks are typically not executed simultaneously but rather one after another. Task order is usually determined based on bottom-up information provided by stimulus presentation order, but also affected by …

Jens Kürten, Tilo Strobach, Lynn Huestegge

12-04-2024 | Research

What makes different number-space mappings interact?

Models of numerical cognition consider a visuo-spatial representation to be at the core of numerical processing, the ‘mental number line’. Two main interference effects between number and space have been described: the SNARC effect reflects a …

Arnaud Viarouge, Maria Dolores de Hevia

10-04-2024 | Research

An expertise reversal effect of imagination in learning from basketball tactics

The imagination effect occurs when participants learn better from imagining procedures or concepts rather than from studying them. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of imagination and level of expertise on memorization of a …

Hajer Mguidich, Bachir Zoudji, Aïmen Khacharem

06-04-2024 | Research

The effect of mood on shaping belief and recollection following false feedback

The current study examined how mood affects the impact of false feedback on belief and recollection. In a three-session experiment, participants first watched 40 neutral mini videos, which were accompanied by music to induce either a positive or …

Chunlin Li, Henry Otgaar, Fabiana Battista, Peter Muris, Yikang Zhang

06-04-2024 | Research

The relationships between urbanicity, general cognitive ability, and susceptibility to the Ebbinghaus illusion

Previous studies have shown that, in samples of non-Western observers, susceptibility to the Ebbinghaus illusion is stronger in urban than rural dwellers. While such relationship between illusion strength and urbanicity has often been ascribed to …

Serge Caparos, Esther Boissin

04-04-2024 | Research

Retrieving autobiographical memories in autobiographical contexts: are age-related differences in narrated episodic specificity present outside of the laboratory?

The Autobiographical Interview, a method for evaluating detailed memory of real-world events, reliably detects differences in episodic specificity at retrieval between young and older adults in the laboratory. Whether this age-associated reduction …

Daniel A. Hernandez, Christopher X. Griffith, Austin M. Deffner, Hanna Nkulu, Mariam Hovhannisyan, John M. Ruiz, Jessica R. Andrews-Hanna, Matthew D. Grilli

04-04-2024 | Research

Exorcizing the homunculus from ideomotor/simulation theory: a commentary on Bach et al. (2022), Frank et al. (2023), and Rieger et al. (2023)

Bernhard Hommel

Open Access 04-04-2024 | Research

Resolving the Centipede’s Dilemma: external focus distance and expertise in applied, continuous skills

Research has reliably demonstrated that an external focus of attention during skill production enhances performance, retention, and transfer relative to an internal focus on movement mechanics. The optimisation of external focus points, across a …

Stephen Banks, Peter Higgins, John Sproule, Ursula Pool